
  1. 方言语法学界也有很多关于形容词重叠方面的成果。

    There are many results concerning the adjectives reduplication in dialectology .

  2. 当前方言语法研究说略

    A Brief Review on the Studies of Dialect Phrasing Language and Dialect

  3. 江西地方戏曲中的客赣方言语法现象

    Grammatical Phenomena of Hakka & Gan Dialects in Local Operas in Jiangxi

  4. 第四章,沛县方言语法专题研究。

    The fourth chapter , special study of grammar in Pei County dialect .

  5. 后一部分展望汉语方言语法研究的走向。

    The second part looks into the future of researches in this field .

  6. 汉语方言语法研究的回顾与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of Grammar Researches on Chinese Dialects

  7. 东南方言语法对普通话的影响四种

    Four Influences on Grammar of Mandarin of Southeast Dialects

  8. 广东四邑方言语法研究

    A Grammatical Study of the Siyi Dialect in Guangdong

  9. 如方言语法已被普通话吸收,不扣分。

    If the dialect grammar has been imbibed by putonghua , not deduct ;

  10. 粤方言语法研究的当前课题

    Present Tasks about Grammar of Yue Dialect Studies

  11. 1979-2004年大陆闽南方言语法研究述评

    Reviews of Grammar Studies on Minnan Dialect on the Mainland from 1979 to 2004

  12. 关于汉语方言语法调查研究之管见

    Remarks on the Investigation of Chinese Dialectal Grammar

  13. 明清言情小说中的湖州方言语法

    Grammar of Huzhou Dialect in the Sentimental Fictions of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty

  14. 宁化客家方言语法研究

    A Grammatical Study of Ninghua Hakka

  15. 娄底方言语法三题

    Three Grammatical Phenomena in Loudi Dialect

  16. 广东闽方言语法特点的比较研究

    Fujian Dialect : A Comparative Study of Grammatical Features Between Two of Its Subdialects in Guangdong Province

  17. 神池方言语法探究

    The Grammar of Shenchi Dialect

  18. 文水方言语法研究

    Research on Wenshui Dialect Grammar

  19. 由于其所处的特殊的地理位置,其方言语法的研究显得异常重要。

    Due to its special geographic location , the grammar research of the dialect of Wendeng is very important .

  20. 本文研究对汉语语法史、汉语方言语法史无疑都是重要而有价值的。

    This paper is valuable to the study of the history of Chinese grammar as well as that of Chinese dialect grammar .

  21. 渭南方言语法系统和北方官话基本一致,但在词法和句法方面仍有一些独特的地方。

    The grammatical system of Weinan dialect is basically same to mandarin Chinese , but it still has some special characters in morphology and syntax .

  22. 这一章主要概述安仁方言语法研究现状及存在的问题,并综述安仁方言在语法上的特点。

    In this part , the present researching situations and researching problems of An Ren Dialect are discussed and the grammar features of the dialect are overviewed .

  23. 普通话水平测试中语法评定可参照以下一些标准。如果是方言语法,那么,绝对的方言语法,扣分;

    The following criterions can be consulted and followed in the grammar marking of the proficiency test in putonghua : When absolute dialect grammar occurs , deduct marks ;

  24. 本文认为:1.经济活动对方言语法影响巨大。它既致使方言语法产生趋同性,也导致变异性。

    It is concluded , 1 . Economic activities have a huge influence on the grammar of dialects because they lead to both the unification and variation of grammar .

  25. 方言语法史是汉语语法史不可或缺的组成部分,方言语法史研究是当前汉语历史语法研究中亟需大力加强的一个领域。

    The history of Chinese dialect grammar , the study of which needs to be strengthened greatly now , is an integral part of the history of Chinese grammar .

  26. 通过对丹江方言语法特征的揭示,结合其语音、词汇特点,与相邻方言进行比较,我们发现丹江方言的属性并不单纯。

    By unveiling the grammar characteristics of the Danjiang dialect and comparing with its neighboring dialects , we discovered that the attribute of the Danjiang dialect is not certainly pure .

  27. 微山方言语法的差异主要表现在副词、代词、介词、语气词、叹词、数词、量词等词类上,本文则按方言片分别介绍。

    The different features on grammar in Weishan dialect mainly reflect in adverbs , pronouns , prepositions , interjections , mood words and quantifiers , which are discussed area by area .

  28. 通过对特色词法、体貌表达、特殊语序和句式进行探讨,以点带面,来揭示隆回方言语法的特点。

    On the lexical characteristics , physical appearance expression , a special word order and sentence to explore , in order to point to reveal the characteristics of the Dialect syntax .

  29. 关注方言语法对普通话语法的影响,为人们更好地研究当代汉语语法的变异现象提供了一个新的视角。

    Paying close attention to the effect of dialect grammar for common language may supply us a new visual angle for better research of the variation phenomenon in the contemporary syntax of Chinese .

  30. 目前关于方言语法的著作、论文颇丰,但与语音、词汇方面相比还存在很多不足,整体性、区域性语法研究更是少之又少。

    At present there are a lot of books and papers about dialect grammar , but there are many deficiencies compared with the pronunciation and vocabulary , integrity and regional grammar study is seldom .