
  • 网络the gravity model
  1. 引力模型中系数K的变化

    Change The Variation of Coefficient K in the Gravity Model

  2. 本文通过对分布系数及系数K的对比,介绍了引力模型中系数K的变化。

    Through comparison of distribution coefficient and coefficient K , the variation of coefficient K in the gravity model is introduced in this paper .

  3. 本文提出了一种基于引力模型(attractivemodel)的非精确匹配算法,应用于三维空间运动点集的对应点匹配问题。

    A novel algorithm for ine act matching using an attractive model is presented , and its application to the point correspondence in 3-D motion is described .

  4. 投资国特征对FDI流量的影响&基于对华FDI数据的引力模型研究

    On the Impact of Home Country 's Characteristics on FDI Quantity & A Gravity Approach Based on Data of China 's FDI Inflow

  5. 本文运用引力模型检验了中国的制度变量(正式与非正式制度)对中国吸引外商直接投资(FDI)的影响。

    The effects of the formal and informal institutions on inward foreign direct investment ( FDI ) to China are analyzed using the gravity model in this paper .

  6. 然后,本文利用Anderson提出的引力模型,根据服务业对外直接投资的特征选取了合适的变量,然后提出修改后的引力模型用于实证分析中。

    Then utilizing gravity-model working by Anderson this thesis handles the modified gravity-model which based on character of services FDI .

  7. Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星的电磁场

    Electromagnetic Fields of a Slowly Rotating Magnetized Neutron Star in Saa 's Model of Gravity with Torsion

  8. 通过采用贸易引力模型从实证角度分析验证:决定东北亚各国2003年双边贸易状况的主要因素是:贸易伙伴的经济规模(GDP)、空间距离、人口和制度安排。

    Using trade gravitation model test and analysis , the main factors which decide bilateral trade in 2003 are : trade partner 's GDP , space distance , population and system arrangement .

  9. 二维Dilaton引力模型中的带电Sine-Gordon孤子解

    A Electric Sine-Gordon Soliton Solution in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Model

  10. 首先,文章利用引力模型,在有无集聚效应的两种情况下分别确定了税率对FDI影响的总效应模型。

    Firstly , the paper uses gravity model to determine the total effect model of the impacts of the tax rate on FDI in the two cases of with or without the agglomeration effect .

  11. 并用投资引力模型对投资效应进行了检验,结果表明建立中国-东盟自由贸易区后由于诸多原因对FDI的影响效应并不明显。

    And investment effects of investment gravity model have been tested , results showed that the establishment of the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area of the impact of FDI after the effect is not obvious .

  12. 根据城市空间相互作用理论和城市综合引力模型,以北京市空间发展为例,探讨了应用地理信息系统(GIS)研究城市空间发展的方法流程。

    The spatial development of Beijing was studied using the theory of spatial interaction and a model for attraction between cities , supported by the spatial analysis functions of the Geographic Information System ( GIS ) . The theoretical basis and the method are presented .

  13. CEPA实施后粤港服务贸易合作的实证研究&基于巴拉萨模型、引力模型和购物模型

    An Empirical Study for cooperation on trade in services between Hong Kong and Guangdong after the implementation of CEPA-based on the Balassa model , Gravity model and Shopping model

  14. 针对现在主流的主题相关网页排名算法HITS的不足,本文提出了基于引力模型的排名算法G-HITS。

    Against shortcomings of mainstream topic-dependent web page ranking algorithms , this thesis proposes an attractive force model based ranking algorithm , G-HITS .

  15. 基于前人的研究,论文模型采用引力模型,影响因素选择了引力模型中代表经济总量的人均GDP和研究较多的名义汇率、绿色壁垒及贸易协定和组织。

    Based on the previous research , the paper adopts gravity model , and the factors are GDP per capita from gravity model as well as the nominal exchange rate , green barrier and trade agreement and organization which are studied a lot .

  16. 根据城市引力模型导出了城市吸引范围的边界曲线方程,探讨了曲边Voronoi多边形的自动生成方法。

    According to the city gravitation model , the article deduces the curve equation of the boundary of the city 's attracting scope and studies the automatic forming method of the curving Voronoi polygon .

  17. 在实证研究中,介绍了巴拉萨模型、引力模型和CGE模型三种用于研究自由贸易协定的福利效应最常用的模型,及产业内贸易指数、显性比较优势指数等实证分析指标。

    The dissertation also employs several models in empirical studies , such as Balassa model , gravity model , CGE model , intra-industry index , revealed comparative advantage and so on .

  18. Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton引力模型中的5维宇宙膜解

    A five-dimensional cosmic branes solution in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity model

  19. 此外,利用二重解析延拓方法,并且通过选取适当的参数变换,我们还能证明不论足可交换的还是非交换的二重JT引力模型都具有一个相同的时空解&dS2/AdS2模糊球。

    Furthermore , by means of the double analytic continuation and the adaptive parametric transformations we can prove that the commutative and noncommutative double JT models of gravity both have the same spacetime solution-dS2 / AdS2 fuzzy sphere .

  20. 基于互相关函数的分形城市引力模型&对Reilly-Converse引力模型的修正与发展

    A Fractal City-Gravity Model Based on Correlation Function Revision and Development of Reilly-Converse 's Model

  21. 最后,通过引力模型来论证GDP、人均GDP、地理距离等对于中阿双边贸易的影响,结果表明GDP对于中阿双边贸易影响最大,也就说明影响中阿双边贸易的主要因素是经济增长。

    Finally , the gravity model demonstrating the effects of GDP , GDP per capita , geographic distance on both sides of trade , shows that GDP has the greatest impact on both sides of trade , which means that the main factors affecting the bilateral trade is economic growth .

  22. 结果显示,DGP模型已被当前的宇宙学观测排除,而其它的修改引力模型也都不如最简单的宇宙常数模型。

    It is shown that , the DGP model is ruled out by cosmological observations , and other modified gravity models are also not as good as the cosmological constant model .

  23. 然后通过对该引力模型进行协整检验,从而证明模型的合理性和有效性。

    Proves rationality and effectiveness of gravity model by cointegration test .

  24. 基于引力模型的农产品贸易边境效应分析

    Analysis of Border Effect of Agricultural Trade Based on Gravity Model

  25. 基于引力模型的临空经济区流量经济研究

    Study on Flow Economy around Airport Area Based on Gravity Model

  26. 玻色弦耦合的两维引力模型的数值研究

    Numerical study in two dimensional gravity model with bosonic string coupling

  27. 基于模糊综合评判的现代港口腹地划分引力模型

    Gravity model for partitioning port hinterlands based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

  28. 基于引力模型的中国出口贸易流量研究

    Study of China 's Export Trade Flow Based on Gravity Model

  29. 区域中心城市构建表现出明显的引力模型特征。

    Development of regional center cities is characterized by a gravity model .

  30. 旅游吸引力及引力模型研究

    A Research of the Tourism Attraction and the Models of Tourism Attractivity