
  1. 惯性约束聚变(ICF)研究的长远目标,是实现可控核聚变,为人类提供理想的能源。

    The goal of research on inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is to achieve controllable nuclear fusion for supplying ideal energy .

  2. ITER(国际热核聚变实验实验堆)是规划建设中的一个为验证全尺寸可控核聚变技术的可行性而设计的国际托卡马克实验堆。

    ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) is a planning international Tokamak reactor designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the full dimensions controlled nuclear fusion technology .

  3. 中国可控核聚变研究的启始与发展的外部条件

    The Exterior Terms for the Start and Development of Nuclear Fusion in China

  4. 氘气可用于核能、可控核聚变反应、激光器和灯源等。

    Deuterium gas is used in nuclear power , fusion power , lasers , lighting and so on .

  5. 中性束注入加热是可控核聚变主要的辅助加热方式之一。

    Neutral beam injection ( NBI ) heating is one of the main auxiliary heating methods in controllable nuclear fusion experiment .

  6. 氢弹试验成功后,科学家的注意力转向可控核聚变的研究,有军事性质而处于绝密状态。

    After success of hydrogen bomb , scientists turned to face controlled nuclear fusion connected to military and be placed in the top-secret .

  7. 随着现代粒子加速器、可控核聚变装置等大科学工程的建设,大型超导磁体在世界范围内得到了广泛应用。

    The large-scale superconducting magnets are presently widely used in modern high-energy particle accelerators and nuclear fusion experimental device , which generally operate at liquid helium temperature region .

  8. 惯性约束聚变是最有希望实现可控核聚变的途径之一,当前主要发达国家对此都展开了研究。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( IGF ) is the most hopeful way which to achieve the under controlled nuclear fusion . Nowadays , in many countries , the research of ICF has been considered very important .

  9. 它用于核能、可控核聚变反应、氘化光导纤维、氘润滑油、激光器、灯泡、实验研究、半导体材料韧化处理以及核医学、核农业等方面;

    Deuterium is used for nuclear power , fusion power , deuterated optical fibers , deuterated lubricant , lasers , light bulbs , R & D laboratories , annealing semiconductor materials and nuclear medicine , nuclear agriculture etc ;