
  • 网络international migration;international population migration
  1. 这些理论各有所侧重,综合起来基本上可以解释复杂多样的国际人口迁移现象。不过,不免存在一定的局限性。

    We can explain the phenomenon of international migration by using the above theories .

  2. 国际人口迁移理论述评

    Evaluation of theories on International Migration

  3. 当今永久性国际人口迁移现状及其特点

    Status and Characters of Current International Permanent Migration

  4. 经济全球化与国际人口迁移

    Economic Globalization and International Migration

  5. 台籍华侨社会的形成是国际人口迁移中推拉效应的体现。

    The community formed by overseas Taiwan Chinese is mainly affected by " push - pull effect " of international migration theory .

  6. 19世纪至20世纪初法国的人口迁移包括国内人口迁移和国际人口迁移。

    The population migration in France from 19th century to the beginning of 20th century includes the domestic migration and the international migration .

  7. 永久性国际移民是国际人口迁移的重要组成部分。

    Permanent international migration is an important part of international migration .

  8. 本文在评述国际上有关流动人口迁移机制理论的基础上,系统地分析了中国流动人口的成因,归纳总结了有关流动人口发展趋势与改革、解除阻止人口流动的制度和政策的四点结论。

    Based on the review of the theory concerning population migration , this paper studies the reasons for the floating population in contemporary China , and draws four conclusions about the trends and policies of population mobility .