
  • 网络Go to the bar;hit a bar;Taverne bertreten
  1. 我要去酒吧畅饮一杯。

    I 'm off down to the pub for a quickie .

  2. 也许在您等候时,您可以去酒吧喝点东西。

    Perhaps while you wait you would like a drink at the bar

  3. 他打算明天去酒吧喝几杯啤酒。

    He 's going down to the bar for a few jars tomorrow .

  4. 我直接去酒吧点了一瓶苏打水。

    I went directly to the bar and ordered a bottle of soda .

  5. 他们叫我“害群之马”,因为我不想去酒吧和他们打台球。

    They called me the black sheep as I didn 't want to go to the pub and play billiards13 with them .

  6. 男人会没事拉上一大帮朋友去酒吧夜店玩,然后很HIGH的玩,和美女眉来眼去。

    Will be fine one way or another large group of men friends to play bars nightclubs , and then the play is HIGH , beauty and exchanged flirtatious glances .

  7. 拜托,我们能去酒吧看他当音乐主持吗,Max?

    Please , can we go to the club to see him DJ , Max ?

  8. 英国人下馆子或去酒吧吃东西会用到diningout,eatingout这两个短语。

    Dining out , or eating out , are phrases people use in Britain when they eat in a restaurant or a pub .

  9. 他还说,愿意下班一起去酒吧,星期六也愿意去打排球,甚至表示要去参加部门经理的晚餐会。Brad听后很高兴,That'sthespirit!

    And yes , I 'd love to join you at the bar this evening and I 'd be happy to play volleyball for your team on Saturday .

  10. 你一定很喜欢去酒吧喝soju吧。

    You seem to like soju bars .

  11. 更多的现代和时尚的形式有:在KTV唱,去酒吧,或跳舞跳迪斯科。

    More modern and fashionable ways include singing in the KTV , hanging out in a bar , or dancing in a Disco .

  12. 我又不是傻瓜,我知道这样对我的宝宝是有害的,每周六和周日一定会去酒吧,每周回去酒吧3次的Holly说。

    Im not an idiot , I know I might be doing my baby harm , Holly , who goes clubbing every Saturday and Sunday and out to the pub three times a week .

  13. 你男朋友好壮啊。他可以去酒吧里当保镖。

    E.g.your boyfriend is buff ! He should be a bouncer .

  14. 您去酒吧通常与谁同行?

    Who do you usually go to bars or clubs with ?

  15. 你们想去酒吧或是什么地方吗?

    You guys want to go to a bar or something ?

  16. 温迪去酒吧和她的朋友会合。

    Wendy went off to join her friends in the bar .

  17. 这是小薇第一次去酒吧。

    This 'll be Wei 's first time at a bar .

  18. 你白天还去酒吧玩吗?

    Do you go to the bar during the day time ?

  19. 我请你去酒吧喝一杯,怎么样?

    How about I buy you a drink at the bar ?

  20. 林达,今晚想去酒吧吗?

    Hi , Linda , wanna go to the pub tonight ?

  21. 工作之余,你可以去酒吧放松一下。

    You can go to bars and relax yourself after work .

  22. 下班之后他总去酒吧喝一杯。

    He will have a drink in the bar after work .

  23. 我很不喜欢去酒吧.-哦.

    I don 't like bars very much . - Oh .

  24. 迈克晚上更想呆在家里看电视,而不是去酒吧。

    Michael prefers watching TV to going to a bar during night .

  25. 不去酒吧的这个事实是一件让人郁闷的事情。

    The fact of not going to the bar is a bring-down .

  26. 我们有时去酒吧坐坐。

    We go to the bar from time to time .

  27. 比利,快点带我去酒吧!

    Come on Billy get me over to the saloon , quick !

  28. 这样似乎有点唐突,去酒吧吗?

    This seems to be a little offensive to bars ?

  29. 有人去酒吧找过你。

    Guy came looking for you , came down to the bar .

  30. 我们可以顺便去酒吧喝一杯。

    We can drop by the bar and go for a drink .