
  • 网络Queensland;QLD;queensland state;Queenland;Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland
  1. 南京丰盛产业控股集团有限公司(NanjingFullshareIndustrialHolding,简称:丰盛集团)最近收购了位于昆士兰州的三个度假村,而大堡礁正位于昆士兰州。

    Nanjing Fullshare Industrial Holding , a Chinese conglomerate , recently bought three holiday resorts in Queensland , where the Great Barrier Reef is situated .

  2. 中国东润集团(DongRunGroup)去年以6900万澳元收购了位于昆士兰州黄金海岸的酒店PalazzoVersace。

    And China 's Dong Run Group last year purchased the Palazzo Versace hotel on Queensland 's Gold Coast for A $ 69 million .

  3. 作为本届奥运会的唯一候选城市,澳大利亚昆士兰州首府布里斯班毫无悬念地获得举办权。这将是继2000年悉尼奥运会后,澳大利亚时隔32年再度举行夏季奥运会。经国际奥委会批准,澳大利亚布里斯班将举办2032年夏季奥运会和残奥会。

    Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games after being approved by the International Olympic Committee .

  4. 昆士兰州政府5月份表示不会继续推进澳大利亚最北端煤炭港口“AbbotPoint”斥资90亿美元的扩建计划。

    In May , the Queensland state government said it won 't proceed with a planned US $ 9 billion expansion of Abbot Point , Australia 's most northerly coal port .

  5. 作为大型矿商代表的昆士兰州资源委员会(QueenslandResourcesCouncil)周五表示,洪灾使该州损失了约3000万吨的煤炭产量,相当于年度总产量的15%。

    The Queensland Resources Council , which represents big miners , said on Friday the state has lost about 30m tonnes of coal production , or 15 per cent of annual output , due to flooding .

  6. 这位来自昆士兰州黄金海岸市的少年已经成为近期的网络热点,他在Facebook上的粉丝超过17.2万,在Instagram也有8.7万的粉丝。

    The teenager , from Gold Coast City , Queensland , has become a web sensation with more than 172000 followers on Facebook and 87000 followers on Instagram .

  7. 中海油还同意,收购BG在昆士兰州Surat盆地某处煤层气资源5%的权益。

    Cnooc has also agreed to buy5 % of BG 's interests in certain coal-seam gas tenements in Queensland 's Surat Basin .

  8. 今年8月,澳大利亚昆士兰州州长纽曼(CampbellNewman)说,他已经禁止IBM与该州签订新合约,直到IBM改善治理和承包业务为止。

    In August , the premier of the state of Queensland in Australia , Campbell Newman , said he had banned IBM from entering into new contracts with the state until it improved its governance and contracting practices .

  9. TAE的总部设在澳大利亚昆士兰州的安伯丽,靠近一个大型的澳大利亚空军基地,TAE在布里斯班、纽卡斯尔、里奇蒙德和库塔曼德拉都设有分理处。

    It is based at Amberley in Queensland , near a big Royal Australian Air Force base , with business units located at Brisbane Airport , Newcastle , Richmond and now Cootamundra .

  10. 由于大宗商品价格下跌,力拓(RioTintoPLC)的子公司IvanhoeAustraliaLtd.已在今年裁员多达50人,并表示将推迟昆士兰州一个铜、金露天矿的开发。

    Ivanhoe Australia Ltd. , a unit of Rio Tinto PLC , has cut up to 50 workers this year as commodity prices fell , and has said it will defer an open-pit mine targeting copper and gold in Queensland .

  11. 上月在昆士兰州(queensland)发生的大面积洪灾,使企业损失数亿美元的收入,导致必和必拓(bhpbilliton)和其它公司宣布其煤矿遭遇“不可抗力事件”。

    Hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost in revenues because of extensive flooding last month in Queensland , which made BHP Billiton and other companies declare " force majeure " at coal mines .

  12. 中国媒体和矿业巨头韩子伟(WilliamHan)最近以960万澳元(约合890万美元)收购了昆士兰州的林德曼岛(LindemanIsland)。该岛的前一位所有者ClubMed因游客数量减少在两年前关闭了这个度假胜地。

    Chinese media-and-mining magnate William Han recently bought Queensland 's Lindeman Island for 9.6 million Australian dollars ( US $ 8.9 million ) after its previous owner , Club Med , closed the resort two years ago amid shrinking tourist arrivals .

  13. 分析师认为,另外多个大型项目也有可能搁浅,如必和必拓(BHPBillitonLtd.)斥资近300亿美元扩建南澳大利亚州铜、铀矿“OlympicDam”的计划,以及XstrataPLC斥资70亿美元在昆士兰州开发Wandoan煤矿的计划。

    Analysts also think several other big projects , such as BHP Billiton Ltd. 's near - $ 30 billion expansion of the Olympic Dam copper and uranium mine in South Australia and Xstrata PLC 's $ 7 billion Wandoan coal development in Queensland could be delayed .

  14. Linc已聘请瑞银(UBS)启动正式出售程序,来处置其在昆士兰州Emerald、Galilee和Pentland煤矿的租约。分析师估计,这些租约的价值可能超过10亿澳元(合8亿美元)。

    Linc has hired UBS to start a formal sale process of its Emerald , Galilee and Pentland coal tenements in Queensland , which analysts have estimated could be worth in excess of A $ 1bn ( US $ 800m ) .

  15. 优良种源主要分布在巴布亚新几内亚、澳大利亚昆士兰州claudie河流域和17.5°S以南低海拔地区。

    The superior seed sources are distributed both in PNG ( 13459 and 13460 ) and in Claudie River ( 13229 ), as well as in the low altitude area to the south of 17.5 ° S in Queensland ( 13242 etc ), Australia .

  16. 蓬勃发展的澳大利亚昆士兰州煤层气工业

    CBM / CMM sector in vigorous development in Queensland , Australia

  17. 除昆士兰州外,裸体浴场也都合法。

    Nude beaches are also legal in every state except Queensland .

  18. 在澳大利亚昆士兰州有大片甘蔗田。

    There are vast fields of sugarcane in Queensland , Australia .

  19. 昆士兰州2009年的活动在世界各地引发了类似的活动。

    Queensland ` s 2009 campaign sparked similar campaigns around the world .

  20. 我喜爱昆士兰州和巴厘岛,我已经去过那里。

    I love Queensland and Bali , I have already been there .

  21. 他的第一个马球庄园位于他在昆士兰州的养牛牧场。

    His first polo estate was on his cattle station in Queensland .

  22. 澳大利亚昆士兰州西北世纪锌铅银矿床的地球物理特征

    Geophysics of the century zinc ? Lead ? Silver deposit , northwest Queensland

  23. 澳大利亚昆士兰州开放教育网络概览

    An Overview of Queensland Open Learning Network , Australia

  24. 澳大利亚昆士兰州松树杂交育种和造林

    Hybrid breeding and planting of exotic pine in Queensland

  25. 环保组织对昆士兰州政府保护大堡礁的规划,表示欢迎。

    Environmental groups welcome the Queensland plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef .

  26. 陆克文1957年12月21日生于昆士兰州布里斯班附近。

    Rudd was born on September 21 , 1957 near Brisbane , Queensland .

  27. 产于澳大利亚昆士兰州东北,高,攀爬,具刺。

    Tall scrambling spiny palm of northeastern Queensland Australia .

  28. 澳大利亚昆士兰州土地登记及启示

    The Queensland Land Registration System in Australia : the History , Present & Future

  29. 阿桑奇1971年生于澳大利亚的昆士兰州,他的家庭听起来相当的不同寻常。

    Assange was born in Queensland in1971 into what sounds a highly unconventional family .

  30. 澳大利亚昆士兰州柑桔害虫综合治理

    Integrated citrus pest management in queensland , australia