
  • Exfoliator;Exfoliate;scrub
  1. 使用比较温和的去角质产品。

    Use a gentle exfoliator such as a french peel .

  2. 去角质乳霜会渗入皮肤。

    The exfoliator may sink into the skin .

  3. 或者betahydroxyacid,是水杨酸的一种,被用在一些局部去角质产品中来扭转老化迹象。

    BHA , or beta hydroxy acid , is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging .

  4. 一个DIY的去角质方法是在你的沐浴露中加些糖,伴着丝瓜的泡沫轻松完成。

    For a quick DIY exfoliant , add sugar to your body wash and lather with a loofah .

  5. 美容治疗师SarahChapman向VideoJug用户展示怎样为面部去角质。去除皮肤表面老死的细胞,让面部焕发出新的光彩。

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to exfoliate your face . Remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin to rejuvenate your face with VideoJug 's guide to exfoliating your face .

  6. 单纯的PEG400仅对去角质皮肤有一定的光透明效果,并且所导致的皮肤衰减系数的降低仅为混合液作用后的2/3。

    Single PEG400 can only do some effect on the sample without SC , and the change in attenuation coefficient of samples is just 2 / 3 of that treated by mixed solution .

  7. 非常满意!这是我用过最好的去角质沐浴产品。

    They are the best exfoliating bath product I 've used .

  8. 每周使用面部清洗剂或丝瓜络去角质。

    Exfoliate your face weekly with a facial scrub or loofah .

  9. 糙米粉可以美白、轻柔去角质。

    Brown rice flour is good in whitening and gentle exfoliating .

  10. 乳霜去角质产品更适用于敏感,更加娇弱的皮肤。

    Cream exfoliators are suitable for sensitive , more delicate skin .

  11. 感谢收看“面部去角质”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Exfoliate Your Face .

  12. 每周两次去角质,清除这些死皮。

    Exfoliate twice a week to remove these dead cells .

  13. 您可以去角质保养,以帮助那些脱落。

    You can exfoliate to help those out as well .

  14. 它能够净白肌肤、收敛毛孔,充当去角质剂。

    It clarifies , closes pores , and acts as an exfoliator .

  15. 每周一次或两次去角质,清除坏死细胞。

    Exfoliate skin to remove dead cells once or twice each week .

  16. 在使用任何粉刺遮瑕膏之前先去角质。

    Exfoliate your face prior to using any acne concealer .

  17. 小贴士:寻找去角质产品的时候一定要注意“温和”。

    Tip Look for the word " gentle " when buying an exfoliant .

  18. 深深的去角质治疗混合富含矿物质的海盐纯精油。

    The deeply exfoliating treatment blends mineral rich sea salt with pure essential oils .

  19. 你用什么美容产品?有用去角质护肤法吗?

    Which facial products do you use ? Do you use an exfoliating treatment ?

  20. 去角质可以有效地去除死皮,恢复健康的肤色。

    Exfoliation is very good to remove dead skin and to rejuvenate our complexion .

  21. 首先,你应该去角质保养你的皮肤,以消除任何死皮。

    First off , you should exfoliate your skin to remove any dead skin .

  22. 一款多用,卸妆、去角质、淋巴引流等多种应用。

    Multi-use of one : remove make-up , gently exfoliate , Lymphatic Drainage Massage .

  23. 为了增强去角质效果,可以加入3汤匙新鲜的咖啡渣。

    You can also add 3 tablespoons fresh coffee grounds for an added exfoliant .

  24. 如果是油性肌肤,就比较需要去角质了。

    If it is oily skin , it is more a need to horny .

  25. 有时他们也使用磨砂去角质。

    Sometimes , they get an exfoliated scrub .

  26. 早上,使用去角质产品和温水来洁面。

    In the morning , wash your face using the exfoliator with some warm water .

  27. 这种面膜也有去角质的作用,因为里面含有燕麦。

    This is kind of an exfoliant too because it has the oatmeal in it .

  28. 去角质会很有帮助,这样会让护肤产品中的精华和乳霜更容易渗透从而发挥更大的作用。

    Exfoliating your skin allows skin-care serums and creams to perform better through improved penetration .

  29. 用天然的海绵洗脸,这样可以更好地去角质。

    Replace your face cloth with a natural sea sponge , which exfoliates skin better .

  30. 洁面,然后涂抹去角质产品。

    Cleanse your skin before applying exfoliator .