
  • 网络The University of Queensland;Queensland;Queensland University
  1. 昆士兰大学

    The University of Queensland

  2. HPV疫苗专利持有者昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)已放弃对在发展中国家销售该疫苗要求使用费。

    The University of Queensland , which holds the patents for the vaccine , has waived royalties for its sale in the developing world .

  3. 为了找到答案,我找到了昆士兰大学澳大利亚传染性疾病研究中心病毒学专家伊安•M.麦凯博士。

    To help figure out the answer , I talked to Professor Ian M. Mackay , a virology expert from the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre at the University of Queensland .

  4. 澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(UniversityofSouthernQueensland)的研究人员乌塔姆·什雷斯塔(UttamShrestha)表示,很难确定为什么虫草的产量会减少。

    Uttam Shrestha , a researcher at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia , said it was difficult to say why the supply of yarsagumba had dropped .

  5. 昆士兰大学人口卫生学院的阿利兹·费拉里(AlizeFerrari)博士负责此项研究。

    Dr Alize Ferrari from the University of Queensland 's School of Population Health led the study .

  6. 加拿大昆士兰大学多伦多分校的AnneCroy表示,这些发现是令人激动的。

    These are exciting findings says Anne Croy , a pregnancy researcher at Queen 's University in Toronto , Canada .

  7. 澳大利亚布里斯班的昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)研究人员因此做了一项试验,征集了26名健康成人,并请他们在一条长为28英尺的走廊上反复行走,用摄像机记录下他们的脚步。

    So researchers at the University of Queensland in Brisbane , Australia , rounded up 26 healthy adults for a study , published last month in PLOS One , and sent them strolling repeatedly along a 28-foot stretch of hallway while cameras captured their steps .

  8. 参与此项研究来自昆士兰大学心理学院的亚历克斯·哈斯勒姆(AlexHaslam)教授补充说:“这项‘精益’思想也影响了大范围的组织领域。

    Professor Alex Haslam , from The University of Queensland 's School of Psychology , who also co-authored the study added : " The ' lean ' philosophy has been influential across a wide range of organisational domains .

  9. 通过运用类似《霍比特人》(TheHobbit)等电影中的动作捕捉技术,昆士兰大学(UniversityofQueensland)研究人员发现,走路时发讯息不仅会影响平衡感和直线行走的能力,而且还会损害人的身体姿态。

    Using motion-capture technology similar to that used for films such as ' The Hobbit , ' University of Queensland researchers concluded that texting while walking not only affects balance and the ability to walk in a straight line , but can actually damage a texter 's posture .

  10. 这项研究的领导者、昆士兰大学荣誉资深研究员西沃恩·斯格布兰(SiobhanSchabrun)介绍说,总的来看,发短信的人走起路来“像是机器人”。

    In general , the texters moved " like robots , " said Siobhan Schabrun , an honorary senior fellow at the University of Queensland , who led the study .

  11. 我们的研究显示,哪怕是非常小的改变,你如说一分钟的站立,这也能降低健康的风险,昆士兰大学的学者GenevieveHealy说。

    " Our research showed that even small changes , which could be as little as standing up for one minute , might help to lower this health risk ," lead author Genevieve Healy , a research fellow at the University of Queensland , Australia said in a statement .

  12. 该研究还有澳大利亚昆士兰大学的参与。

    The study also included the University of Queensland in Australia .

  13. 罗达赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学参观访问。

    Luo Da went to Australia to visit to the University of queensland .

  14. 我叔叔当时正在昆士兰大学学习航空学。

    My uncle was studying aeronautics at Queensland University .

  15. 我正和昆士兰大学的同行们一起制造一种新型汽车。

    I 've been building a new car with a team from Queensland University .

  16. 本文系笔者2003年赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学的研究课题。

    The paper is my research program in the University of Queensland Australia in2003 .

  17. 这是昆士兰大学澳大利亚衰老研究中心的网站。

    This is the website for Australasian Centre on Ageing , The University of Queensland .

  18. 澳大利亚昆士兰大学教学情况初探

    A Probe into the Teaching and Studying of the University of Queensland Australia Novosibirsk State University

  19. 可是新南威尔士和昆士兰大学依然面对着要减少外国学生数量的问题。

    But New South Wales and Queensland are also facing a drop-off in foreign student numbers .

  20. 这是昆士兰大学分子和微生物科学学院的网站。

    This is the website for School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences , The University of Queensland .

  21. 这是证明,由21年的研究由一个研究小组在布里斯班的昆士兰大学。

    This is proved by the21-year study by a research team at Brisbane 's University of Queensland .

  22. 这是昆士兰大学分子和细胞病理学系的网站。

    This is the website for Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology , The University of Queensland .

  23. 昆士兰大学会一如既往地发展国际生,我们欢迎中国的学生前来就就读。

    The University of Queensland will continue to give support to International students and welcome Chinese students .

  24. 网站描述:这是昆士兰大学澳大利亚马遗传学研究中心的网站。

    Description : This is the website for Australian Equine Genetics Research Centre , The University of Queensland .

  25. 澳大利亚南昆士兰大学远程教育中心在国际远程教育界享有良好声誉。

    DEC ( Distance Education Centre ) of University of Southern Queensland is a well-thought-of distance education organization in the world .

  26. 昆士兰大学研究遗民问题的副教授里察德.布朗说,这个计划将有利于所有的人。

    Associate Professor Richard Brown , who studies migration issues at the University of Queensland , says the plan would benefit everyone .

  27. 介绍了澳大利亚昆士兰大学、我国的东北大学和淮南矿业学院等院校在该项技术方面的研究工作及成果。

    The research work made and the achievements obtained in Queensland University in Australia and China 's Northeast University and Huainan Mining Institute are also presented .

  28. 昆士兰大学的研究人员上周五表示,他们已经成功地测试了“老虎粪防羊剂”。该发明能够驱赶野山羊群,并至少保持三日有效。

    Researchers at the University of Queensland said Friday they had successfully tested a tiger poo repellant , warding off wild goats for at least three days .

  29. 好在有南昆士兰大学的研究人员特里斯坦•洛斯塔奇,我们能够获取某些种类乐高连接件的抗拉强度。

    Thanks to a researcher at the University of Southern Queensland named Tristan Lostroh , we have some data on the tensile strength of certain Lego joints .

  30. 一些先进的中风研究中心也参与了研究,包括乔治学会、佩珀斯皇家医院、西澳大利亚大学和昆士兰大学。

    The project involved collaboration between leading stroke research centres , The George Institute , Royal Perth Hospital , the University of Western Australia and The University of Queensland .