
  • 网络Theoretical computer science
  1. SAT是理论计算机科学中的一个经典问题,也是被发现的第一个NP完全问题。

    SAT is not only a classical problem of theoretical computer science , but also the first NP complete problem which has been discovered .

  2. SAT问题(可满足性问题)是理论计算机科学的核心问题,研究SAT问题的方法很多,利用极小不可满足公式的性质来研究SAT问题是近几年的一个热点研究方向。

    SAT Problem is a core problem in theoretical computer science . There are many ways to research into SAT Problem . Using the properties of minimal unsatisfiable formulas to study SAT Problem is a new hot way of research at present .

  3. 可满足性问题(SAT)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题。

    Satisfiability ( SAT ) problem has been the core problem of research on computational theory .

  4. 然后,将改进的社会认知优化算法应用于求解SAT问题。命题逻辑中合取范式(CNF)的可满足性问题(SAT问题)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题,是一典型的NP完全问题。

    And then , the improved SCO is applied to solve the SAT problem .

  5. 交叉数是图的非平面性的一个重要度量,已广泛应用于离散和计算几何、VLSI电路设计以及数学和理论计算机科学的其它领域。

    The crossing number is an important measure of non-planarity of a graph , with applications in discrete and computational geometry , VLSI circuit design , and in several other areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science .

  6. 这是一个理论计算机科学和算法博弈论的题目。

    This is a proposal in theoretical computer science and algorithmic game theory .

  7. 模型论逻辑与理论计算机科学

    Model Theoretic Logic and Theoretical Computer Science

  8. 近年来,逻辑中语义的思想与方法在理论计算机科学的许多分支中的渗透与应用,已愈来愈受重视。

    In recent years semantic ideas and methods have been emphasized in many branches of theoretical computer science .

  9. 离散数学是最普遍的数学理论计算机科学领域的有益的通用名称。

    Discrete mathematics is the common name for the fields of mathematics most generally useful in theoretical computer science .

  10. 他们的研究涵盖在计算机科学的多个领域,包括理论计算机科学,并行和分配计算,科学计算机,软件系统和人工智能。

    Graduate supervision is available in areas such as theoretical computer science , parallel and distributed computing , scientific computing , software systems , and artificial intelligence .

  11. 本文对理论计算机科学,特别是对其在逻辑与语义方面的基本思想作了一个直观易懂的综述,旨在使上述思想能为希望在该领域开拓视野之士敞开大门。

    This paper provides an intuitive and easily understandable overview of some fundamental ideas in the area of theoretical computer science , especially those related to logic and semantics .

  12. 他是理论计算机科学领域里真正的英雄;他在解决某些悬而未决的科学问题上的勇气和创造力是人们学习的楷模。

    He is truly a heroic figure in theoretical computer science and a role model for his courage and creativity in addressing some of the deepest unsolved problems in science .

  13. 第四种学士学位规划则是针对有兴趣研究理论计算机科学的数学与计算机科学学位。

    A fourth undergraduate program leads to the degree Bachelor 's of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science ; it is intended for students seriously interested in theoretical computer science .

  14. 类型系统一直是理论计算机科学的研究热点,特别是带高阶子类型的多态类型系统的研究在探讨面向对象技术形式化理论基础中起着重要作用。

    In recent years , peoples have studied many type systems , and the type systems with high order subtyping play an important role in the research of formal foundation of object oriented technology .

  15. 由于非良基集合可以用来构造循环现象的模型,而这些循环现象都不能用经典集合论来描述,因此,它们在哲学、经济学、模态逻辑、语言学以及理论计算机科学中具有十分广阔的应用前景。

    Since non-well-founded sets can be used to model circular phenomena that cannot be described in classical set theory , they have vast applications in philosophy , economics , modal logic , linguistics and theoretical computer sciences .

  16. 计算几何是理论计算机科学领域中极有生命力的子领域,其研究成果已在计算机图形学、化学、统计分析、模式识别、地理数据库以及其他许多领域中得到了广泛的应用。

    Computational geometry is a vital sub-domain in the theoretical computer science domain , its research result has already gotten an extensive application in the computer graphics , the chemistry , the statistics , the pattern recognition , the geographic database and other many domains .

  17. 然而,在可计算理论计算机科学的一个支派一个简单的数学证明推断出下列结果:不可能完全解决所谓当机(指任意电脑程序是否会进入无限循环、或者罢工并产生输出)问题。

    However , computability theory , a computer science & tribe a simple mathematical proof to infer the following results : can not completely solve the so-called " crash "( referring to any computer program will enter an infinite loop , or the strike and generate output ) Problem .

  18. 作为每个课程的重要组成部分,理论在计算机科学中有着特殊的价值。

    An important component of any curriculum , theory is especially valuable in computer science .

  19. 现代决策技术是集成系统建模、统计分析、优化理论与计算机科学等理论和方法的一门综合性应用学科。

    Modern DM techniques have developed into a comprehensive integration of the theories and methods of System Modeling , Statistics Analysis , Optimization Theory , and Computer Science , etc.

  20. 等离子喷焊电源是为等离子弧提供能量的电源,涉及到焊接工艺学、电力电子学、控制理论和计算机科学与技术等众多领域。

    Plasma spray welding power source , which gives energy to plasma arc welding , involves welding technology , power electricals , control theory , computer science and technology , and so on .

  21. 然而由于磁悬浮轴承技术是一门复杂的多学科的高新技术,其研究领域涉及到机械学、转子动力学、电磁学、电子学、控制理论和计算机科学等学科。

    But the technology of AMB is an advanced technology , which relates to many science fields such as mechanics , rotor dynamics , electromagnetic , electronics , control theory , computer science and so on .

  22. 如今,随着教育理论和计算机科学与技术的高速发展,现代教育技术正改变着人们的观念,并对教育的发展产生了重大的影响。

    Nowadays , with the rapid development of educational theory and computer science and technology , modern educational technology is changing the mindset of the people , and had a significant impact on the development of education .

  23. 另一方面,随着数值计算方法、有限元理论和计算机科学等领域的发展,利用有限元分析软件可以对转子的循环受载过程进行模拟,并取代传统材料疲劳实验。

    On the other hand , with the development of numerical method , the finite element theory , computer science and other fields , finite element analysis software can simulate the rotor cycle process and replace the traditional material fatigue test .

  24. 对复杂系统的研究已成为现代科学发展的核心问题之一,系统动力学为系统理论与计算机科学在此领域的结合作出了开创性的工作。

    Researches for Complex systems become more and more important in modern science . System dynamics has done its significant work for the integration of System Theory and Computer Science in this field , Each dynamic system forms a complex causality network .

  25. 差分方程是研究离散动力系统轨道问题的变分方程时提出来的,随后它在很多领域,包括微分方程的数值方法,有限元方法,控制理论和计算机科学的研究中都有重要的应用。

    Difference equations are arise as variational equations along the orbits of discrete dynamical systems and play a key role in various fields , such as numerical methods of differential equations , finite elements techniques , control theory , and computer science .

  26. 本文提出的语义描述框架丰富了软件体系结构形式化方法的研究,推动了范畴理论在计算机科学中的应用和发展,可以为从事范畴论方向的研究人员提供参考与启发。

    The framework for semantic description enriches the studies on formal methods of software architecture , and promotes the application and development of category theory in computer science , and provides a reference and inspiration for the researchers engaged in the field of category theory .

  27. 近年来,该理论在计算机科学及多种领域获得了成功的应用,本文第一章对粗糙集理论的产生和发展,研究的主要问题和粗糙集的基本概念等进行了综述。

    In Chapter 1 of this paper , a survey of the advances of rough set theory is given . It includes the introduction of rough set theory and its development , main problems studied in rough set theory and the basic concepts of rough set .

  28. 混杂系统是由控制理论科学结合计算机科学发展而来的,它是一种跨学科的新的研究课题。

    Research and development of hybrid systems is growing both with the theoretical science in computer and science in control , it is a new interdisciplinary research subject .

  29. 近年来,博弈理论模型已经在计算机科学和人工智能领域产生了深远的影响。

    In recent years , game theory models have a profound impact in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence .

  30. 对磁悬浮小球控制系统的研究涉及到控制理论、电磁学、计算机科学等众多领域。

    The magnetic levitation ball system is a complex integrated system including control theory , electromagnetics , computer science and other fields related .