
yánɡ jīnɡ bānɡ yǔ
  • pidgin
  1. 过去几个世纪,文化和商贸的融合导致了洋泾浜语的产生,这是一种简洁实用的交流语言,语法结构简单,乔治城大学大脑和语言实验室的主任迈克尔-厄尔曼这样解释道。

    In previous centuries , the convergence of cultures and trade led to the emergence of pidgin - a streamlined system of communication that has simple grammatical structure , says Michael Ullman , director of research at Georgetown University 's Brain and Language Lab.

  2. 洋泾浜语与克里奥耳语有什么区别?

    What 's the difference between Pidgin and Creole ?

  3. 论近代中国最早的洋泾浜语&广东葡语的历史渊源和影响

    On the Historical Origin and Impact of Canton - Portuguese

  4. 浅析洋泾浜语的形成及其特征

    On the Creation and Characteristics of Pidgins

  5. 没有屈折形态且学起来简单的“洋泾浜语”①,是一种因为对外贸易与交流需要而形成的语言变体或贸易语言。

    The inflexionless , easy-to-learn pidgin language is a sort of linguistic variation purposefully created for the communication between one group and the other , usually for the sake of mutual trading .

  6. 在世界诸多语系和语种中,混合语、洋泾浜和克里奥尔语等“边缘”语言不为大众所了解。

    Among a large variety of languages in the world , lingua franca , pidgin and Creole are hardly known to the public .