
  • 网络History of Xinjiang
  1. 新疆历史发展中的五个基本问题

    The Five Basic Problems in the Development of the History of Xinjiang

  2. 新疆历史地震前兆模拟资料转入数字化平台的实现

    Realization of digital platform from historical earthquake precursory analogue data in Xinjiang

  3. 新疆历史研究需要阐明的几个问题

    Some Basic Problems of Study on Xinjiang History

  4. 唐朝是新疆历史上大规模水利开发的重要时期。

    Water conservancy exploitation was divided into four stages and extended all over Xinjiang area .

  5. 该结果与新疆历史时期百年尺度的水热组合变化规律存在一定的差异;

    This result was different to the water-heat rule of a century scale during history period in Xinjiang .

  6. 新疆驼历史悠久,是古代重要交通工具。

    Xinjiang camel was a kind of important transport tools in ancient times .

  7. 新疆的历史是由诸多民族和当代民族共同创造的。

    The history of Xirjiang is created by a good many histories and the present nationality .

  8. 本文旨在做关于杨柳青年画传入新疆的历史考证研究。

    This paper aims to do on the incoming New Year pictures in China Yangliuqing research study of the history of Xinjiang .

  9. 不仅穿过交河古城也穿过我们的城市塔城这也是为什么我认为新疆的历史文化是一个混合了其他文明的文化哈萨克族人喜欢什么?

    Jiaohe Gucheng but also past our city Tacheng This is why I think the history , culture in Xinjiang ; it is mixed with other culture Questions 1.What do Kazakh people love ?

  10. 新疆植棉历史悠久,是全国最大的商品棉基地,棉花年产量约占全国的35%,占世界的8%左右。

    Xinjiang , which has glorious cotton planting history , is the biggest commodity cotton base in the country . The annual output approximately composes 35 % in the country , occupying about 8 % in the world .

  11. 新疆的历史、美景、多元文化,人民热情的款待、歌唱、跳舞,让旅客宾至如归。

    They are attracted by its history , its scenic beauty , and , most of all , its diverse culture and warm , hospitable people , who sing , dance , and treat visitors like old friends .

  12. 充分说明了这一战略思想的提出考虑了新疆的历史与现实,政治与经济以及国内与国外的因素,具有很强的针对性。

    Because the strategic ideology takes into account the Xinjiang 's history and reality , politics and economy , domestic and international situation , so all of these can show an exact view that the strategic ideology is very practical at the present age .

  13. 新疆的历史从远古开始,就呈现出开放的态势,外来的人种、语言、文化和宗教信仰不断而且持续的进入新疆地区,长期地交融、演变以至发展到今天形成多元化的宗教文化生态格局。

    Xinjiang keeps an open situation in the long history period . Race , language , culture and religion outside continued and continued into the Xinjiang region , integration , evolution and even developed to form a pattern of diverse religious and cultural ecology after long term .

  14. 新疆坎儿井的历史、现状和今后发展

    Xinjiang Karez and it history , presence and future

  15. 新疆苜蓿生产历史久远。

    Xinjiang has long history of alfalfa production .

  16. 新疆杏栽培历史悠久,产量大、品质优。

    Xinjiang apricot , which has the characteristics of large yield and good quality , cultivated for a long time .

  17. 第五部分,历史的总结与启示,通过对新疆哈萨克族悠久历史文化的纵向分析与比较,总结出20世纪50年代新疆哈萨克族社会文化转型过程的特点和意义。

    The fifth part summary and revelation of history summed up the character and significance of the change course in Kazak society in Xinjiang since 1950s .

  18. 在新疆,由于历史的、社会的、地理条件等诸多因素所决定,民族问题始终是一个关系全局的重大问题。

    In Xinjiang , due to historical , social , geographical conditions and other factors , the ethnic issue has always been a relationship between the global major issues .

  19. 这一切方面的相互作用,构成了马克思主义在新疆传入的历史必然性。马克思主义在新疆的传播经历了一个历史过程。

    The interaction of all these aspects , the form of the historical inevitability incoming Marxism in Xinjiang ; Marxism in the early spread of Xinjiang experienced a historical process .

  20. 如上所述,本文五大部分构成一个整体,描绘了变幻风云的新疆近现代历史中回族人民的政治活动。

    As stated above , this five parts constitute an entirety in which it portrays the Hui Nationality 's political activities in Xinjiang modern history that was full of changes and struggles .

  21. 本文主要采用纵向历史溯源和横向具体分析相结合的方法,对二十世纪新疆油画不同历史时期的发展的基本概况进行梳理、概述。

    This article mainly utilizes the methods of vertically tracing origins and horizontally concrete analysis , to summarize the basic development and conditions of oil painting in different periods of the twentieth-century history of Xinjiang oil painting .

  22. 新疆撒拉族的历史与现状

    The History and Current State of Xinjiang 's Salar Ethnic Group

  23. 新疆测震台网历史监测能力及现状

    Historical monitoring ability and present status of Xinjiang seismic network

  24. 论近代新疆军队发展的历史进程

    On the Historical Progress of Modernized Development in Xinjiang Army

  25. 第二部分主要介绍新疆棉花产业的历史、现状以及发展中存在的问题。

    Chapter two : the history 、 current situation and the problems in Xinjiang cotton industry were introduced .

  26. 摘要新亚欧大陆桥的开通,给新疆经济带来了历史性的发展机遇。

    The opening of new Asian-European Land Bridge has brought the historical opportunity to the economic development of xinjiang .

  27. 浅析上海知识青年推动新疆文明进程的历史作用

    A Study of the Historical Role Played by the Educated Youth from Shanghai in the Civilization Construction of Xinjiang

  28. 清代新疆移民屯田的历史作用与教训

    Historical Roles and Lessons of the Migration and Opening Wasteland by Garrison Troops and Peasants of the Qing Xinjiang

  29. 他们为阿勒泰地区及新疆和中国的历史做出了贡献。

    They have contributed to the history of not only the Altay region but also of Xinjiang and China .

  30. 并在了解新疆扶贫开发的历史进程和辉煌成果的基础上,总结了新疆扶贫开发的宝贵经验。

    On the base of understanding that the Poverty Alleviation and Development is the historic course and in the magnificent achievement , it summarize valuable experiences on the Poverty Alleviation and Development .