
  • 网络Newsnight;Newsnight Program;BBC Newsnight
  1. 他目前在《新闻之夜》节目中的讲话搞得政客们惶恐不安。

    He currently terrorises politicians and their ilk on ' Newsnight '

  2. 萨维尔事件就是一个令人不安的例子。《新闻之夜》(Newsnight)节目的编辑显然看都没看足以定罪的采访视频就放弃了调查节目。

    The Savile case , in which the editor of the Newsnight programme apparently dropped the investigation without even watching the damning interview , is a haunting example of what can result .

  3. 负责那项《新闻之夜》调查的制片人表示,他曾向领导发出警告,称如果他们封杀那个节目,他们将面对隐瞒指控。

    The producer responsible for the Newsnight investigation said he warned bosses they would be accused of a cover-up if they blocked the programme .

  4. 在《新闻之夜》周三节目中采访了日本大使林景一之后,主持人杰里米帕克斯曼到另一个新闻直播间就同一话题采访了中国大使刘晓明。

    After interviewing Japan 's Keiichi Hayashi during Wednesday 's edition of the Newsnight programme , presenter Jeremy Paxman went to another studio set to conduct his interview with China 's Liu Xiaoming on the same topic .