
  • 网络vegetable;Season Vegetable;seasonal vegetable
  1. 妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱

    recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables

  2. 食物里丝毫看不见传统日本米饭、时令蔬菜、鱼或者味噌汤的踪影。

    There was no sign of traditional Japanese rice , seasonal vegetables , fish or miso soup .

  3. 一碗toripaitansoba(880日元)会为你揭开长队的秘密——光滑细腻的鸡汤打底,热气腾腾的拉面配有鸡肉和时令蔬菜。

    Join them to sample the revelatory tori paitan soba ( 880 yen ) , a steaming bowl of chicken , seasonal vegetables and noodles in a creamy chicken-based broth .

  4. 时令蔬菜,味鲜可口。

    VegetaBles in season are agreeaBle to the taste .

  5. 第六步,加入酱和时令蔬菜

    Step 6 : Add the sauces and season

  6. 用户能在软件上搜索食材或者购买其所在地的时令蔬菜。

    Users can search by ingredients or buy vegetables that are in season where they live .

  7. 以下都是时令蔬菜和水果,它们代表着唾手可得的美味,以及最大化的健康。

    These fruits and vegetables are in season now ( which means off-the-charts deliciousness ) and deliver maximum health benefits .

  8. 而加拿大的非时令蔬菜大多来自加州,那里的旱情也加剧了价格的暴涨。

    The drought in California , where Canadians get most of their vegetables in the off-season , just compounds the sticker shock .

  9. 感恩节晚餐基本以土豆泥肉汤、番薯、酸果曼沙司,印第安玉米以及其他秋季时令蔬菜为主,当然还有还有美味的南瓜饼。

    Mashed potatoes with gravy , sweet potatoes , cranberry sauce , Indian corn , other fall vegetables , and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with thanksgiving dinner .

  10. 学校的告示板上也贴着一份相同的菜单,基本是日本大众口味:米饭、多种汤、肉或鱼、每顿午餐至少5种时令蔬菜、每餐都有鲜牛奶。

    The same menu pinned on the school notice board shows a largely Japanese flavour : rice with a wide variety of soups , meat or fish , with at least five seasonal vegetables for each meal and always fresh milk .

  11. 如果你觉得蔬菜总是淡而无味,那很可能是因为你总是吃不合时令的蔬菜。

    If you think vegetables taste bland , that 's probably because you 're eating them out of season . It 's springtime , and that means the following veggies are in peak season , overflowing with flavor .

  12. 你也可以在上面找到时令水果、蔬菜或美丽的花朵。

    You can also find seasonal fruits , vegetables or beautiful flowers on them .

  13. 这所独特而隐蔽的住处完全自给自足,有太阳能板,一个容量为12000加仑的淡水保留系统,还有一个好几英亩的菜地,果园,葡萄园来源源不断地供应着时令水果,蔬菜,和葡萄酒。

    This unique and secret abode is entirely self-sustaining and features solar panels , a 12000-gallon freshwater retention system , a multi-acre vegetable garden , orchard , and vineyard with ripe fruits , veggies , and wines for every season .