
  • 网络Neonatal Hypoglycemia;Neonatal Hypoglycaemia
  1. 新生儿低血糖的临床研究(附115例病例分析)

    Clinical monitoring of neonatal hypoglycemia ( report of 115 cases )

  2. 新生儿低血糖(附58例临床分析)

    Neonatal Hypoglycemia ( including clinical analysis of 58 cases )

  3. 提出早期监测并防治新生儿低血糖可减轻HIE的临床症状,提高生命质量,减少后遗症。

    Monitoring , preventing and treating the disease in time could mitigate the clinical symptom , raise the quality of life and reduce the sequelae .

  4. 妊娠期糖代谢异常并发新生儿低血糖的相关研究

    Study for Neonatal Hypoglycemia in Women with Abnormal Gestational Glucose Tolerances

  5. 早期新生儿低血糖产科相关因素的分析

    Clinical Analysis on the Risk Factor Relationship with Early Neonatal Hypoglycemia

  6. 新生儿低血糖与缺氧缺血性脑病104例分析

    The Analysis on 104 cases of Neonate Hypoglycemia and HIE

  7. 母乳喂养新生儿低血糖影响因素观察

    Influence Factors on the Incidence of Hypoglycemia in Breast-fed Newborns

  8. 高危新生儿低血糖12例临床分析

    Clinical analysis for 12 high risk newborns with hypoglycemia

  9. 新生儿低血糖危险因素判别分析及处理

    Analyses of risk factors and management of neonatal hypoglycemia

  10. 84例新生儿低血糖的观察及护理

    Observation and Nursing Care of 84 Neonates With Hypoglycemia

  11. 新生儿低血糖症的即刻诊断和治疗分析

    Immediate Diagnosis and Treatment Analysis to Neonatal Hypoglycemia

  12. 早期护理干预控制糖尿病母亲新生儿低血糖效果观察

    Effects of early nursing intervention on reducing hypoglycemia in neonates delivered by diabetic mothers

  13. 正常组平均葡萄糖水平明显高于异常组。对新生儿低血糖发生时间、血糖监测的临床意义及治疗和预防进行了讨论。

    The significance of clinical monitoring , prevention and treatment of the desease were discussed .

  14. 新生儿低血糖21例临床分析母乳喂养新生儿低血糖影响因素观察

    Clinical study on 21 neonates with hypoglycemia Influence Factors on the Incidence of Hypoglycemia in Breast-fed Newborns

  15. 本文测定13例新生儿低血糖及22例新生儿高血糖血清胰岛素水平。

    Serum insulin level was measured in13 cases of newborn with hypoglycemia and22 cases of newborn with hyperglycemia .

  16. 结论妊娠合并糖代谢异常孕妇,在产程中行血糖监测和控制,可避免新生儿低血糖的发生。

    Conclusion It is necessary to monitor and control the blood glucose level by low dose constant insulin during labor in pregnant women with abnormal glucose metabolism .

  17. 新生儿期低血糖所致脑损伤的相关危险因素研究

    Risk Factors of Neonatal Hypoglycemic Brain Injury

  18. 新生儿感染并发低血糖及其血浆胰岛素水平的探讨

    A Study of Hypoglycemia and plasma Insulin Concentration in Neonates v tih Infection

  19. 新生儿窒息、低血糖、红细胞增多症和脱水的发生率比对照组高(P<0.01);

    The incidence of neonatal asphyxia , hypoglycemia , erythromatosis and dehydration were significantly higher than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 结果:妊娠期糖尿病孕妇妊娠期高血压疾病、羊水过多、胎儿窘迫、剖宫产、巨大儿、早产、新生儿窒息、新生儿低血糖发生率高于对照组。

    Results : The group of GDM had higher risk of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy , polyhydramnios , fetal distress , cesarean operation rate , fetal macrosomia , premature delivery , infant asphyxia and infant hypoglycemia than in the control group .

  21. GDM孕妇的常见并发症包括先兆子痫、早产、羊水过多、剖宫产、感染等,而胎儿及新生儿的并发症包括巨大胎儿、宫内窘迫、胎儿畸形、新生儿低血糖、新生儿高胆红素血症等。

    The common complications of pregnant women with GDM included pre-eclampsia , premature labor , polyhydramnios , cesarean section and infections , while fetal and neonatal complications contained fetal macrosomia , fetal distress , fetal malformations , neonatal hypoglycemia and newborn hyperbilirubinemia .