
  • 网络the human resources market;Human Resource Market
  1. 继续教育能够优化人力资源市场。

    Continuing education could optimize the human resources market .

  2. 积极开拓人力资源市场;

    Explore the human resources market actively ;

  3. 浅论地级市统一人力资源市场的必要性

    The Necessity for Unification of the Prefecture-level City Human Resource Market

  4. 论现阶段人力资源市场的分割性与治理

    The Study on the Division and the Administration of Human Resources Market

  5. 人力资源市场中的政府行为研究

    Study on the Government Behavior in the Human Resources Market

  6. 心理测评与我国人力资源市场开发

    Psychological test and the market development of our country of human resource

  7. 上海人力资源市场发展:经验与展望

    Development of Shanghai Human Resources Market : Experience and Prospects

  8. 人力资源市场运作方式的构想

    The conception of the way of operating human resources market

  9. 人力资源市场化配置需要制度创新

    Marketing Allocation of Human Resource Needs Innovation of Institutions

  10. 加强人力资源市场化配置中的宏观调控

    On Strengthening the Macro-control of the Distribution of Human Resources in the Market

  11. 人力资源市场化配置水平低;

    The level of human resources market disposes lower ;

  12. 加快建立统一规范的人力资源市场。

    We will accelerate the development of a unified and standardized human resources market .

  13. 进入新世纪后,这种人力资源市场模式面临严峻挑战。

    When entering the new century , this market mode is confronted with severe challenges .

  14. 作为人力资源市场的中介,职业介绍服务体系在其中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In the labor market , The function of employment service system is more and more important .

  15. 因此,评价电信企业的国际竞争力可从资本市场、人力资源市场和业务市场这三个方面来进行。

    Hence , to evaluate the competition of such companies can also rely on the three markets .

  16. 打破人力资源市场的二元结构,统一城乡人力资源市场

    Break Dual Structure of the Human Resources Market , Unify the Human Resources Market in Urban and Rural areas

  17. 一是市场范围应该从局部市场向统一的金融人力资源市场过渡;

    First , the market scope should be expanded from an internal market to a generalized banking personnel market .

  18. 人力资源市场的竞争力决定了企业能否吸引并保留高素质的员工;

    The competition in manpower resources market decides if a company can attract and keep the staff of fine qualities ;

  19. 加强公共就业服务,健全统一规范灵活人力资源市场。

    We will strengthen public services for employment , and improve the unified , standardized and flexible human resources market .

  20. 深圳市劳动与社会保障局近日发布了今年人力资源市场工资指导价位。

    The Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau recently issued guidelines on wage levels for the current labor market .

  21. 相应的,中国人力资源市场中对专业人才的需求增长迅速,竞争非常激烈。

    Consequently , the Chinese human resources market , a huge demand for professionals , the competition is extremely intense .

  22. 新加坡政府非常强调人力资源市场参与者的品行、决策者的素质和市场的动态发展。

    The Singaporean government emphasizes the virtue of market participators , the quality of decision-makers and the market dynamic development .

  23. 第五部分为我国平等就业权的运行机制&统一人力资源市场。

    The fifth part is the operation mechanism of the equal right to employment in China & unifying the human resources market .

  24. 公司有权从公开人力资源市场适当招聘和雇用职工。

    The company shall have the right to recruit and hire staff and workers as appropriate from the public human resources market .

  25. 而这三种资源又和三个市场紧密联系在一起:资本市场、人力资源市场和业务市场。

    And these three resources are closely related to three markets : money market , manpower resources market and market of business .

  26. 应聘者必须中英文流利,并了解本地人力资源市场和劳动法。

    Candidates must be fluent in both English and Chinese and posses good knowledge of the local human resources markets and labor laws .

  27. 健全人力资源市场,完善就业服务体系,增强失业保险对促进就业的作用。

    We should improve the human resources market and employment services , and make unemployment insurance play a bigger role in promoting employment .

  28. 雇主品牌就是在人力资源市场上享有较高的知名度、美誉度、忠诚度的企业品牌。

    Employer brand is an enterprise brand in the human resource market to enjoy a relatively high popularity , reputation and brand loyalty .

  29. 首先分析了嘉士伯啤酒公司进入中国市场十年来持续发展的现状,针对该公司在人力资源市场上面临的挑战,指出嘉士伯中国公司持续发展过程中,建设雇主品牌的必要性和重要意义。

    It starts from an overview of 10 years development of Carlsberg in China market and points out challenges Carlsberg China is facing .

  30. 再次,加强人力资源市场建设,实现人力资源配置市场化;

    Thirdly , enhancing the service of human resource 's market , achieve the goal that the human resource can install at the market ;