
yáng liú
  • ocean current
洋流 [yáng liú]
  • [ocean current] 海洋中水流动的情况;海洋中朝着一定方向流动的水

洋流[yáng liú]
  1. 分布式星载干涉SAR可以同时实现三维地形成像、洋流成像和提高空间分辨率等3种SAR于涉成像。

    Distributed Spaceborne Interferometric SAR ( DSI-SAR ) can be explored to implement three possibilities of the coherent combination of SAR images , which are DEM , ocean current imaging and improving resolution in range and azimuth .

  2. 空间上表现为相关敏感区位于洋流区和季风流区;

    In space , the remarkable area of correlation is the area of ocean current and monsoon sea current .

  3. 在正常情况下,太平洋的热带洋流自东向西流。

    Under normal conditions , the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west

  4. 这些瓶子属于一项绘制北海洋流图的研究项目。

    The bottles were part of a research project to map currents in the North Sea .

  5. 他们补充说,实验成功地显示了北海洋流的东西流向。

    They added that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west flow of the North Sea 's currents .

  6. 洋流和盐蚀对沉船造成了损害,微生物也在侵蚀着钢铁,形成钟乳石般的锈石,从船上垂下来。

    Ocean currents and salt erosion are causing the damage as are microbes , which are eating away at the metal , creating stalactites of rust from the ship .

  7. 应用于洋流探测的改进MUSIC方法

    Improved MUSIC method for detection of currents

  8. BP泄露的原油会在洋流作用下从墨西哥湾流进大西洋吗?

    Are ocean currents likely to carry oil from the BP spill out of the Gulf of Mexico and into the Atlantic ?

  9. 在1904年和1906年期间,研究洋流方向的观察员ParkerBidderGeorge在北海丢了几个漂流瓶。

    Between 1904 and 1906 , researcher Parker Bidder George for the exploration of deep ocean flow direction in Beihai lost some drifting bottles .

  10. 并通过Argo浮标信息的提取研究了全球海洋表面洋流的流向和流速问题。

    The problems of global flow of ocean surface and the flow speed were researched through extracting the information of Argo buoy . 3 .

  11. 研究表明,一些传染病受到了厄尔尼诺/南方涛动现象(ENSO)的影响。ENSO是太平洋洋流周期性的逆转,它会破坏世界气候。

    Research shows that some infectious diseases are affected by the El Ni ñ o Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) & a periodic reversal of currents in the Pacific Ocean that disrupts the world 's climate .

  12. 本文分析证明,东亚温度变化与赤道东太平洋和北太平洋重要洋流区的海表面温度(SST)有密切的遥相关。

    The analysis in this paper verifies that the temperature change in winter in East Asia has a close teleconnection with sea surface temperature ( SST ) over the eastern equatorial Pacific and the main ocean current regions of the North Pacific .

  13. 作者对热带印度洋上层洋流作了空间的三维经验正交函数(EOF)分析,揭示其与印度洋偶极子和ENSO循环的关系。

    Three dimensional EOF ( Empirical Orthogonal Functions ) analysis is applied to the upper current in the tropical Indian Ocean in order to investigate the relationship with the IOD ( Indian Ocean dipole ) and ENSO circle .

  14. Stowe计划了一条航线将最初把两人带到北大西洋,从而能利用那里的海风和洋流,然后驶向赤道南部。

    Stowe planned a course that initially will take them into the north Atlantic to take advantage of wind and currents , then head south of the Equator .

  15. Hogarth说一个计算机模型显示石油已经进入了环路水流洋流,而另一个模型显示石油距洋流还有3英里&距离仍危险地接近。

    Hogarth said a computer model shows oil has already entered the loop current , while a second shows the oil is3 miles from it & still dangerously close .

  16. 海洋生物协会收到这个卡片说道,在1904年到1906年,Bidder在北海丢了1020个漂流瓶,里面都有调查洋流信息的问卷。

    And the sea creature Association received the postcard to know , the original Bidder in the 1904 to 1906 years for the collection of deep ocean flow direction of information in Beihai lost 1020 drift bottles , the bottle is one of them .

  17. EarthSky也采访了伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的海洋学家布瑞克•欧文斯,他所在的团队安装了安装一个水下机器人,直接测量原油泄露处及其周围洋流的状态。

    EarthSky also spoke with oceanographer Breck Owens at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , whose team has released an underwater robot to directly measure currents in and around the oil spill .

  18. 澳大利亚国家科学机构的研究科学家丹尼斯•哈德斯蒂(DeniseHardesty)说,洋流经常会使海面上漂浮的垃圾聚集在一起,目前的搜寻区域可能就属于这样一块区域。

    Denise Hardesty , a research scientist at Australia 's national science agency , which is advising the search teams , said it is likely the area being searched is one where currents frequently bring floating garbage together .

  19. 但这也有可能意味着沉闷、散乱的叙事,只依靠“吸力”,凭着吸力的成本,才吸引观众继续观看下去,比如《至亲血统》(Bloodline),我弃剧的时候,剧情就像佛罗里达洋流上的垃圾一样漂浮不定

    But it can also mean lethargic , shapeless narratives that rely on The Suck to keep viewers watching sheerly on the sunk-costs principle , like " Bloodline , " which drifted like flotsam in a Florida current until I gave up on it .

  20. 结核开始生长的晚上新世(3.29Ma)是北极冰盖扩展,全球气候转冷,洋流活动加强的剧烈动荡期。

    Late Pliocene that the nodule started to grow ( 3.29Ma ) was a fiercely turbulent period in which ice sheet of Arctic expanded , global climate cooled and oceanic current enhanced .

  21. 他们正在监测洋流、盐度和其他因素。

    They are monitoring ocean currents , salinity and other factors .

  22. 水中悬浮隧道与洋流耦合作用的模型试验

    Model Experiment on the Interaction between Submerged Floating Tunnel and Current

  23. 洋流的影响,是否计算中应予以考虑?

    Effect of current-to take into account or not in calculation ?

  24. 能见度为60英尺,洋流是几个不同方向流动。

    Visibility was60 feet and currents were running in different directions .

  25. 筏子被洋流飘送到一座小岛上。

    The raft was-ried by ocean currents to a small island .

  26. 数百万年来,它遂洋流勇动,漫无目的地漂荡。

    For millions of years it drifted aimlessly with the currents .

  27. 洋流作用下悬浮隧道动力学行为试验研究

    Experimental Study of Dynamic Behavior of Submerged Floating Tunnel under Current Effect

  28. 大洋里的海水流动有时被称为海洋中的洋流。

    Ocean currents are sometimes called rivers in the sea .

  29. 卫星测高与卫星重力对洋流的研究

    Ocean Circulation from the Satellite Altimetry and the Satellite Gravity

  30. 强劲的洋流时常引起快速且高的浪潮。

    Strong ocean currents often cause rapid and high waves .