
  1. 旅游景区由于其产品的特殊性,在游客体验和旅游活动对环境的影响方面都需要对游客进行直接或间接的管理。

    Because of special property on the product , tourist attractions need direct or indirect management to tourists both in tourist experience and in environmental effects of tourism .

  2. 结合景区游览图观看,可以让观众自由穿梭于各景点之间,是旅游景区在旅游产品宣传推广上使用的最新方式。

    View with tourist map , the audiences could freely shuttle back and forth in the spots , which is the latest way to promote in tourist products in tourist spots .

  3. 旅游景区(点)产品作为旅游目的地整体旅游产品的核心,其品位高低、对游客吸引力的大小,直接决定着一个旅游目的地旅游竞争力的强弱。

    The products of tourist attractions are the core of the whole tourism products , the quality and attraction of which directly decide the competitive power .

  4. 旅游项目:开发旅游景区和旅游产品,改善旅游交通和更新旅游设施。

    Tourism Project : Development of tourist spots and tourist products , improvement of travel facilities and upgrade of tourist facilities .