
  • 网络Time synchronization system;flts
  1. 基于GPS的时间同步系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Time Synchronization System Based on GPS

  2. 设计了GPS时间同步系统,利用该系统分析研究了串口与网线通信的实时性与可靠性,并在某真航向测量系统中得到了应用。

    Time synchronization system is designed to make some research on real-time and reliability capability of data sampling as well .

  3. 基于NTP局域网时间同步系统研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Time Synchronization System in Local Area Network Based on NTP

  4. 实践表明,该系统可以把全网中运行时间同步系统的设备之间的时间差控制在1s范围内,具有较好的同步效果,值得推广。

    The results indicate that this system can control the time difference within 1 s among the equipments in time synchronization system and provide better synchronous effect .

  5. 通过对比目前常用的时间同步系统方案,选择电力系统中最成熟的SDH网络作为时间同步系统的媒介,提出一种时隙校准时间同步算法(TSA),并给出具体的FPGA+ARM硬件设计方案。

    Through Comparisons among methods of time synchronous system , this paper presents a design method including a Time Slot Amend ( TSA ) algorithm , using the SDH networks as the media and gives an exact hardware design with FPGA and ARM .

  6. 电信运营网络时间同步系统的建设

    How to Build a time Synchronization System in the Telecom Network

  7. 基于分布式算法的时间同步系统的研究和实现

    Research and realization of time synchronization system based on distributing algorithm

  8. 卫星双向话音通道高精度时间同步系统

    Two-way Precision Time Synchronization System via a Satellite Voice Channel

  9. 对时间同步系统的同步误差进行了详细的分析。

    Testing the time service prototype and analyzing the time synchronization errors in detail .

  10. 东北电网时间同步系统联网的研究与探讨

    Research and discussion on the networking of time synchronous system in northeast power grid

  11. 网络时间同步系统客户端从可用服务器获取精确时钟信号、驯化本地时钟。

    The Time client can get the extract clock signal to synchronize the local clock .

  12. 时间同步系统的测试方法

    Testing method of time synchronization system

  13. 通过分析电网时间同步系统的作用和意义,总结出电力时间同步存在的主要问题及当前研究现状。

    By analyzing the role and significance of the time synchronization system applied in power grids , the main problems and present research situation are summarized .

  14. 电网时间同步系统对电力工业非常重要,制定电网时间同步技术标准也很重要。

    It is very important that the time synchronism system of an electric power network to power industry and working out the technical standard for time synchronism of electric power network .

  15. 随着生产力推动高科技的进一步快速发展,高精度时间同步系统越来越在通信、深空探测、国防等高精尖技术应用领域得到了更加广泛的应用。

    As the productivity drive the high technology to a faster development , we make high-precision time synchronization system more and more use in many fields such as communications , deep-space exploration and national defence .

  16. 卫星导航系统实际上是一个时间同步系统,系统的时间基准是影响整个系统的定位精度和授时精度的关键因素。

    The satellite navigation system is actually a time synchronization system . The time reference of the system is the key factor that affects the accurancy of positioning and time keeping of the whole system .

  17. 高精度时间同步系统越来越多地应用于国防高科技、电力系统同步、深空探测等领域,研究高稳定时钟系统变得越来越重要。

    High precision time synchronization system is increasingly used in more fields , such as national defense high-tech , power system synchronization , deep space exploration etc , to research and develop a high stability clock system becomes increasingly important .

  18. 移动通信网网元时间同步控制系统方案设计

    Scheme Design of Element Time Synchronization Control System for Mobile Communication Networks

  19. 有源电视时间频率同步系统

    An Active TV Time and Frequency Synchronization

  20. 研究实现了网络化时统的时间同步与系统构建。

    The time synchronization and system construction of the Networked Timing system is study and implement .

  21. 可顺利移植到DSP上,用于网络时间同步需要的系统。

    Can smoothly migrate to DSP , the need for network time synchronization system .

  22. 时间同步是OFDM系统的关键技术之一,基于IEEE802.11a标准的训练序列结构,通过改进相关函数和判决条件,提出了一种简单的相关时间同步算法。

    Timing synchronization is a key technology in OFDM systems . Based on training sequences of IEEE 802.11a standard , we propose a simple correlation timing synchronization scheme .

  23. 时间同步是分布式系统实现的重要前提。

    Time Synchronization is a critical piece of infrastructure for any distributed system .

  24. 维持电力系统网络内设备严格的时间同步是保障系统实时性的关键。

    The key of ensuring real-time performance of system is keeping the time synchronization among equipments in the power system network .

  25. 在工业控制和电力等分布式系统中,精确的时间同步对于整个系统的效能和稳定性有着至关重要的作用。

    In industrial control system and grid system , precise time synchronization is crucial to the stability and efficiency of whole system .

  26. 本文主要研究了长河二号导航系统的时间同步及该系统的快速恢复,并对长河二号导航系统增加授时功能的可行性进行了探讨。

    A Study on time synchronization and startup quick with " Changhe 2 " navigation system was carried out in this paper .

  27. 然后,研究了时间同步技术和系统标定方法,实现了系统时间同步和系统标定,并通过实测数据分析了时间同步和系统标定精度。

    Secondly , the time synchronization technology and system calibration method are studied , of which goals are reached and corresponding accuracy is analyzed .

  28. 本文主要介绍三个波段(波长7.7、10.6和21.1厘米)太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统的总体结构、硬件的功能、软件的特性及其初步观测结果。

    This paper briefly reports the general constitution of high time resolution synchronous observation system of solar radio , the functions of its hardware , the characteristics of its software and the results of observations .

  29. 时间同步作为分布式系统中的一项关键技术,在大多数使用无线传感器网络的应用中都有需要,如:传感器的数据融合技术需要时间同步来判断事件在物理世界发生的时间。

    Time synchronization is a critical piece of infrastructure in any distributed system , but wireless sensor networks make particularly extensive use of synchronized time . Almost any form of sensor data fusion or coordinated actuation requires synchronized physical time for reasoning about events in the physical world .

  30. 数字通信中一种具有长保持时间的新型帧同步系统

    A New Frame Synchronization strategy for Digital Communication with Long Holding Time