
  • 网络new fertilizer;new type of fertilizer
  1. 盲目过量施肥的危害及新型肥料的开发

    Harm of blind excessive applying fertilizer and development of new type of fertilizer

  2. 新型肥料技术发展趋势

    Technical Development Tendency of New Type of Fertilizer

  3. SV有机无机复肥是山西农业大学化控中心研制的新型肥料。

    The SV organic and mineral fertilizer was a new fertilizer made in Shanxi Agricultural University .

  4. 通过琼脂模拟扩散与土壤扩散试验以及利用盆栽玉米试验验证了一种新型肥料&酸性根际肥对石灰性土壤pH值的降低和对土壤铁的活化作用。

    Three experiments ( acid diffuseness in agar and calcareous soil , potted maize ) were done to validate the effect of acidic rhizosphere fertilizer on the soil pH and Fe availability of calcareous soil .

  5. 控释肥料(Controlledreleasefertilizers,缩写为CRFS)是以有机、无机、有机无机复合材料为载体,制造的可调节和控制养分的释放的新型肥料。

    Controlled release fertilizers ( CRFS ) is a new one which can adjust and control the nutrient releasing , taking organic , inorganic or organic-inorganic compound materials as the carrier .

  6. 新型肥料研制技术与产业化开发

    Development of Productive Technology and Industrialization of New - type Fertilizer

  7. 容大丰等新型肥料对三七产量及品质的影响

    Effects of New Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Panax notoginseng

  8. 从土壤环境改善和新型肥料研发看食品安全

    Assess food safety from soil environment improvement and development of new fertilizers

  9. 新型肥料的研究现状及其在我国的发展战略

    Research and Development of New Fertilizers and Their Developing Strategies in China

  10. 氧化淀粉粘合剂的合成及其在新型肥料中的应用

    Synthesis of oxidized starch adhesive and its application in new type fertilizers

  11. 坡缕石与腐植酸结合开发新型肥料的研究展望

    Prospect on the Development of New Fertilizer Combined Palygorskite with Humic Acid

  12. 生态环境保护与新型肥料的发展

    Eco-environmental Protection and Development of New Types of Fertilizer

  13. 不同类型添加材料在新型肥料生产中的应用

    Application of amendments for manufacturing new types of fertilizer

  14. 新型肥料对夏玉米产量及籽粒蛋白的影响

    Effect of New Type Fertilizers Application on Grain Yield and Protein of Summer Maize

  15. 关于浙江省新型肥料产业化的若干思考

    Some issues on research and development of new type of fertilizers in Zhejiang province

  16. 新型肥料施用对玉米季土壤硝态氮累积的影响

    Effect of New Type Fertilizers Application on Accumulation of Soil Nitrate Nitrogen in the Maize Season

  17. 特别指出要提高化肥利用率,应多生产专用肥及各种新型肥料。

    The suggestions are presented of improving fertilizer efficiency , producing specialty and various new fertilizers .

  18. 新型肥料和科学施肥技术能够有效提高农作物对肥料的利用效率。

    New type of fertilizer and scientific fertilization technology can improve the utilization efficiency of crop fertilizer .

  19. 喷施新型肥料对新红星苹果成熟期中生化指标变化的影响

    Effects of spraying new fertilizer on biochemical characters ' change in Starkrimson Apple Fruits during ripening stage

  20. 化肥企业质检机构的管理试论化肥企业与农业院所共建新型肥料联合体的作用

    Trial Discussion on Role of New Type of Fertilizer Conglomerates Jointly Established by Fertilizer Enterprises and Agricultural Institutes

  21. 有机-无机型复合肥,是消纳农业有机废弃物、提高有机肥使用价值的一种新型肥料。

    In the last , it points out improving waste compost 's quality and developing organic-inorganic compound fertilizer is the .

  22. 如今,利用天然、无污染、易降解物质或者工业废弃物等研制新型肥料成为热点。

    Today , natural , pollution-free , easily degradable industrial waste and other material or develop new types of fertilizers have become popular .

  23. 开发新型肥料、提升科学施肥水平是建设现代农业的一个重要组成部分。

    The development of new fertilizer and promotion of scientific application of fertilizer is considered one of the most important parts for the construction of modern agriculture .

  24. 提出加大有机肥投入总量,实行测土配方施肥,平衡养分,应用新型肥料品种,改进施肥方法,提高肥料利用率。

    So increasing total fertilizer amount , carrying out formulated fertilization , keeping nutritive balance , improving fertilization procedure and raising fertilizer use efficiency are put forward in the paper .

  25. 本文系统分析和研究了国内外新型肥料的发展过程和趋势,提出了未来30年我国肥料发展实行以提高质量替代数量扩张战略,走开发新型肥料之路。

    After reviewing the fertilizer development domestic and abroad , this paper discussed the development strategies , especially quality-oriented instead of quantity-oriented strategy , of fertilizer in China in the coming 30 years .

  26. 缓释肥料作为一种新型肥料以其明显提高肥料利用效率,降低养分流失量业已成为国内外研究热点之一。

    The controlled release fertilizer had become one hotspot for the research in this field as a new type of fertilizer for obviously increasing the efficiency of using fertilizer and decreasing the quantity of the losing nutrition .

  27. 中国生态农业核心技术应包括无公害产品的种植与养殖技术,新型肥料、农药与农膜等基础支撑技术,产品加工技术和产品认证与营销技术;

    The kernel technologies for China 's eco agriculture are mainly connected with no pollution planting and grazing , new typed fertilizers , medicines and farming plastics , and technologies of products processing , products authentication and marketing strategy , etc.

  28. 论民国地方性农业科研机构的历史命运&以江西省农业院为中心试论化肥企业与农业院所共建新型肥料联合体的作用

    The Historical Course of Local Agricultural Scientific Institutions in the Period of National Government & A Case Study of Jiangxi Agricultural Academy Trial Discussion on Role of New Type of Fertilizer Conglomerates Jointly Established by Fertilizer Enterprises and Agricultural Institutes

  29. 加强植物营养物质的循环和再利用,提高营养物质的利用效率,提高作物本身吸收利用养分的能力,发展保肥增效的新型肥料将是今后植物营养与肥料科学的研究重点。

    Strengthening the cycle and reuse of the nutrients , raising nutrient use efficiency , increasing plant abilities for utilizing nutrients , developing new types of fertilizers that may reserve nutrients and increase nutrient use efficiency will be the major areas for researches in the future .

  30. 通过正交试验确定了合成氧化淀粉粘合剂的最佳工艺及对粘合剂粘度影响显著的因素,分析了粘合剂的稳定性和生物毒性,同时对其在新型肥料中的应用做了一定研究。

    The optimal synthesis process of oxidized starch adhesive and the significant factors to the viscosity of the adhesive were determined by means of orthogonal design . At the same time , the adhesive stability , the adhesive bio-toxicity , and its application in new type fertilizers also were studied .