
wú fù gài céng
  • No covering layer;intectate
无覆盖层[wú fù gài céng]
  1. 无覆盖层河床面套箱围堰施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Steel Boxed Cofferdam Used at Riverbed Without Overburden

  2. 无覆盖层深水桩基施工技术

    Technology for the Construction of Piling Foundation under Deep Water without Covering

  3. 深水无覆盖层大孔径桩基施工水中大直径钻孔桩基施工

    Construction of Large Diameter Pile Foundations at Deep Water Riverbed Without Overburden

  4. 挤密砂桩处理无覆盖层饱和砂土效果分析

    Analysis of effect to treat saturation sand without overlay layer with crushing tight sand pile

  5. 水上无覆盖层钻孔灌注桩施工技术的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice on Constructional Techniques for Bored Cast-in-Situ Piles without Layer on River Bed Rock

  6. 本文通过对大型试桩资料的分析研究,提出了嵌入无覆盖层的软质岩石中的桩轴向承载力的计算方法。

    Cased on the analysis of data of pile test , a method for computing the axial bearing capacity of socketed pile is presented .

  7. 结果显示:本属花粉形态基本一致,即球形,无萌发孔,无覆盖层,具微刺,是一个非常自然的类群。

    Pollen morphology of the species is basically uniform , I e. spherical , inaperturate , intectate and spinulose .