
  1. 去尤维尔,那差不多是个城镇。

    In yonville . it 's almost a town .

  2. 斯科菲尔德和林肯在去尤他州的路上,通知收音机得知了芝加哥黑帮老大约翰·阿布鲁齐在前一晚被枪杀在华盛顿汽车旅馆外。

    On their way to Utah , Scofield and Lincoln learned the news that Chicago mob moss John Abruzzi was gunned down outside at Washington D.C.motel the night before by the radio .

  3. 为了学业我也得去一次尤维尔。

    I have to go to Yonville on business .

  4. 新来的非裔移民计程车司机问他去哪里,尤弟说:“哪儿都行,老兄——就载我逛逛吧。我想看每一样东西。”几个月后,船再次来到纽约,这回尤弟永久下了船。

    When the recent African immigrant driving the taxi asked where he 'd like to go , Yudhi said , " Anywhere , man - just drive me around . I want to see everything . " A few months later the ship came to New York City again , and this time Yudhi disembarked for good .