
  • 网络construction norm
  1. 浅谈编制企业施工定额的重要性及依据

    Talk about the importance and basis of working out construction norm in enterprise

  2. 阐述了企业施工定额编制的意义,介绍了施工企业定额编制的原则、依据及内容,指出了编制企业施工定额应注意的问题。

    This paper expounds the significance of the compilation of enterprise 's construction norm , introduces the principles , foundations and contents of the compilation of enterprise 's construction norm , and points out some problems needing attention in the compilation of enterprise 's construction norm .

  3. 误差理论在建立施工定额中的应用研究

    Study on the application of error theory in compiling construction quota

  4. 对施工定额的研究离不开对施工过程的研究。

    To study construction ration must rely on studying construction process .

  5. 振动切槽成墙施工定额的拟定及单价分析

    Unit Price Analysis and Draft of Wall Construction Quota by Vibrating Grooving

  6. 测算项目责任成本,需要有相应的企业施工定额。

    The project responsibility costing requires the corresponding enterprise norms .

  7. 基于工程量清单计价要求的企业施工定额编制与应用

    Application & Establishment of Construction Project Quota Based on Project Inventory of Price

  8. 水利水电工程施工定额测试分析研究

    Measurement and Analysis for Construction Ration of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Projects

  9. 提高认识加强领导切实贯彻执行施工定额标准

    Advancing Knowledge , Strengthening Leading And Carrying Out Seriously the Ration Standard of Construction

  10. 浅谈施工定额的作用及测定方法

    The Action of Construction Quota & Measuring Method

  11. 施工定额在工程建设定额体系中的基础作用,是由施工定额作为生产定额的基本性质决定的。

    The site construction ration plays a fundamental role in the project cost ration system .

  12. 建立企业施工定额方略

    General plan on establishment of enterprise norms

  13. 任何施工定额,从物质内容和生产要素看都由三部分组成,即劳动定额、机械定额和材料定额。

    Any construction ration is composed of labor ration , machine ration and material ration .

  14. 建立企业施工定额是推行工程量清单招标的关键

    Establishing Enterprise 's Construction Quota is the Key for Promoting the Public-bidding with the Quantities Bill

  15. 介绍了企业施工定额编制的方法和编制企业定额应掌握的几个原则。

    This paper introduces the methods for compiling enterprise 's construction quota , and expounds some principles of compiling enterprise 's quota .

  16. 介绍了施工定额在公路工程建设中的地位和作用,以及劳动定额的测定方法。

    The paper introduced the position and action of construction quota in highway engineering construction , also the measuring method of quota .

  17. 施工定额基础资料收集方法一般有统计分析法、经验估计法和计时观测法。

    The methods of collecting basic information of construction ration consist of statistic analyzing method , experience estimating method and time measuring and observing method .

  18. 施工定额是建筑安装工人或工人小组在合理的劳动组织和正常的施工条件下,为完成单位质量合格产品所需消耗的人工、材料、机械的数量标准。

    The site construction ration is the quota of labors , machines and materials consumed in construction work for completing one qualified unit product under reasonable and normal construction conditions .

  19. 施工定额的编制需遵循平均先进原则、简明适用原则、以专家为主编制定额的原则

    Compiling of construction ration must follow average advance principle , concise expedience principle and relying on expert principle . For a sample of 38 sources we derive an average value of With advanced . Advanced Applications

  20. 我国施工企业定额建立中的几个问题

    Some Problems During the Establishment of Construction Enterprise 's Quota

  21. 浅谈工程量清单计价下施工企业定额的编制

    Compilation of construction enterprise quota in project quantity list valuation

  22. 园林行业施工企业定额编制的探讨

    About the Quota of Construction Enterprise in Landscape Industry

  23. 谈施工企业定额的建立

    Establishment of the Quota for Construction Enterprises

  24. 建筑施工企业定额分析

    Norms analysis of building construction enterprises

  25. 本文提出了施工企业定额的编制原则、编制方法;介绍了作者关于建筑企业建立投标报价体系的思考。

    This article introduces working-out principle and method of price standard for construction enterprise and some thoughts about establish quotation system for construction enterprise .

  26. 建立施工企业内部定额的探讨

    Discussions on the establishment of the internal quota of construction enterprises

  27. 浅谈建筑施工企业成本定额的编制

    Simple discuss on the cost quota compilation of construction enterprise

  28. 浅议电力施工企业内部定额编制

    Primary Discussion about Composition of Internal Quotation for Electric Power Construction Enterprises

  29. 铁路施工企业预算定额编制探讨

    Exploration into budget rating preparation of railway construction enterprises

  30. 关于电力施工企业内部定额的思考

    Views on Inner Rations in Electric Power Construction Enterprises