
  1. 作为CEO绝不能说的第五件事是:“我的工作意味着,我有时不得不说谎和装腔作势。”

    That fifth thing you can never say as a chief executive is : " My job means that I sometimes have to lie and pretend . "

  2. Jansen建议:列出自己最喜欢做的五件事,然后去做吧!

    Jansen advises , Make a list of your five favorite things to do , and do them !

  3. 在一项2003年发表于《人格与社会心理学》杂志上的研究中,研究者RobertA.Emmons和MichaelE.McCullough要求被试连续十周写下他们每周最感激的五件事。

    In a 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , researchers Robert A. Emmons and Michael E. McCullough asked participants to write down up to five things they were grateful for each week for 10 weeks .

  4. 以下是单身之人必做的五件事。

    Here are five things that singles sometimes take for granted .

  5. 因此我每天都试图考量这五件事。

    So , I try to measure these five things each day .

  6. 新区域经理上任要做好的五件事

    Five matters which new regional manager must do

  7. 想想让你烦恼的五件事。

    Think of five things that bother you .

  8. 不要想了快列出你喜欢她的五件事。

    Don 't get hung up on it . quick ! List five things you like about her .

  9. 我们的健康发展有赖于这五件事,一是联系;二是说话;

    Our healthy development depends on these top five things , One , connecting ; two , talking ;

  10. 今天我会告诉你要快速减肥必须做的五件事。

    And today I 'm going to tell you five things you must do to lose weight fast .

  11. 她建议选择三到五件事来做,并争取在午餐前完成大部分工作。

    She suggests choosing three to five things to do and aim to get the majority done before lunch .

  12. 想必至少有五件事或者有五次,她把你放在了自己的前面。

    Surely , there will be at least five things or times when she has thought of you before herself .

  13. 今天我想跟你们聊聊这个话题—将死之人最后悔的五件事。

    And that 's what I want to share with you today - the top five regrets of the dying .

  14. 珍惜自己所拥有的。每周一次写下自己感激的五件事可以增强你的幸福感。

    Count your blessings . Writing down five things you 're grateful just once a week boosts your feeling of well-being .

  15. 有五件事,我现在想去做,为了更成熟,也是为了我在新西兰的全新生活

    There are five things I will do now to be more mature and prepare for my new life in New Zealand .

  16. 列出你喜欢她的五件事:笑容很美,衣着高雅,大头,大头,还是大头!

    list five things you like about her : Nice smile , good dresser ... Big head , big head , big head !

  17. 如果你想更多地去了解林书豪,以下是美联社列举出了的“关于林书豪的五件事”:

    If you want to know more about Lin , here are five facts about him from the Associated Press ( AP ) :

  18. 我告诉你的这五件事可以帮助你在三到四周的时间里减掉20磅。

    And the five things that I 'm going to tell you should help you to lose twenty pounds in three to four weeks .

  19. 以上就是我认为付费搜索中最不能做的前五件事。不过我也想听听你们认为哪些事情是付费搜索营销中最不能做的前五件事。

    These are my top five , but I 'd love to hear which search sins you 'd place in your personal top five .

  20. 那么我呢,我是如何定义成功的呢?我自己,对我而言,成功就是对五件事的考量。

    So me , how do I define success ? For me , myself . For me , it 's a measurement of five things .

  21. 而为了有效实现这一目标,你必须做好五件事,并回答一个非常重要的问题:

    But in order to manage this effectively , you 're going to have to do five things , and answer one very important question :

  22. 林肯总统在150年前的今天发表了这一演讲。为了纪念这个周年,我们要与大家分享有关葛底斯堡演讲的五件事。

    President Lincoln gave it 150 years ago today . In honor of that anniversary , we 're sharing five things to know about the Gettysburg Address .

  23. 当我听到将死者说出他们最后悔的这五件事时,我不由得听到人类发自内心的五个渴望,只有游戏才能帮助我们满足这些渴望。

    When I hear these top five regrets of the dying , I can 't help but hear five deep human cravings that games actually help us fulfill .

  24. 随着你在职场不断前进,你将会发现管理者们在工作中让人讨厌的行为有很多。而,诺埃尔o尼尔森表示,你目前最需要做的,就只有五件事。

    As you get further along in your career , you 'll no doubt discover the many and varied ways that managers can be terrible at their jobs but , for now , says Noelle Nelson , you really only need to do five things .

  25. 还记得靛蓝五号的事吗?

    You remember what happened to Indigo five , right ?

  26. 星期五他无事可做,所以我邀请了他过来。

    He has nothing to do on Friday , so I invited him over .

  27. 对实测驱动轮载荷进行参数识别,建立了五参数功事谱模型;

    5-parameter power spectrum model is established by parametric identification for measured sprocket load ;

  28. 提前五7这些事你要嘱咐她们,使她们无可指责。

    Tim . 5:7 These things also charge , that they may be without reproach .

  29. 这只是第五天的事,35天后才打胜仗。

    This was the fifth day , sir , the battle went on for35 more .

  30. 我上一次出国旅游已经是五年前的事了,现在我真的想出去转转。

    It 's been five years since I travelled abroad – I 'm getting itchy feet .