
  • Cheese Cake;Tiramisu;New York style cheesecake
  1. 什么样的芝士蛋糕,特别是你想呢?

    What kind of cheese cake do you especially like ?

  2. 但我比较喜欢芝士蛋糕,因为它那香浓的口味。

    But cheese cake I like it for the strong taste with the fragrance .

  3. 从《生活大爆炸》(BigBangTheory)这种傻乎乎的电视剧到优雅的古典诗词,影响中国游客去哪里度假的因素很多,这些因素最终决定他们是到帕萨迪纳吃芝士蛋糕还是去剑桥赏柳。

    From nerdy TV shows like Big Bang Theory to ancient poetry , there are plenty of factors influencing whether Chinese tourists end up eating cheesecake in Pasadena or , say , admiring a willow tree in Cambridge .

  4. 这个代码可以让人迅速联想起这家公司的名字,以及它最出名的产品。因此,芝士蛋糕工厂(TheCheesecakeFactory)认为这个代码是展示自己的一种“有趣且好记”的方式。

    Aware of the immediate association with both its corporate name and its most established product , The Cheesecake Factory thought CAKE would be a " fun , memorable way " to represent itself .

  5. 它与另一种内含坚果和多种水果的芝士蛋糕“paskha”都是是传统复活节晚餐的重要组成部分。

    The bread is an important part of the traditional Easter dinner , along with a nut-filled and assorted fruit cottage cheese cake called " paskha " .

  6. 这是我做的一些芝士蛋糕,送给我的邻居。

    And this is some cheesecake I made for my neighbours .

  7. 你带我去芝士蛋糕上周五在7:00的工厂吗?

    Will you take me to Cheesecake Factory on Friday at7:00 ?

  8. 混合好并均匀地铺在芝士蛋糕上。

    Mix well and spread evenly over the cheesecake .

  9. 我们可以一起去吃芝士蛋糕。

    We 'll go get a couple cheesesteaks .

  10. 你知道这里曾为古希腊的奥林匹克提供过芝士蛋糕吗

    Did you know they served cheesecake To the olympic athletes in ancient greece ?

  11. 人们喜欢纽约芝士蛋糕的纯朴质感与丰富味道。

    People like the tasty flavor and pure quality of the New York Baking Cheese Cake .

  12. 覆盆子芝士蛋糕和松软的法式吐司浇温焦糖,定能让你在餐后满足得动都不想动。

    Raspberry cheesecake and a spongy French toast in warm caramel sauce guarantee blissful post-meal immobility .

  13. 每晚打烊的时候芝士蛋糕和苹果批总是卖清。

    At the end of every night the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone .

  14. 这还有苹果派、草莓酥饼、芝士蛋糕和冰淇淋。

    There 's an apple pie , a strawberry shortcake , a cheesecake , and some ice cream .

  15. 芝士蛋糕工厂的一位发言人坦承道,他们的股票代码的确会让新股民们觉得好笑,但它确实会牢牢印在他们的脑子里。

    A Cheesecake Factory spokesperson acknowledged that the ticker may amuse newcomers but said that it does stick in their minds .

  16. 如何掀起一个在4分钟内咸烩饭,鸡肉卡恰托雷在12分钟内,或美味的巧克力芝士蛋糕25分钟?

    How about whipping up a savory risotto in4 minutes , chicken cacciatore in12 minutes , or a delectable chocolate cheesecake in25 minutes ?

  17. 谢尔顿恭喜恭喜从店里给你带了芝士蛋糕这是给你庆祝得奖的不是因为小工对着它打了喷嚏

    Sheldon , congratulations.Brought you a cheesecake from work.You know , ' cause of your award , not because a busboy sneezed on it .

  18. 相信我,我说服了很多不该吃芝士蛋糕的胖子顾客狂吃我们的芝士蛋糕。

    I mean , believe me , I convinced a lot of very large customers , who should not be eating cheesecake , to have more cheesecake .

  19. 看到最新开张的上海迪士尼乐园里的大型星巴克咖啡店、芝士蛋糕厂和沃尔夫冈帕克餐厅,你可能会瞬间以为这是在美国阿纳海姆或佛罗里达州奥兰多。

    With its giant Starbucks , Cheesecake Factory and Wolfgang Puck restaurant , you might for a minute mistake the new Shanghai Disney Resort for Anaheim or Orlando , Fla.

  20. 饭后甜点,我给那个胖子推荐了今日特别推荐的绿灯侠(一种带沙司的布丁蛋糕)、芝士蛋糕、香草冰淇淋和菠萝果子露,让他任选其一。

    For dessert , I say to the fat man , there is the Green Lantern Special , which is a pudding cake with sauce , or there is cheesecake or vanilla ice cream or pineapple sherbet .

  21. 如果制作冰淇淋的食材是来自自家经营的奶制品农场,那这些冰淇淋一定很美味。木摩尔每天循环供应20种口味的冰淇淋(他们一共有160种),有奥利奥芝士蛋糕,覆盆子松露等等。

    You know the ice cream must be good when the ingredients come from a family-run dairy farm.Each day Moomers offers a rotation of 20 flavors ( it has 160 in total ) , from Oreo cheesecake to raspberry truffle .

  22. 星期五早上在波兰华沙,他吃了他所形容的“超量早餐”,包括烟熏鳟鱼、草莓沙拉、波兰塔特拉山脉的奶酪、芦笋火腿荷包蛋和芝士蛋糕。

    On Friday morning in Warsaw , Poland , he was confronted with what he described as a ' three course breakfast ' , including smoked trout , strawberry salad , Polish cheese from the Tatra mountains , asparagus with poached egg and ham , and cheesecake .