
  • 网络population gravity center
  1. GIS在人口重心迁移研究中的应用

    Application of GIS in the Study of the Migration of the Population Gravity Center

  2. 河南省1987-2006年人口重心与经济重心的空间演变及对比分析

    Evolvement and Comparative Analysis of Population Gravity Center and Economy Gravity Center from 1987 to 2006 in Henan

  3. 福建省人口重心移动路径及其影响因素的人口学分析

    Demography Analysis on the Dynamic Evolvements of Population Gravity Center of Fujian Province

  4. 近20年来中国人口重心与经济重心的演变及其对比分析

    Evolvement and Comparative Analysis of the Population Center Gravity and the Economy Gravity Center in Recent Twenty Years in China

  5. 结果表明,甘肃省2004年总体上经济空间差异较大,经济重心与人口重心和几何中心均有较大偏移;

    Empirical results show that the center of population and GDP have a significant offset with the center of geometry .

  6. 阻碍、延缓了我国城镇化与农村人口重心转移;

    Secondly , it has hindered and delayed our country 's city transformation and the shift of rural population center of gravity ;

  7. 二十年间湖北省人口重心有向西北移动的趋势。②湖北省人口分布的影响因素。

    Population center of gravity has a trend to move towards the northwest . Second , the factors affecting population distribution in Hubei province .

  8. 与人口重心相比较,东西方向呈不平衡态势发展,南北方向则开始趋于平衡;

    Against the population gravity center : between east and west take on imbalance developing , while between south and north tend to balance ;

  9. 甘肃省人口重心迁移受自然、社会经济和政策等多种因素的影响。

    The migration of population gravity center in Gansu province is mainly affected by many factors such as nature , socioeconomic factor and policy , etc.

  10. 城市郊区化是一种城市空间结构的转变,是城市社会的人口重心、经济活动和政治影响力由城市中心区向外围地区的转移过程。

    City suburbanization is a change of city 's spacial structure and a process of population , political and economic center movement form downtown to suburbs .

  11. 与人口重心相比,安徽省经济重心偏向东南方向,这表明安徽省东部和南部是经济发展的高密度部位。

    Compared with the population centroids , the economic centroids are located in the southeast , which indicates the east and south of Anhui province are the high-density of economic development .

  12. 人口重心从1950~2003年由北到南移动了6.30km,反映出研究区经济发展良好的区域在南部(即汶川县)方向;

    In the past 50 years , the center of papulation moved 6.30 km from north to south , indicating that the economy in the south area developed in good status .

  13. 结果显示,甘肃省人口重心向省会兰州市迁移的趋势明显,人口重心移动轨迹呈现出一定的曲折和波动。

    The results show that the trend that population gravity center move to Lanzhou & the capital of Gansu Province is obvious , and the migration orbit of population gravity center demonstrates certain fluctuation .

  14. 第一产业重心相对人口重心偏移距离变化较为复杂,但二者仍存在较大的不均衡性;耕地面积与人口分布的不均衡性日益变大。

    The first industry gravity center changes more complex than the population , and still exist a large imbalance between them . On the contrary , the imbalance of arable land area and population turn to smaller .

  15. 美国人口增长重心渐渐移向南部和西南部,那里工会人数比其他地区要少。

    U.S. population growth shifted to the South and Southwest , where union membership has been lower than elsewhere in the country .

  16. 探索新的演化算法机制也是值得提倡的,通过模拟人口随经济重心而转移、随人口压力增加而扩散的机制,本文还提出了一种新的用于函数全局优化的搜索算法&人口迁移算法。

    In this dissertation , a new search algorithm for global optimization - population migration algorithm is proposed by simulation of population migration . The algorithm mainly simulated population transition with economics and dispersion with population pressure increment .

  17. 本文通过人口规模、集聚特征和人口重心三个方面介绍武汉市人口空间分布的概况。

    This paper describes the population spatial distribution in Wuhan by analyzing three aspects including population size , agglomeration and population gravity center .

  18. 这个趋势同人口分部也有关连。美国人口增长重心渐渐移向南部和西南部,那里工会人数比其他地区要少。

    Changing demographics also played a role.U.S.population growth shifted to the South and Southwest , where union membership has been lower than elsewhere in the country .

  19. 利用2000年人口普查信息,介绍了在人口地理信息系统中,通过三维模型显示,罗伦斯曲线,人口重心和人口潜力等方法,分析中国人口分布的特征。

    Based on the population data of 2000 census , the characteristic of spatial distribution of population in China are analyzed by using the 3-D model display , Laurence curve , movement of population center of gravity in different periods and population potential .

  20. 其次分析了广州市的人口分布状况,广州人口分布趋向规则化,均衡化,人口分布重心向东北向偏移,人口密度由单中心向多中心的趋势变化,郊区化现象比较明显等;

    Secondly , the distribution of population in Guangzhou tend to be regularization , equilibrium and the density of population change into more centers .