
qù nián
  • last year
去年 [qù nián]
  • [last year] 上一年

  • 我从去年辞帝京。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》诗

去年[qù nián]
  1. 去年因罢工损失了数以千计的工作日。

    Thousands of working days were lost through strikes last year .

  2. 图2显示了去年的销售数字。

    Last year 's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2 .

  3. 医院的新翼楼是去年增建的。

    The new wing was built onto the hospital last year .

  4. 我去年因病耽误了很多功课。

    I missed a lot of school through illness last year .

  5. 这就是我们去年住的那个房间。

    This is the identical room we stayed in last year .

  6. 他们现在并不比去年贵多少。

    They now cost marginally more than they did last year .

  7. 去年银行发放的贷款增至100亿元。

    Lending by banks rose to $ 10 billion last year .

  8. 这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平。

    The hotel has polished up its act since last year .

  9. 谁能忘记他去年在聚会上的讲话呢?

    Who could forget his speech at last year 's party ?

  10. 史密斯和琼斯在去年的决赛中相遇。

    Smith and Jones met in last year 's final .

  11. 去年夏天我在他的游艇上当船员。

    I crewed for him on his yacht last summer .

  12. 我一时还真说不清我们去年赚了多少钱。

    I don 't know offhand how much we made last year .

  13. 去年的数字简直是灾难。

    Last year 's figures were little short of disastrous .

  14. 公司去年的销售额为1.66亿元。

    The company rang up sales of $ 166 million last year .

  15. 他终于在去年交出了公司的职务。

    He finally handed over his responsibility for the company last year .

  16. 去年国际收支有盈余。

    The balance of payments was in surplus last year .

  17. 我们的业绩的确超过了去年的数字。

    We 've certainly improved on last year 's figures .

  18. 她自从去年夏初起就一直在那里工作。

    She 's been working there since the beginning of last summer .

  19. 他们的马在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。

    Their horse came third in the race last year .

  20. 这一对搭档在去年的演出中大受欢迎。

    The duo were a real hit in last year 's show .

  21. 去年他们重组这个部门时,衰败就开始了。

    The rot set in last year when they reorganized the department .

  22. 去年出口销售额增长了32%。

    Export sales were up by 32 % last year .

  23. 去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。

    Last year 's intake just didn 't measure up .

  24. 公司的利润比去年降低了5%。

    Company profits were 5 % lower than last year .

  25. 他们希望重复去年的胜利。

    They are hoping to repeat last year 's victory .

  26. 他去年在他的年龄段排名第二。

    Last year , he was ranked second in his age group .

  27. 去年,公司的亏损达1.57亿英镑。

    Last year the company returned a loss of £ 157 million .

  28. 去年,这家中介所为大约2000名秘书找到了工作。

    The agency placed about 2 000 secretaries last year .

  29. 这家俱乐部去年才接纳女会员。

    Women were only admitted into the club last year .

  30. 今年的结果几乎和去年的一样。

    This year 's results are virtually the same as last year 's.