
  • 网络Wireless Transmission;GPRS;Wifi;zigbee
  1. 正如之前所述,使用合适的设备和合适的技术,任何无线传输都是可能被阻断的。

    As said before , with the right equipment and the right know-how , it 's possible to jam any wireless transmission .

  2. 基于ARM的土壤含水率无线传输系统设计

    Development of ARM-based Wireless Transmission System of Soil Moisture

  3. 微型高灵敏度CCD成像及无线传输系统

    Micro High Sensitivity CCD Imaging and Wireless Transmitter System

  4. 基于SOC和无线传输的扭矩仪的研制

    Design of Torque Measure Instrument Based on SOC and Wireless Transmission

  5. 红外无线传输在以太网(Ethernet)中的应用

    Application of Infrared Wireless Communication in Ethernet

  6. UWB在室内高速无线传输中的应用研究

    Research on UWB for High Speed Wireless Transmission in Indoor Environment

  7. 通用多载波CDMA无线传输体制及其研究进展

    Overview of Generalized Multicarrier CDMA for Wireless Transmission

  8. 基于GPRS网络的数据无线传输实现接口

    Based on GPRS network data wireless transmission realization connection

  9. 非均匀纠错Turbo码在图像无线传输中的应用

    Turbo Codes with Unequal Error Protection method for Transmission of Images over Wireless channels

  10. WLAN的无线传输技术及网络规划

    Wireless Transmission Technologies and Network Planning for WLAN

  11. 采用GPRS无线传输方法通信方式简单,而且安全可靠。

    Adopt the lead-in of GPRS delivers the method correspondence method simple , and safe credibility .

  12. 在高频无线传输时利用频分实现全双工通信,并利用自定义相关协议VB编程实现局域组网。

    FDD is used in transmission , and using VB to complete relevant protocol of the network .

  13. WCDMA系统的发展与无线传输技术

    The Evolution and Radio Transmission Technologies of WCDMA System

  14. 嵌入式数据库技术、GPRS无线传输技术的推广,使得手持PDA具有更加强大的数据访问和管理功能。

    The PDA possesses powerful function of data access and management , for embedded database and GPRS technology become popular .

  15. 我们采用的控制芯片为TI公司的MSP430,无线传输模块采用的是通用的微功率无线数传模块,串口通讯方式。

    We used TI Corporation 's MSP430 as control chip , while took general wireless transceiver module with UART opened as communication means .

  16. 但是adhoc网络不同于有线网络,具有无线传输带宽受限、网络拓扑结构动态变化、节点处理能力有限、传输误码率较高、传输环境干扰强等问题。

    However Ad Hoc network is different from wired networks , because of the characteristics of limited bandwidth and processing capacity , dynamic network topology and high transmission error rate .

  17. 无线传输、信号广播、资源受限等特点使无线射频识别(RFID)技术存在潜在的安全隐患。

    Wireless transmission , broadcast of signals , resource-constraint disturb the reliability of Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) system and block the deployment progress of RFID techniques .

  18. 分析并给出了平流层通信系统的网络结构模型,指出ATM无线传输技术是平流层通信系统的主要技术。

    This article described the network structure model for stratospheric telecommunication system , and pointed out that the ATM on wireless link was the main technology in this system .

  19. 本文提出了一种基于码分复用技术的四路E1数据扩频无线传输设备的实现方案。

    This paper introduces a project based on code division multiplexed that is used to realize four El channels 's wireless transportation .

  20. 在此实验床上,研究了长距离对无线传输的影响,评价了2PMAC协议的性能。

    On the testbed , we analyzed the effect of the long distance on 802.11 wireless links and evaluated the performance of 2P MAC .

  21. GPRS作为发展比较成熟的无线传输技术,广泛应用于军事,工业,商业、科研等领域。

    GPRS as a mature technology of wireless transmission , has been widely used in the filed of military , industrial , commercial and scientific research , and so on .

  22. 本文研究数字音频无线传输中的前向纠错(FEC)算法和电路的设计及实现。

    This dissertation researches the arithmetic and the circuit implementation of Forward Error Correction ( FEC ) in digital audio wireless transmission .

  23. 针对CCD图像传感器的特点,将CCD的光纤图像传输系统,通过CPU转换,变成无线传输。

    This thesis aims at the picture of CCD spreads the characteristics that feels the machine , delivering the CCD fiber-optic picture to system , passing the CPU convert , becoming the lead-in deliver .

  24. 分析了多媒体无线传输模型,并讨论其中的信源编码失真度DS、信道传输失真度DC、系统总体失真度D及其相互的关系。

    The model for the wireless multimedia transmission was analyzed ; the relationship among source coding distortion Ds , the channel distortion Dc , and the rate distortion of the transmission system D were discussed ;

  25. 通过对数字通信差错控制编码技术的具体分析,提出了适合智能传感器与微机数据无线传输的CRC码差错检测方法。

    By the introduction of Error-control Coding Technique in detail , a method called CRC error detect code that suits in non-wire data transportation among personal is presented .

  26. 自由空间光通信(freespaceopticalcommunication,FSO)是一种采用红外激光承载高速信号的无线传输技术,具有成本低、容量大、设计简单、接入方便等优势。

    Free space optical communication ( FSO ) is a type of wireless transmission technology which transmission the high-speed signal by infrared laser . It is characterized by the low cost , great capacity , simple to design and convenient to access .

  27. WSN由于其传感器节点自身能力以及无线传输方式的限制,在设计中很难使每个技术指标都达到最优。

    Limited by self-capability of sensor nodes in WSN and the wireless transmission mode , it is hardly possible to reach the optimal level on each technical target at the same time .

  28. 通过单片机底层程序的设计,完成了对心电数据的采集和GPRS模块的AT指令控制,实现了对心电数据无线传输;

    In the software project , PIC bottom program is used to collect the ECG data and control the AT injunction to the GPRS module , which realize the wireless transmission of ECG data .

  29. 自组网QoS模型技术面临着拓扑结构动态变化、存在单向信道、有限的无线传输带宽以及移动终端处理能力的局限性等一系列挑战。

    Users not only need best-effort service but also hope network can support QoS . MANET QoS model has to deal with the dynamic topology , unidirectional link , limited wireless bandwidth and capability-constrained of mobile nodes , etc .

  30. 无线传输层安全协议(WTLS)原来是被专门设计与WAP传输协议配套使用的,但它将广泛用于无线终端(如无线PDA、GPRS、CDMA手机等)之间的安全通信。

    WTLS is originally designed for WAP , but it will be widely used in wireless communication between wireless terminals ( such as wireless PDA , GPRS or CDMA wireless telephone ) .