
  • 网络Crescent Society;the crescent moon society
  1. 新月社:自由与独立兼容并包的政治立场。

    The Crescent Society adopts the political stand of embracing both freedom and independence .

  2. 第一章绪论,简单介绍本论文的目的、意义、研究结构及研究方法,对新月社的翻译研究做出简要的文献综述。

    Chapter One makes clear the literature review , objective , methodology , theoretical framework and structure of this thesis .

  3. 新月社主要成员之一,著有诗集《志摩的诗》、散文集《巴黎的鳞爪》、小说集《轮盘》等。

    As a major member of the Xinyue Society , Xu created many works including Poems of Zhimo , Scales of Paris ( prose ) and Wheels ( novel ) .

  4. 新月社既是中国现代文学史上影响很大的新文学社团之一,又作为一个自由主义知识分子团体而著称于现代中国思想史。

    As one of the most important literary organizations and celebrated liberalistic intellectuals group from 1920s to 1930s , the Crescent Society ( later abbreviated as CS ) has exerted far-reaching influence upon Chinese modern literature and thoughts .

  5. 在勒菲弗尔诗学和翻译相互关系理论的观照下,本文拟从文学系统内部,也即从诗学视角来探究《新月》月刊上的诗歌翻译,以求再现新月社这一持续六年的诗歌翻译史。

    Drawing upon Lefevere 's theory of poetics and translation , the thesis explores poetry translation in Crescent Moon , from within the literary system , that is , from the perspective of poetics , in the hope of unfolding the translation by this group during the six-year span .