
  • 网络Fresh Cheese
  1. 当你漫步于香榭丽舍大街,不妨尝试一下新鲜奶酪和法式长棍。在参观埃菲尔铁塔时,可以买一些糕点品尝。

    Snack on fresh cheese and baguettes as you walk along the Champs - É lys é es , and pick up some pastries for when you gaze at the Eiffel Tower .

  2. 唧唧正沿着一条走廊前进,这是一条他从未到过的走廊,拐过一个弯,在他的面前出现了奶酪N站,这里堆满了新鲜的奶酪!

    Haw proceeded along a corridor that was new to him , rounded a corner , and found New Cheese at Cheese Station N !

  3. 我们这里有非常新鲜的奶酪,而且如果您已经点了红酒的话,奶酪就是免费的。

    And we have really fresh cheese which will be free if you order red wine .

  4. 一顿饱餐之后,唧唧高兴地举起一块新鲜的奶酪欢呼:“呼啦,变化万岁!”

    When he had eaten his fill , he lifted a piece of fresh Cheese and made a toast . " Hooray for Change ! "

  5. 他们高兴得尖叫起来,他们终于发现了他们一直在寻找的东西:大量新鲜的奶酪。他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,这里他们所见过的最大的奶酪仓库。

    They squeaked with delight . They found what they had been looking for : a great supply of New Cheese.They could hardly believe their eyes . It was the biggest store of cheese the mice had ever seen .

  6. 第二天早上,我没去Margaux用早餐,只是从大堂的咖啡厅里带了杯拿铁咖啡和一块新鲜甘蓝切达奶酪烤饼。

    The next morning , I skipped breakfast at Margaux , grabbing a latte and fresh kale Cheddar scone from the lobby coffee shop and sprawled out in the lounge .

  7. 小贴士:将新鲜水果或者奶酪当做甜食的替代品。

    Tip : Serve up fresh fruit or cheese as a dessert substitute .

  8. 曲奇饼干(主要口味有新鲜,可可,奶酪,巧克力CHIP)

    Cookies ( fresh , cocoa , milk flan , chocolate chip flavor )

  9. 这里的食物都是一流的,他们供应的开胃菜是我吃过最新鲜的,山羊奶酪和开心果肉卷都很美味。

    The food is first-class and they supplied the freshest starter I 've tasted , a wonderful goat 's cheese and pistachio roulade .