
  • 网络Kauai
  1. 凯文:大岛上有一些迷人的火山,但是可爱岛,老天

    Kevin : The Big Island has some killer volcanoes , but Kauai , man

  2. 你们将入住王子套房在“可爱岛烧烤餐厅”享用浪漫晚餐

    You are gonna stay in a Prince suite room , have a romantic dinner at the Kauai Grill ,

  3. 可爱岛和欧胡岛仅仅一水之隔,两个岛上的居民也都是好朋友。

    The Lovely Island and Oahu Island are not far away from each other , so the inhabitants on both islands are in close relationship .

  4. 在哈纳卡皮爱海滩溺水身亡的人数是在可爱岛上是最多的,15具溺水者的尸体都未曾找到。

    There is simply nowhere to go.More people have drowned at Hanakapiai than at any other beach in Kauai . The bodies of 15 drowning victims have never been recovered .

  5. 可爱岛拿帕里海岸的哈纳卡皮爱海滩就是其中之一,它是一个很美但又致命的沙滩,位于一个陡峭山峰的尽头,全长3.2公里。

    Hanakapiai Beach on Kauai 's Na Pali coast is one of them . Yet another beautiful but potentially deadly location , the beach lies at the end of a steep , rocky 3.2-kilometer trail .

  6. 你获得了可爱巴厘岛的双人之旅!

    Which is a trip for two the lovely island of Bali !

  7. 你获得了今晚的神秘大奖,你获得了可爱巴厘岛的双人之旅!

    ' You have won tonight 's mystery prize , which is a trip for two the lovely island of Bali !