
  1. 湖北长日核不育水稻的研究与利用

    Studies on the utilization of the Hubei long-day Nuclear Male Sterility Rice

  2. 从中日核潜艇事件看我核潜艇的突防(下)中国核潜舰的突防

    China 's Nuclear Submarine and Its Defense Penetration Capability

  3. 自1967年起佐藤荣作派密使若泉敬与尼克松的密使基辛格就冲绳回归和在日核武器处理等问题进行谈判。

    Starting from 1967 Saito sent his envoy to negotiate with Nixon 's envoy Kissinger concerning the returning of Okinawa and the nuclear weapons in Japan .

  4. 作为对这个流氓国家十月九日核试验的回应,本周各国对朝鲜实施了新的制裁手段,但就算不这么做,朝鲜也无法自给自足。

    Even before fresh sanctions were imposed against the rogue nation this week , in response to its nuclear test on October9th , North Korea could not feed itself .

  5. 研究拉轨岗日变质核杂岩带的结构形式及成因模式可对地质灾害易发区域的圈绘起到指导作用。

    To study the structural pattern and its genesis model can supervise mapping the area where the geologic disaster occurs easily .

  6. 4月12日该核泄漏事故已经升到了7级,是国际范围内最高的等级。

    On April12th the nuclear accident there was upgraded to level seven , the highest rating on an international scale of severity .

  7. 分析人士称,自朝鲜2月12日进行核试验以来,从朝鲜方面发出威胁的频率看,朝鲜已经黔驴技穷。这种做法反而破坏了其意图。

    The frequency of threats from Pyongyang since its Feb. 12 nuclear test has shown that North Korea is simply running out of places and things to threaten , analysts say , undermining its own intentions .

  8. 本条修正前发生死亡事实或赠与行为之案件,于本条修正公布生效日尚未核课或尚未核课确定者,其估价适用前项规定办理。

    For cases where the event of death or making of gift occurred prior the amendment of this article , the foregoing paragraph applies to the valuation of estate or gift that is not yet taxed or where taxation is not yet determined .

  9. 8月23日,核潜艇首次出海进行航行试验,先后进行了水面航行,潜望镜深度潜水和深潜试航,一切顺利,潜艇航行性能良好。

    The nuclear-powered submarine went to sea on August 23 for the first navigating experiment , carrying out the water surface navigation having been in progress successively navigates , the periscope 's depth diving and the deep diving trial . The whole process of navigation was smooth and the function of the boat was fine .

  10. 1937年10月19日,新西兰核物理学家卢瑟福逝世,享年66岁。

    New Zealand nuclear physicist Ernest Rutherford died on October 19 at the age of 66 .

  11. 此前北京方面一直没有正式承诺将出席4月12日举行的核安全峰会。对此,外界曾担心中国可能缺席此次峰会以显示自己的不快。

    Since Beijing had not committed itself to attending the April 12 summit until now , there had been worries it could skip the meeting in a sign of displeasure .

  12. 伊朗、欧盟及P5+1成员国(联合国安理会的5个常任理事国和德国)目前正在纽约旨在就11月24日截止日前的伊朗核计划达成全面协议进行新一轮的会谈。

    Iran , the EU , and the P5 + 1 ( the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany ) are currently engaged in a new round of talks in New York aimed at reaching a comprehensive agreement over Iran 's nuclear program before a self-imposed deadline of November 24 .

  13. 这是美军在对广岛(8月5日)和长崎(8月9日)投放核武器后的第一版封面。

    This was the first cover after nuclear weapons were dropped on Hiroshima ( Aug.5 ) and Nagasaki ( Aug.