
  1. 提出了用区间数编制施工成本计划的方法,并对区间数成本计划的优化问题进行了探讨。

    In this article , authors provide a method to compile a construction cost plan with interval numbers , and discuss the optimization problem of a interval number cost plan .

  2. 水利施工企业成本计划的编制与管理

    Compilation and management on running cost plan for hydraulic construction enterprise

  3. 利用区间数进行施工项目成本计划编制及优化

    Make plan ; AUTOMORPHIC NUMBERS Compilation and Optimization of a Construction Project Cost Plan with Interval Numbers

  4. 研究了施工项目成本计划的制定过程,包括成本计划的内容和表达方式等。

    The process of establishing the cost plan of the construction project is studied , including the contents and narration of the plan .

  5. 根据施工项目的成本计划,运用成本计划评审法和时间成本优化法对项目成本进行控制。

    According to the construction cost plan , cost program evaluation and time-cost optimization are used to control the project cost .

  6. 根据统计调查,现在大多数建筑业企业对成本控制采用的是静态管理&工程开工前,按照施工图预算制定成本计划;

    According to statistic document , most of construction company implement static management to control their project cost , which means establishing cost plan with construction budget before constructing ;

  7. 同时也因为项目启动仓促,前期工作不完善,项目实施建设困难,导致实际工期比合同工期延迟了93天,施工成本方面,实际施工成本比计划成本高出630.5万元。

    But also because the project implementation was commenced hastily without a good pre-project preparation and due to some construction difficulties the implementation had a delay of more than 93 days . And the actual construction cost was 6.305 million yuan higher than the planned cost .

  8. 施工成本的预测是成本管理体系中的关键,是工程项目施工成本计划编制的基础。对施工企业从参与施工招投标,乃至工程结算及施工总结都有着极其重要的意义。

    The prediction of the construction cost is the key issue in the cost management system and basis for composition of the cost planning of the engineering projects .