
  1. 基于GIS的台情数据库查询系统实际应用于全国无线电短波监测网络系统当中。

    The system is actually implemented in the Radio Short-wave Monitoring Network .

  2. 软件无线电短波定明接收机的研究

    The Study of Short-Wave Timing Receiver Based-on Software Radio

  3. 本论文的课题来源就是全国无线电短波网络监测数据库系统的设计与应用层面。

    The source of this paper 's thesis is based on the design of the shortwave monitoring database system .

  4. 而对于无线电短波监测网络的完善和建设,台情信息的管理方式和理念成为加强系统功能的重要环节。

    In the whole short-wave network project , it is the station conditions management sub-system that is the core part of it .

  5. 这次太阳风暴同时还使无线电短波通讯中断,海岸警卫队的洛兰远程导航系统瘫痪,车库的自动门自行开启。

    The same storm disrupted shortwave radio transmissions , cripple Coast Guard loran navigation systems and had automatic garage doors opening on their own .

  6. 本系统实际应用于全国无线电短波监测第一期工程项目中,经过应用和检测,实际效果良好,运行稳定并受到广泛好评。

    This system has applied to the national radio short-wave and monitored in the first project actually , through using and measuring , the actual effect is stable % effective and excellent .

  7. 基于软件无线电的短波中频数字化

    IF digitization of SW based on software radio

  8. 第二章研究软件无线电体制SSB短波通信电台抗干扰通信系统中的A/D技术,包括带通采样定理以及如何确定采样的位置、精度、速度。

    In chapter 2 we introduce the A / D method , include the band-pass sampling theory and the how to decide the sampling position , sampling accuracy and sampling rate .

  9. 软件无线电技术在短波单边带接收机中的应用

    The Application of Software Radio Technologies in Short-Wave SSB Receiver

  10. 软件无线电在自适应短波通信发射机中的应用

    The Application of Software Radio in Adaptive Short-Wave Transmitter

  11. 基于软件无线电原理的短波数字通信平台的关键技术的研究

    The Research of Important Characters of High Frequency Digital Communication Platform Based on the Software Defined Radio Theory

  12. 在海上无线电通信中,短波通信发挥着极其重要的作用。

    HF communication plays an extremely important role in marine radio communications .

  13. 无线电通讯可以采用短波也可以采用长波。

    In radio communication , either short or long waves may be used .

  14. 针对无线电通信中的短波管理,国家无线电管理委员会设立了国家无线电短波监测网络系统项目,通过这样的监测网络,达到对短波通信的有效管理。

    The national wireless management committee established the national wireless short-wave monitors network system project .

  15. 随着无线电行业在中国的迅速崛起和迅猛发展,国家无线电监测中心对短波监测网络的建设进行了重点加强。

    Since the telecommunication and radio trade fast emerges and develops rapidly in China , The National Radio Monitoring Center has made the strong decision to strengthen the short-wave network construction especially .

  16. 本文建立在传统的短波定时接收仪的基础上,通过对授时接收机和软件无线电理论的深入研究,提出了一种新的软件无线电概念下的短波定时接收机的实现方案。

    On the base of the traditional BPM-I , II time receiver , and by the deeply studied of the theory of Software Radio ( SWR ) and time receiver , we present the short-wave time receiver design on the concept of Software Radio .