
  • 网络theoretical concept
  1. 总结出“比较分析”法的理论概念;

    This essay summarizes the theoretical concept of comparison and analysis .

  2. 框架分析:一个亟待澄清的理论概念

    Frame Analysis : A Theoretical Concept That Needs To Be Clarified

  3. 马丁的这一理论概念基于对贝克汉姆转会至巴黎圣日耳曼队后状况的一番假设:假如他突然受到萨特、普鲁斯特、加缪等法国存在主义大师启发,并遭遇个人存在危机,他会怎么办?

    Martin 's concept imagines what would happen if Beckham had been hit by a sudden existentialist crisis after encountering the views of Sartre , Proust and Camus in Paris ' intellectual scene , following his transfer to Paris Saint-Germain .

  4. 网络行政行为是相对于传统意义上的行政行为的1个理论概念,是传统的行政行为在网络中的具体运用。

    E-administrative action is a theoretical concept of Administrative Action .

  5. 沙产业理论概念及其内涵的探讨

    Probe into Theoretical Concept of Desert Industry and its Connotation

  6. 区域一体化的理论概念及其发展

    The conception of regional integration and related development

  7. 中医基础理论概念界定及其发展态势思考

    Thought about Definition of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Developing Tendency

  8. 现代营销理论概念演化经历了三个主要时期。

    The evolvement of the theory concept of modern marketing has undergone three main periods .

  9. 公共项目治理理论概念模型的建立

    A Conceptual Model for Public Project Governance

  10. 不同的音乐理论概念

    Concept of Music Theory

  11. 社会资本是在社会建设反思阶段发展起来的理论概念,并成为当代社会建设的主题。

    The social capital , as the theme of social construction , is a theoretical concept that originates in the reflection phase .

  12. 最后,以高等职业教育培养目标为指导,以职业教育课程理论概念框架结构为线索,对高等职业教育进行课程设计,从而形成完整的高等职业教育课程观。

    Last , higher vocational education curriculum is designed to form integrated curriculum system according to its training aim and its theory structure .

  13. 在这些理论概念的基础上,作者提出了一些对岩爆和煤爆进行定位、预测和缓解的实用方法。

    On the basis of his theoretical concepts the author suggests some practical methods for the location , prevention and mitigation of rock and coal bursts .

  14. 第二部分是对社会互动和社会角色理论概念的界定及相关文献梳理,该部分主要是对理论的叙述,是对理论详细的介绍。

    The second part is the social interaction and social role theory concept and relative literature review , which is mainly focused on the narrative theory .

  15. 试论国际竞争力的理论概念与分析方法当引入产品内分工的理论概念和价值链的现实操作概念之后,我们很容易地打破了所谓的悖论。

    When the theory of intra-product and the concept of value chains are introduced as the method of analysis , the paradox will collapse by itself .

  16. 方法的更新离不开观点的更新、理论概念和范畴的积累以及教学经验事实的增长。

    The renewal of method always goes on with the renewal of ideas . the accumulation of theoretical conception and category and the increase of teaching experience .

  17. 第二部分对胜任能力、胜任能力模型的基本理论概念进行了介绍,然后阐述专业人才的界定和能力词典的编制等内容。

    Secondly , this topic summarizes the relevant concept of competence and competency model ; then describes the definition of professionals and the competency dictionary and so on .

  18. 该文从生态环境和未来艺术时代的人居环境需要,论述了山水城市的理论概念。

    This article discusses the theoretical conception of Shan-Shui Cltyi ± from the demanding of natural enviroment and surroundings of inhabitant of age of art in the future .

  19. 对形体美若干理论概念之辨析对高校学生形体课的现状调查与对策分析

    Research on Several Theoretical Concepts of " Body Shaping " Investigation on the Current Situation of Body Shaping Courses in Higher Education and Its Strategy Finance & Economics

  20. 第二章是椭圆曲线算法的数学原理及一些本论文要使用的相关数学理论概念,包括数学对象的符号与表示,并详细描述椭圆曲线的密码学方案。

    Chapter 2 provides certain algebraic and geometrical principles of ECC and some necessary mathematical materials used in the paper , including notation and representation of mathematical objects .

  21. 同时还指出,行政事实行为作为一个理论概念,既是行政实践关系的反映,又是理论交互作用的结果。

    It is also point out that , as a theoretical concept , AFA is both a reflection of administrative relation in practice and aresult of conflicting theories .

  22. 准行政行为是相对于法律性行政行为而言的一个理论概念,即指行政主体运用行政权以观念表示的方式作出的间接产生行政法律效果的行政行为。

    Quasi-administrative Conduct is a theoretical concept related to legal administrative conduct . That is , administrative subject uses the administrative authority to perform an indirect administrative legal effect .

  23. 环境工程地质学是一门新兴的学科,它的内涵和外延、理论概念和技术方法都还在专家学者的热烈讨论之中。

    Environment engineering geology is a rising discipline and its connotation , extension , theoretical concept and technical method are still under the heat discussion of scientists and scholars .

  24. 人观察世界的方式主要是由人的神经决定的,而不是由理论概念决定的,因此与观察依赖理论的论题相反对。

    That the nature of observation is mainly determined not by theoretical concepts but by neural system of human body , thus the thesis of observation dependence theory is questioned .

  25. 其次,他试图瓦解马克思物质生产第一性的基本叙事逻辑,提出消费引导型科层制社会的现代性批判理论概念;

    For another , he attempts to refute Marx 's basic narrating logic in the priority of material production , and to raise a notion of the bureaucratic society of controlled consumption .

  26. 在对现代性问题的思想史脉络加以简略地梳理之后,着重讨论了他的交往理论概念,以及通过重建历史唯物主义而提出的社会进化理论。

    After simply giving thought history of Modernity , it emphasizes his concept of communicative ration , moreover it tries to discuss his social evolution theory putted forward by reconstructed historical materialism .

  27. 因此,在城市物质要素的组织、空间布局、环境设计中都应有社会资本与空间网络的理论概念,以提升城市的效能。

    Therefore the concepts of social capital and spatial network should be applied to the organization of physical urban form , spatial structure and environment design so as to promote the efficiency of urban management .

  28. 从林业产业的理论概念出发,本文定义了林业资金的概念和范围,并由此论述了林业资金理论的两个基本观点和四个基本特点。

    This paper defines the concept and scope of forestry capital from the point of the theoretical concept of forestry . Using the above analysis , two theoretical points and four basie characteristics of forestry capital are discussed .

  29. 而国外成功案例因为国内资源限制无法获得一手资料,本文仅从理论概念上进行分析研究,因此论文仍然有许多需要改进的地方,希望各位同行专拣批评指正。

    Success Stories abroad because domestic resource constraints can not get first-hand information , this article only from the theoretical concept analysis , this paper there are still many areas for improvement , I hope colleagues to experts criticized the correction .

  30. 技术创新的理论概念早在上个世纪六七十年代就已经进入我国,后来随着社会的不断发展进步,技术创新逐渐成为国家各领域专家不断研究钻研的热点问题。

    Theoretical concepts of technological innovation has been entering China in the 1960s and 1970s.With the continuous development and progress of society , technological innovation has become the hot issues that experts in various fields of national take into research constantly .