
  • 网络international migration
  1. 在当今世界,国际迁移是一种客观进程。

    International migration in the modern world is an objective process .

  2. 上海国际迁移变动初探

    A Probe into the Change of International Migration in Shanghai

  3. 近代中国大规模的国际迁移:1840&1949

    Large Scale International Migration in Modern China : 1840-1949

  4. 专业化人力资本国际迁移的理论建构与印度个案分析

    Theoretical Construction of International Migration of Specialized Human Capital and the Case of India

  5. 目前,我国的人口国际迁移存在相对优势和不足。

    There exits relative superiority and insufficiency in population international migration in our country .

  6. 人力资本投资包括教育、培训、保健、国内迁移和国际迁移。

    The human capital investment includes education , training , health , internal transfer and international transfer .

  7. 并在此基础上,对侨乡的移民经验进行类型学分析,对当代中国侨乡人口国际迁移的特征、类型和发展趋势进行探讨。

    A typology of migration experience of Qiaoxiang will be proposed , and the characteristics and trends of current Chinese migration will be examined .

  8. 它是国际迁移和自然人流动的一个侧面,并成为国际迁移和自然人流动的一个重要拉动因素。

    It is one side of international migration and movement of natural persons , and become an important pull factors of international migration and the movement of natural persons .

  9. 由于国际迁移的这些特点,国际迁移在境内迁移的理论基础上,还要考虑国家之间的法规和政策限制的因素、国家间社会福利之间的差别,以及更注重对非经济因素的考查。

    Therefore , based on the theoretical approaches of internal migration , the study of international migration pays more attentions to other factors , such as regulations , welfares and other non-economic factors .

  10. 本文从历史人口学的角度对1840&1949年间中国国际迁移的形成原因、演变过程、移民规模和流向分布等问题进行了探讨,提供了近代中国大规模海外移民的历史场景。

    With a perspective of historical demography , this article has examined the causes , evolution , volume , and stream distribution of the international migration occurred in 1840-1949 in China , presenting a historical scene of the large scale Chinese overseas migration in modern times .

  11. 当今永久性国际人口迁移现状及其特点

    Status and Characters of Current International Permanent Migration

  12. 这些理论各有所侧重,综合起来基本上可以解释复杂多样的国际人口迁移现象。不过,不免存在一定的局限性。

    We can explain the phenomenon of international migration by using the above theories .

  13. 国际人口迁移理论述评

    Evaluation of theories on International Migration

  14. 经济全球化与国际人口迁移

    Economic Globalization and International Migration

  15. 因此,国际劳动迁移对一国经济的影响已经成为一项重要的研究课题了。

    Therefore , it is becoming an important matter that investigation of economic effects of international labor migration .

  16. 国际劳工迁移是国际政治经济和人口发展不平衡的结果。

    International labor migration is the result of international unbalanced political & economic development and the result of population development .

  17. 台籍华侨社会的形成是国际人口迁移中推拉效应的体现。

    The community formed by overseas Taiwan Chinese is mainly affected by " push - pull effect " of international migration theory .

  18. 19世纪至20世纪初法国的人口迁移包括国内人口迁移和国际人口迁移。

    The population migration in France from 19th century to the beginning of 20th century includes the domestic migration and the international migration .

  19. 本文在对主要地区和国家的国际劳工迁移的现状分析后,发现当今国际劳工迁移呈现出众多特点。

    Based on the analysis of the present situation of international labor migration in the world , some characteristics of the international labor migration are presented in this paper .

  20. 针对目前国际上离子迁移谱技术研究向着利用离子迁移率随电场变化的非线性特性对不同离子进行分离即非对称场离子迁移谱技术,作了相应的理论研究。

    Some theory research in the field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry was made .

  21. 国际旅行与迁移统计

    International travel and migration statistics

  22. 萨摩亚已决定在今年年底将国际日期变更折线迁移到国境以东,将与亚洲与大洋洲的时间拉近一天。这是对亚洲世纪的信心投票。

    In a vote of confidence for the Asian century , the country has decided to shift the jagged International Date Line to its east at the end of this year , which will bring it a day closer to Asia and Australasia .

  23. 永久性国际移民是国际人口迁移的重要组成部分。

    Permanent international migration is an important part of international migration .