
  1. Planck长度和统一引力&电磁的五维U1主丛理论

    Planck length and the five-dimensional principal u_1-bundle theory unifying gravitation and electromagnetism

  2. 关于五维RDS型李代数的一些结果

    Some Results About 5-dimensional RDS Type Lie Algebras

  3. 方法采用IPF算法对一个五维表进行了分析。

    Methods An example of 5 way table was Analyzed using IPF algorithm .

  4. 五维Kaluza-Klein理论与各种空间中的Dirac场

    Dirac Equation of Kaluza-Klein Theory in Five Dimensional Spaces

  5. 目的:建立离子对RP-HPLC法测定五维赖氨酸颗粒中烟酰胺、维生素B6、维生素B2、维生素B1的含量。

    Objective : To develop an Ion-pair-Rp-HPLC method for determination the contents of four vitamins in five vitamins and lysine Granules .

  6. 基于OSG五维气象可视化软件的设计及实现

    Design and implementation of 5D meteor visualization based on OSG

  7. 通过引入附加维的动量算符并把它认同于静质量本征值算符而将Dirac方程推广到五维共形不变形式。

    Dirac equation is generalized to 5D conformally invariant form by introducing extra-dimension momentum operator identified with the rest mass eigenvalue operator .

  8. 低级晶系Patterson法多解的一般形式(Ⅱ)多解型相角关系式静球对称体系的五维守恒量

    The general form of multi-solution in Patterson method for low symmetric system (ⅱ) phase relationships of multi-solution type

  9. 五维Brans-Dicke引力理论的宇宙膨胀

    Universe inflation of five dimensional Brans-Dicke gravitational theory

  10. 五维Kaluza-Klein真空场方程的某些性质

    Some Features of Five Dimensional Kaluza Klein Vacuum Equation

  11. 第三部分我们主要研究了在五维最小标准超引力下旋转带电Godel黑洞的Hawking辐射。

    After these introductions , we study the Hawking radiation of rotating charged Godel black holes in five-dimensional minimal gauged super-gravity in chapter three .

  12. 具有五维完整协变的Kaluza-Klein理论

    Kaluza-Klein theory with five-dimensionally complete covariance

  13. 论述了北京自由电子激光(BFEL)光学谐振腔真空机械五维精密遥控调节装置的设计考虑。

    The design of the BFEL optical cavity's5 D precise remote control adjuster is described .

  14. 五维插补数控加工透平叶轮的微机数控(MNC)系统主要论述数控加工整体透平叶轮的微机数控系统的结构、工作原理和多维插补法。

    The paper deals with the principle and structured programming of a microcomputer numerical control ( MNC ) system that is used on NC machining the turbine impeller with 5-dimension interpolation .

  15. 最后,我们通过密度矩阵技术得到了五维Godel黑洞和五维Myers-Perry黑洞的Hawking辐射谱。

    Finally , using density matrix techniques , we obtain the Hawking radiation spectrum of the Godel and Myers-Perry black hole .

  16. 首先利用群论,将Td点群中以五个d轨道为基函数的五维可约表示向不可约表示约化,得到d轨道在正四面体场中的能级分裂;

    First of all , when the five-dimension reduction representation with the five d orbits wave-functions as the base functions is converted to an un-reduction representation , the energy splitting in tetrahedron crystal field can be obtained .

  17. 我们通过在五维平直空间引入了静质量算符,找到五维Dirac矩阵和四维Dirac矩阵的关系,把五维Dirac方程推广到弯曲空间,给出了诱生有效质量的一般表达式。

    We introduced a rest mass operator in 5D flat space , find the proper relation between 5D Dirac matrix and 4D Dirac matrix , generalize the Dirac equation to the cured space , and obtain the general expression of the effective induced matter .

  18. 文章通过对基于空间分解技术的二维数据包分类算法AQT的改进,在不改变其空间和时间复杂度的情况下,实现了五维数据包的快速分类和过滤器表的更新。

    This paper presents a five-dimensional algorithm , based on space decomposition two-dimensional algorithm AQT , which performs the same search and updating time and space requirement with AQT .

  19. 然后由Brane度规和五维能动张量推得五维爱因斯坦方程,积分得到Brane边界条件,应用到爱因斯坦方程得到与Friedmann类似的方程。

    Then obtained the five-dimensional Einstein equation from Brane metric and five-dimensional energy-momentum tensor . Integrate it , got two Brane junction conditions . Applied to the Einstein equation , found an equation analogous to Friedmann equation .

  20. 在五维空-时-质引力理论中提出了一个具有理想流体源的Friedman-Robertson-Walker式宇宙模型,论述了在目前观测精度内这一模型不存在失踪质量问题。

    A Friedman-Robertson-Walker type model of the Universe with a perfect fluid source is proposed in the 5-Dimensional space-time-mass theory of gravity . It is argued that the missing mass problem does not exist in this model within the present observational accuracy .

  21. 引信试验场中五维定位系统的电磁兼容性设计

    Electromagnetic Compatibility Design of Five-dimension Positioning System in Fuse Test Field

  22. 集成式五维微力/力矩传感器的研究

    Study on an integrated five-dimension micro force / torque sensor

  23. 利用五维建筑模型构建创新工程项目管理模式

    Innovation of Construction Projects Management Based on the Five-dimension Modeling

  24. 五维空-时-质中的宇宙模型与失踪质量问题

    A universe model in 5D SPACE-TIME-MASS and missing mass problem

  25. 微型五维指尖力/力矩传感器动态实验建模

    Dynamic Experimental Modeling of Miniature Fingertip Five DOFs Force / Torque Sensor

  26. 光纤-波导五维对接误差对耦合损耗的影响

    The Influence of 5-Dimension Butting Error in Optic Fiber-Waveguide-Fiber on Coupling Loss

  27. 通过对轴承平衡进行迭代求解可以计算出轴承的五维刚度矩阵。

    The bearing stiffness matrix is computed in the iterative bearing equilibrium calculation .

  28. 这两个解随着时间的增长将趋于五维膨胀各向同性宇宙模型。

    With the lapse of time , the two models ap-proach isotropic expansion .

  29. 有挠的五维Kaluza&Klein理论和第五种力

    Five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory with torsion and the fifth force

  30. 土地持续利用的五维空间分析

    Analysis on the Basic Elements to Land Sustainable Use