
  • 网络Cost Management of Construction Projects
  1. 送变电企业施工项目成本管理初探

    Primary Inquisition into Cost Management of Construction Projects for Transmission and Distribution Enterprises

  2. 施工项目成本管理是铁路工程项目施工生产管理中的重要环节,是施工项目管理绩效评价的客观和公正的标尺。

    The cost management of construction projects is a key link in the construction production management of railway engineering projects , and also an objective and just yardstick of assessing the achievements and efficiency of construction project management .

  3. 当前加强施工项目成本管理的对策研究

    Current Strengthens the Construction Project Cost Management the Countermeasure to Grind

  4. 施工项目成本管理的问题与措施

    Problem and measure of the cost managing in the construction project

  5. 建筑施工项目成本管理体系及效应

    The cost management system of construction project and its effectiveness

  6. 中小建筑企业的施工项目成本管理探讨

    On cost management of construction project in small and medium-sized construction enterprises

  7. 浅谈强化施工项目成本管理的核心问题

    Talking About the Key Problems of Strengthening the Construction Project Cost Management

  8. 应用模糊层次分析法评价施工项目成本管理水平

    To Evaluate Construction Project Cost Management with Fuzzy AHP Method

  9. 基于铁路工程投资包干体制的施工项目成本管理

    Construction Project Cost Management in Connection with Railway Construction Investment Responsibility System

  10. 成本核算是施工项目成本管理的核心

    Cost Accounting Is The Core Of Construction Project Cost Management

  11. 浅谈施工项目成本管理中的成本核算

    Briefly Discussion on Cost Accounting of Construction Project Cost Management

  12. 核电站建筑施工项目成本管理体系的创建

    Establishing Cost Management System for Nuclear Power Construction Project

  13. 施工项目成本管理的控制方法与对策

    Methods for Cost Control on Projects and Countermoves

  14. 实施施工项目成本管理的原则和措施

    Principle & Methods of Construction Project Cost Management

  15. 简论施工项目成本管理

    Brief Discussion on Cost Management of Construction Item

  16. 施工项目成本管理模式研究

    Researches on cost management pattern of construction project

  17. 施工项目成本管理信息系统

    Construction project cost management information system

  18. 公路施工项目成本管理

    Cost Management of Highway Construction Project

  19. 广安公司施工项目成本管理方案的设计与实施

    The Construction Project Cost Management Program Design and Implementation of Guangdong Provincial Industrial Equipment Installation Company

  20. 在说明了指导思想问题后,本文第三部分阐述了施工项目成本管理体系的内容。

    The third part of the article elaborated the content of the cost management system of construction project .

  21. 第三章营销成本管理的框架构建;实施施工项目成本管理的原则和措施

    In the later are the methods of marketing cost management . Principle & Methods of Construction Project Cost Management

  22. 公路工程施工项目成本管理是施工企业的重要的经济活动,是企业日常运转的中心工作。

    It is the daily central task of operating of enterprise that does the project cost of the construction enterprise .

  23. 介绍了基于B/S模式的施工项目成本管理系统开发过程。

    The exploitation process of B / S-mode-based cost management system , which is employed in building railway construction is introduced .

  24. 最后,结合实际案例,对公路施工项目成本管理作了综合论述,并对其效果作了简单的评价。

    Finally , combining the present case , this paper summarizes the road construction project cost management and evaluates cost management effect .

  25. 探讨了地铁施工项目成本管理的内容和特点以及存在的问题。

    At the same time , the article discusses content , characters and existing problems of cost management for subway construction project .

  26. 第三章主要论述施工项目成本管理的基本原则和基本程序,以及指导施工项目成本管理工作的相关理论;

    In the third Chapter , the paper introduces the basic principles , programs , and related theories that referenced in cost management .

  27. 论文的第一部分说明了本文写作的目的和意义,指出了施工项目成本管理中存在的问题,并说明了论文的创新与不足之处。

    The first part of this paper describes the purpose and significance , noting problems of construction project cost management , innovation and inadequacies .

  28. 因此,施工项目成本管理信息系统需要根据项目经理部人员的实际素质和信息化能力进行设计,突出简单、易用性。

    Therefore , the project cost management IT system should be designed with easy-using style to suitable for the IT condition and ability of target company and staff .

  29. 工程量清单计价模式是对原有定额计价模式的改进,也是公路施工项目成本管理改革的必然结果。

    The bill valuation mode had improved the conventional ration valuation mode , and it is also the inevitable consequence of reforming the cost management of highway construction project .

  30. 另外,将精益建造应用于铁路施工项目成本管理,为整个产业成本管理的变革提供理论借鉴和思考。

    In addition , to apply LC to the cost management of railway construction management could provide theory reference and consideration for the cost management of the whole industry .