
shí sù
  • speed per hour
时速 [shí sù]
  • [speed per hour] 每小时的速度

  • 时速达120公里

时速[shí sù]
  1. 机动车行驶超过规定时速百分之五十的;

    Driving a motor vehicle exceeding the prescribed speed per hour by50 % ;

  2. 时速50英里的大风卷起了波浪。

    The waves were being whipped by 50 mile an hour winds .

  3. 估计伦敦的驾车者平均时速为12英里。

    Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour .

  4. 这条公路限定时速30英里。

    The road has a 30 mph speed limit .

  5. 速度表显示时速达90英里。

    The speedometer was touching 90 .

  6. 狂风大作,时速达164英里。

    The wind gusted up to 164 miles an hour .

  7. 车速达到每小时240英里时,里程表上的指针显示超出了最高时速。

    At 240 mph the needle went off the clock .

  8. 它正以78英里的时速在快车道上疾驶。

    It was travelling in the outside lane at 78mph .

  9. 这架单翼飞机在他的摆弄下时速达到了每小时330英里,他感到很高兴。

    He was delighted to coax the monoplane to 330 m.p.h.

  10. 卡车在慢车道上以20英里的时速行驶。

    The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane

  11. 这些车辆最高时速为80公里。

    The vehicles have a top speed of 80 kilometres per hour .

  12. 加速到时速60英里只需要5.7秒。

    Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds .

  13. 汽车在时速为200英里时发生撞车,炸成了数以千计燃烧的碎片。

    The car shattered into a thousand burning pieces in a 200mph crash

  14. 它的时速大约达到了380英里,或者更快。

    Its speed is probably in the neighbourhood of 380mph or even more .

  15. 他的飞机遭遇强气流和时速近200英里的强风。

    His plane encountered severe turbulence and winds of nearly two-hundred miles an hour .

  16. 我们的平均时速是每小时42英里。

    We averaged 42 miles per hour .

  17. 警察令他把车靠边停下,因为他的时速高达120公里还一直快速变道、紧贴行驶。

    Police pulled him over doing 120km / h , making rapid changes and tailgating .

  18. 如果因为法律规定的时速是70英里我就说自己的车速是这么高,那就是虚伪了。

    It would be hypocritical to say I travel at 70mph simply because that is the law

  19. 挡风玻璃在时速420英里时破碎。

    At 420mph the windscreen disintegrated .

  20. 该国遭受到时速高达50至70英里的大风袭击,破坏严重。

    The country has been battered by winds of between fifty and seventy miles an hour .

  21. 这架新飞机的时速可以达到900公里。

    This new plane can reach a speed of 900 kilometres an hour .

  22. 这种赛车时速为二百迈。

    This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour .

  23. 轮船在顺风行驶,时速10海里。

    The ship was sailing before the wind , ten knots an hour .

  24. 他以80英里的时速开车,因而违章超速。

    He broke the speed limit by driving his car at 80 mph .

  25. 例如,我们中的大部分人都觉得年长的司机会开得比较慢,但令人惊讶的是,我们发现他们在时速30英里的区域很难保持稳定的车速,因此更有可能违反限速规定并面临罚款的风险。

    " For example , most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly , we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined . "

  26. "不,先生。我当时是按照限速行驶的——正好时速22英里!"

    " No , sir . I was doing the speed limit — exactly twenty-two miles an hour ! "

  27. 线路全长91公里,最高设计时速350公里。

    The railway is 91 kilometers long and has a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour .

  28. 2017年9月,京沪高铁列车成功实现时速350公里商业运营,京沪之间的运行时间缩短为4小时28分钟。

    In September 2017 , China increased the maximum speed of bullet trains on the railway to 350 km per hour . The speed increase cut the Beijing-Shanghai journey to 4 hours and 28 minutes .

  29. 牡佳高铁于2016年11月开工,全长371公里,设计时速250公里。通车后,牡丹江到佳木斯的通行时间将从7小时缩短为2小时。

    Construction of the Mudanjiang-Jiamusi high-speed railway started in November 2016 . The 371-kilometer line , designed for trains running at up to 250 kilometers per hour , will cut travel time between Mudanjiang and Jiamusi from seven to two hours .

  30. 如果计划如期推行,装载了自动车道保持技术的汽车就可以合法在高速公路上行驶,只要时速不超过37英里,司机就可以不用控制方向盘,不过前提是所使用的技术已得到官方批准。

    If it goes ahead , it 'll allow cars with automated1 lane-keeping technology to be used legally on motorways2 without input3 from the driver at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour , provided the technology being used has official approval .