
  • 网络disablement;nuclear disablement;disabling
  1. 我们希望加快去功能化的程序。

    We want to speed up the rate of disablement .

  2. 此外,根据各方达成的共识,美方专家组于今天赴朝鲜开始去功能化的相关工作。

    In addition , as agreed by all parties , today the US expert team will leave for the DPRK to work on the disablement of the nuclear facilities .

  3. 2007年,朝鲜政府承诺对大部分核设施进行去功能化,并提供剩余设施的相关信息。

    In 2007 , Pyongyang promised to disable much of its nuclear programme and provide information on the rest .

  4. 北韩去年开始实施就其核设施去功能化的行动,以此在六方会谈的框架协议中换取救援物资和外交上的让步。

    North Korea began disabling its main nuclear facilities last year in exchange for aid and diplomatic concessions under the six-party talks framework .

  5. 美方表示,中方作为主席国,将公布朝鲜宁边核设施去功能化的具体措施。

    The US stated that China , as the host country of the Six-Party Talks , would release DPRK 's specific measures of disablement of nuclear facilities in Yongbyon .

  6. 美国的首席谈判代表,助理国务卿希尔说,这次会谈的焦点是确证北韩的核清单及北韩对本国核设施去功能化的程序。

    The chief U.S. negotiator , Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill , says confirming North Korea 's nuclear declaration and the disabling will be the main focus of the talks .

  7. 去年,朝鲜启动了宁边核设施的去功能化,以换取经济援助和外交让步,包括将其从美国“支持恐怖主义国家”的名单中删除。

    North Korea began disabling the reactor at Yongbyon last year in return for economic aid and diplomatic concessions , including its removal from a US list of countries that sponsor terrorism .

  8. 据报道,朝鲜上个月在中国举行的一次六方会晤时表示,年底实现其核设施去功能化的目标比较“困难”。

    North Korea reportedly told a meeting of the six parties last month in China that it would be " difficult " to meet a year-end target for disabling its nuclear facilities .

  9. 朝鲜政府关闭了其主要的核反应堆,并承诺在今年底前将现有核设施去功能化,以此换取“政治和经济补偿”。

    The regime has shut its main nuclear reactor and has pledged to disable its atomic programmes by the end of the year , in return for " political and economic compensation " .

  10. 朝鲜昨日发誓将重启已经去功能化的核反应堆,并退出旨在解除该国核计划的会谈。此前,联合国谴责朝鲜近日发射一枚远程导弹。

    North Korea yesterday vowed to restart its disabled nuclear reactor and to abandon talks intended to eliminate its nuclear programme after the United Nations condemned its recent launch of a long-range missile .

  11. 而是用了“放弃”这个更为模糊的字眼来代替“去功能化”这层含义这就为朝鲜最大限度保留其核设施完整性开了个口子。

    It uses only the more ambiguous terms " abandonment " and " disablement " - leaving open the possibility that North Korea may try to insist on keeping its nuclear infrastructure largely intact .

  12. 关于第一个问题,对于是否公开朝鲜核设施去功能化的措施,我们希望有关各方能够达成共识。

    As for your first question on the release of DPRK 's measures of disablement of nuclear facilities , we hope that relevant parties will reach a consensus and China has no difficulty with it .

  13. 美国希望在今年年底前,朝鲜能够全面申报其核设施,并将这些核设施去功能化。预计今日会谈结束后,各方会就此宣布一个宽泛的时间表。

    The US is hoping for a full declaration and disabling of the North 's nuclear facilities by the end of the year and a broad timetable is expected to be announced after the close of discussions today .

  14. 在目前正在进行的谈判第二阶段中,北韩必须申报北韩所有的核材料和核设施,并把最主要的核反应堆去功能化,以换取燃料援助,以及取消对北韩的某些制裁措施。

    In the second phase , currently underway , North Korea must declare all its nuclear materials and facilities and disable its main reactor . In return , it is to receive fuel aid and some sanctions against it will be lifted .

  15. 但现在到了比较艰难的部分:确保宁边核反应堆进行不可逆转的去功能化。宁边核反应堆为朝鲜去年的核试验提供了核燃料,并且一直是朝鲜从外界获取急需援助的谈判筹码。

    But now comes the hard part : securing the irreversible disablement of the reactor that provided the fuel for last year 's nuclear test and continues to act as North Korea 's bargaining chip for extracting much-needed aid from the outside world .

  16. 本章工作选取邻苯二甲酸酯作为模型疏水化合物结合气质联用技术去系统评价C18功能化的Fe3O4@mSiO2微球提取疏水性分子的效率。

    Several kinds of phthalates were used as the model hydrophobic organic compounds to systematically evaluate the performance of the C18-functionalized Fe3O4 @ mSiO2microspheres in extracting hydrophobic molecules by using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry .

  17. 当开发实践趋近于零,你就可以把中心放到应用的功能模块上,然后快速的实验,而不是去把功能开发抽象化。

    When the development time tends to zero you can concentrate on your application features and experiment quickly , instead of trying to abstract things for future developments .