
  1. 这些问题的产生,使很多人对人口的迁移流动和城市化持否定的态度。

    These make many people take a negative attitude to the migration and urbanization of the population .

  2. 农村人口的迁移,造成教育需求特别是义务教育需求的区域波动,进而需要对农村义务教育资源配置进行调整。

    The migration of rural population brings forth the district undulation of education demand , especially the demanding of the compulsory education .

  3. 而这样高技术人口的迁移,也让财富从经济较好的州流向经济贫弱的地区。

    This geographic dispersal of highly-skilled workers meant that the gains of states with stronger economies could be spread to those with weaker ones .

  4. 这需要许多地区合作,而跨边界的特点是至关重要的,因为在这些边界上有大量人口的迁移。

    It will take a lot of regional collaboration , and the cross-border dimension will be critical because there are significant population movements across those borders .

  5. 人口的迁移给东莞带来了丰富的劳动年龄人口,促进了经济社会的发展,也带来了一些负面的影响,如外来人口的犯罪问题,对社会资源的压力,对环境的压力等。

    The migration has brought labour age population , promoted economic society , and also brought some negative influences as the criminal problem , the resource pressure and environmental pressure , ect .

  6. 生产者和消费者从公共物品中获得收益对于距离的的敏感性导致了人口的迁移和产业集聚,而拥挤则保证了均衡的存在。

    The incomes that producers and consumers earn from public goods are sensitive to distance , which leads to population transfer and industry agglomeration , and congestion ensures equilibrium existing . 5 .

  7. 随着省际之间、城乡之间人口的迁移流动日趋频繁,人口的机械变动对人口各种结构的影响将逐渐增大。

    While with more frequent floating and migration of people between provinces , between urban and rural areas , the influence of mechanical change of population on population structures is gradually increasing .

  8. 在19世纪被英国控制之前,这个地区的政治发展围绕着一些国家的形成,发展和缩小,促成大量人口的迁移。

    Prior to British control in the nineteenth century , political developments in the area largely revolved around the formation , development , and contraction of a number of states & a situation that often entailed much population movement .

  9. 另一方面,也是更为主要的,它使九·一八事变后关内与东北间人口的迁移与流动发生了根本变化,完全被纳入了日本侵略者的战争轨道,其发展随着日本侵华政策的变化而变化。

    On the other hand , and what is more , it caused the fundamental alternation of population migrating and flowing between inside Shanhaiguan Pass and Northeast after the September 18th Incident , which was brought into the warfare path of Japan 's invasion completely .

  10. 外国出生人口的国内迁移:人口集中还是分散?

    Internal migration of the foreign-born : population concentration or dispersion ?

  11. 否则人口的向西迁移也将缓慢得多。

    The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish .

  12. 人口的自由迁移,使竞争从商品市场内化到要素市场;

    The free moving of population makes competition extend from commodity markets to factor markets .

  13. 论文从经济增长、产业结构的演变、工业化和城市化的快速发展、人口的快速迁移、技术进步和制度等方面对经济快速发展时期土地利用变化机制进行了实证研究。

    The paper makes empirical research on the mechanism of land use change from economic increase , industry structure transformation , high-speed development of industrialization and urbanization , population migration , technology advancement and institutions .

  14. 在绵阳城区选择五个典型社区进行问卷调查,在详细问卷调查基础上总结出绵阳城市内部人口迁居的迁移性、迁移方向性、迁移距离和迁移空间类型等特征;

    Based on the detailed investigation , the characteristics of the people 's move inside the Mianyang city , such as the quality , the directionality , the distance , the spatial type , et al .

  15. 城市化的发展必然导致人口的大规模迁移,城市规模不断扩大、数量不断增加,这也就意味着会出现对房地产的庞大需求;3.投资、投机因素对我国房地产价格的影响。

    Urbanization will inevitably lead to major shifts in population , the city have been expanding , increasing the number , which means there will be a huge demand for real estate ; 3 . Investment , speculation on the real estate prices .

  16. 收入趋势正在进一步抑制人口向城市的迁移。

    Income trends are further suppressing potential migration to the cities .

  17. 在工业化与现代化的进程中,农村人口的流动与迁移是个世界性的问题。

    In the process of industrialization and modernization , the mobility and migration of rural population is a universal problem .

  18. 如何实现大多数农村人口的城市化迁移,是我国经济社会发展的目标和实现现代化的重要任务。

    How to realize the village population moving to city is the target of our country economic development and the important mission of realizing modernize .

  19. 古代囿于诸如传播手段和媒介等的种种限制,文化的传播又离不开人口的流动和迁移。

    In ancient times , with the limitation of means and media , the spreading of culture was always associated with the flow and immigration of people .

  20. 当代中国农村人口的流动和迁移是学术界关注的一个热点问题,积累了大量的研究成果。

    Nowadays , the problems of population floating and migrating in rural China have come to the attention of many academic communities and become one of the hottest issues .

  21. 人口的分布与迁移一直都是社会学研究领域所关注的热点问题,在不同的社会经济发展背景下,人口分布与迁移也呈现出不同的变化特征。

    Population distribution and migration has always been the sociological research areas of the hot issue in the context of different socio-economic development , population distribution and migration of showing a different variation .

  22. 按照配第&克拉克定律,我国产业结构的变动已引起了人口分布的大规模迁移,出现了从第一产业“溢出”剩余人口的潮流。

    According to Padi-Clark Law , the changes in China 's industrial structure have resulted in a large-scale movement of population , a " spilling " of surplus population from the primary industry .

  23. 本研究运用交换主义的理论视角,建立在如下两个假设之上:随着农村人口向城市的迁移,农村老年人对精神慰藉的需求超过了对经济供养的需求;

    The research is set up in the following two assumptions : To migration of city , rural the elderly right spiritual demand of consolation exceed to demand that economy support with people in the countryside ;

  24. 人口不受约束的迁移显然更有可能发生在各个国家之内。

    Unfettered migration is obviously a lot more likely within countries .

  25. 随着农村人口的增加,这种迁移活动不可能在一个地区长期进行。

    Relocation is costly and cannot go on forever in a region with swelling rural human populations .

  26. 而随着农村人口向城市的大迁移,农耕文明与工业文明、后工业文明的交锋与冲突,给中国乡土小说的书写观念带来了巨大的冲击。

    With the great immigration of rural population to the urban area , the collision among the farming civilization , industry civilization and post industry civilization has brought immense clashes to write the rural fictions .

  27. 80年代后期以来,人口迁移中的户口迁移和非户口迁移都出现了一些新的变化,因此很有必要研究影响中国人口迁移的相关因素。

    Since the late 80 's , the Hukou Migration and No-Hukou Migration in China have both had some new features . So there is necessary to research the influence factors on the Migration in China .

  28. 26、促进人口有序迁移和流动。否则人口的向西迁移也将缓慢得多。

    Promoting orderly migration of people . The westward flow of population would have been far more sluggish .

  29. 纵观人口状况的这些变化特点,都与人口的迁移流动有着密切的关系。

    It is noticed that all features of change in population conditions have a close relationship with population floating and migration .

  30. 随着我国城市经济水平的发展提高,农村人口逐渐向城市地区迁移,农村人口的地区迁移使得城镇人口在总人口中所占比重不断增加。

    With the level of economic development improving , the rural population gradually migrate to urban areas , and the migration makes urban population proportion in the total population increasing .