
  1. 试验结果对正确评价非典型新城疫对患病种鸡的影响及新城疫发病学具有一定的参考价值。

    Our results provide certain reference value for the correct evaluation of the effects of atypical Newcastle disease on breeder chickens and its pathogenesis .

  2. 在用新城疫疫苗对雏鸡进行二次免疫的同时,应用不同剂量的法氏囊素给雏鸡注射,然后在不同时间检测雏鸡的HI抗体效价和ANAE+淋巴细胞阳性率。

    We vaccinated chicken twice with Newcastle disease vaccine and injected different doses of bursin meanwhile , then we detected HI antibody titer and positive rate of ANAE + lymphocyte at different times .

  3. 方法用莪术醇及新城鸡瘟病毒对SGC-7901细胞进行系列生物修饰,所构建的瘤苗分别对小鼠免疫接种3次后,接种SGC-7901胃肿瘤细胞,观察各组治疗及免疫效应。

    Methods SGC-7901 cells were modified by curcumol and Newcastle disease virus . The mice were vaccinated with tumor vaccine three times , then SGC-7901 cells . The therapeutic and immunological effect was observed .

  4. 新城疫病毒对血管生长的抑制作用

    Growth Inhibition of Newcastle Disease Virus ( NDV ) on Vein

  5. 新城疫病毒对肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞的作用

    The Effects of Newcastle Disease Virus on Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte

  6. 新城疫病毒对胃癌细胞抗原修饰作用的研究

    The effect of Newcastle disease virus on antigen modification against gastric cancer

  7. 新城疫疫苗对近年流行毒株的保护作用

    Protective Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Vaccine against Prevalent Strains in Recent Years

  8. 新城疫病毒对肿瘤细胞生物学行为的影响

    The Effect of newcastle disease virus on the biological behavior of tumor cells

  9. 人工感染新城疫病毒对雏鸡淋巴细胞功能的影响

    Effect on Chicken Lymphocytes by Newcastle Disease Virus

  10. 致病性鹅源新城疫病毒对鸡胚成纤维细胞的致病变特性

    Cytopathic Alterations of Chicken Embryo Fibroblasts Induced by Newcastle disease virus of Goose Origin

  11. 新城疫病毒对小细胞肺癌裸鼠移植瘤生长的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of Newcastle disease virus on the growth of human small cell lung cancer xenografts

  12. 雏鸡先期接种新城疫疫苗对实验性大肠杆菌病的影响

    Studies on mutual effects of the prior inoculation of Nd attenuated vaccine and Experimental Colibacillosis in the chicks

  13. 目的:研究新城疫病毒对人胃癌细胞株的作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of newcastle disease virus on the human lines of gastric cancer cells .

  14. 目的探讨新城疫病毒NDV对癌细胞的直接杀伤作用。

    Objective Study on direct killing effect of NDV on human tumour cells .

  15. 3株新城疫病毒体外对人喉癌Hep-2细胞杀伤效应的比较

    In Vitro Killing Effects of 3 Newcastle Disease Virus Strains on Human Throat Cancer Hep-2 Cells

  16. 新城疫病毒疫苗对自然人群EB病毒VCA-IgA抗体转阴作用初步报告

    A report on the negative-transforming effect of Newcastle disease virus vaccines on IgA antibody in persons with EB virus VCA

  17. 不同基因型新城疫病毒株对鹅的致病性

    Pathogenicity of Different Genotypes of Velogenic Newcastle Disease Virus to geese

  18. 新城疫病毒疫苗对人类肺癌细胞株抑瘤作用的病理学研究

    Pathological Studies on Experimental Treatment of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells with Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccine

  19. 鸡γ-干扰素联合新城疫活疫苗对肉鸡免疫效果的研究

    Effects of Chicken IFN - γ Associated with Newcastle Disease Live Vaccine On Broiler Immunity

  20. 新城疫病毒疫苗对小鼠S(180)肉瘤抑瘤作用的实验研究

    Experimental studies on the antineoplastic effect of Newcastle disease virus vaccine on murine S 180 sarcoma

  21. 新城疫病毒疫苗对人卵巢癌细胞株治疗作用的研究

    Effects of chicken newcastle disease virus vaccine to the human ovarian carcinoma cell strain in vitro

  22. 产业新城的开发建设对大城市总体城市结构的合理架构和城市用地调整,以及对社会、经济的可持续发展起着巨大的推动作用。

    The development and building of new industrial towns have made a tremendous affect on reasonable framework of overall urban structure , adjustment of urban land and the sustainable development for society and economy .

  23. 通过对中心城以及松江新城的调研发现,新城发展忽视了高质量社会公共设施缺失的问题,从而导致新城对中心城依赖性大,独立性差。

    A survey on Shanghai 's downtown and Songjiang New Town indicates the negligence of equipping high quality social and public facilities in new towns , resulting in their severe dependency on downtown .

  24. 三个新城规划虽符合集中+分散模式的概念,但由于基础设施建设不配套,也很大程度上影响了新城对中心城区的疏解作用。

    Although , ' Three New Cities ' Plan ' is accorded with the concept of ' centralization + separation model ' in simulation , new cities ' decentralization are not effective because of unmatched infrastructure construction .