
  • 网络Credibility;reliability;dependability;Trustworthiness;creditability;credence
  1. 原告竭力削弱证人的可信性。

    The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness .

  2. 接着从网络结构设计、训练样本选择与预处理和学习算法分析三个方面深入研究了基于BP网络的可信性评估方法的设计;

    Then , the BP-based credibility evaluation method was researched from designing network structure , choosing and pre-processing training sample , and analyzing learning algorithm .

  3. 选举结果令他们很震惊,他们现在要对选举的可信性提出质疑。

    Shocked by the results of the elections , they now want to challenge the validity of the vote

  4. 让我们考虑一下她面临的指控以及这些指控在法律上的可信性。

    Let us consider the charges she faces , and the legal plausibility of those charges .

  5. 随着web应用的日益普及,对软件可信性的要求越来越高。

    With the increasing popularity of web applications , software trust-worthy became increasingly demanding .

  6. 基于随机Petri网的组合Web服务可信性研究

    Research on Trustworthy of Composition Web Services Based on Stochastic Petri Net

  7. adhoc网络通信可信性问题的研究

    Study of Communication Trustworthiness in Ad Hoc Networks

  8. 因此使用DTI方法测量的结果具有很高的可信性及重复性。

    So it measure result have high credibility and repetitiveness .

  9. 20世纪90年代的一项研究显示,在大多数情况下,SAT只是体现学生未来表现的一项可信性指标。

    According to a study done in the 1990s , the SAT is only a reliable indicator of a student 's future performance in most cases .

  10. 本文论述了BIST在可信性嵌入式软件测试中的应用。

    BIST is applied in embedded software test .

  11. 在这里一种好的实践是周期性地浏览您的信任库并且作出您关于其内容可信性的判断&可能删除一些CA。

    One good practice here is to periodically browse through your truststore and make your own judgment about the trustworthiness of its content & and possibly remove some CAs .

  12. 在对原有的时间戳协议缺乏可靠的身份认证和可信性分析后,提出了一种新的基于证书权威(ca)中心的时间戳服务协议。

    After analyzing the old time stamp protocol , which lacks reliable identification and trust , a novel time stamp service protocol based on certificate authority center is presented .

  13. 利用CA中心的信任原理和数字证书的身份认证作用,使提供时间戳服务的服务方具备了可靠的身份鉴别和可信性。

    By using the trust principle of certificate authority center and the identification function of digital certificate , the server providing time stamp service can be reliably identified and trusted .

  14. 作为当前仿真研究对象的复杂大系统(Large-ScaleComplexSystem,LSCS)具有一系列特点,对该类系统的仿真可信性评估提出了新的需求。

    As a hotspot in current Modeling and Simulation ( MS ), Large-Scale Complex System ( LSCS ) has series of characteristics and puts forward some new requirements for credibility evaluation .

  15. 我知道一些人感觉Sun是一个服务器公司,在客户端不具可信性,看看我们实际正在做和正在销售的东西吧。

    I understand that some people feel Sun is a server company and doesn 't have the credibility on the client side , so just look at what we are actually doing and shipping .

  16. 对于延伸出全长阅读框的基因,设计特异性引物进行PCR扩增,验证了电子延伸的可信性,同时也克隆了整个阅读框架区。

    Specific primers for the three full-length ORF genes were designed and PCR was used to validate the reliability of electronic cloning , and the full-length ORF of these three genes were cloned as well .

  17. 介绍了TMN(电信管理网)可信性建模的一种新的方法&Petri网。

    This paper describes a new method to construct the dependability models of TMN ( telecommunication management networks ) using the Petri net .

  18. 即便你正在运行一个维护良好的CRM,你也会发现一些数据质量方面的问题,这些问题将为用户留下恶劣印象,并将系统的整体可信性产生不良影响。

    Even if you 're doing a greenfield implementation of CRM , you will discover data quality problems that are irritants to every user and poisonous to the system 's overall credibility .

  19. 选取可信性模糊规划模型算例,对CMA参数的灵敏度进行测试,证实了通用的CMA参数设置同样适用于不确定性优化模型的求解。

    Taking credibility fuzzy Thus , it is verified that the universal CMA parameters were also applied to the solving of uncertainty optimization model .

  20. 研究民营科技企业集群的综合评价问题,运用Delphi群决策方法,经过三次反馈,得到有可信性的指标项目,使用层次分析法,获得各层指标权重,因此得出完整的指标体系。

    Studying how to evaluate enterprise cluster . By Delphi method , after feedback of three times , obtaining credible indices . By AHP , obtaining the weight of every layer of indices . 4 .

  21. 平台身份认证机制主要根据TPM和宿主平台有绑定关系,对TPM的身份进行验证,便可证实目标平台身份的可信性。

    The platform authentication mechanism is to validate the TPM and confirm the credibility of the target identity by the binding relationship of TPM and the host platform .

  22. 在萨蒂扬公司(satyam)的会计欺诈丑闻后,投资者对印度企业信息的可信性彻底丧失了信心。

    Investor confidence in the quality of corporate information had collapsed in the wake of the Satyam accounting fraud .

  23. 一般来说,Intranet是相对封闭的,但是Intranet还是面临着诸多安全与管理问题,比如:接入用户身份及主机的可信性、IP地址管理混乱及网上行为查实举证难等问题。

    Intranet is relatively close as a whole , but it is still faced with many security and management problems : credibility of connected user identity and host , management confusion of IP address , checking and justify of online behavior .

  24. 而这种基于博弈论的契约可以克服有成本的状态验证模型(CSV)及经典激励理论中承诺的可信性问题。

    The model presented here is proved to overcome the problem of credibility in costly state verification ( CSV ) model and some related research in the theory of incentive .

  25. 为使PT结果具备可比性和可信性,我国的凝血活酶试剂应有准确ISI值标定。并推行以INR作为PT测定报告形式。

    Therefore , to the reliability and comparability of the test , we believe that our domestic prothrombin reagents should be marked with accurate ISI value and INR should be used as PT report form .

  26. 结合Fortran语言编程,在ADAMS环境下建立了火炮虚拟样机,虚拟样机仿真和Kane方法对比结果说明了虚拟样机建立的可信性。

    With the help of Fortran language , the virtual prototype of artillery is established by using ADAMS , and it is validated by comparing the results achieved by virtual prototyping with that by Kane equations .

  27. 考虑了常规P-S-N曲线预测结果的可信性,应用线性回归统计分析原理,将置信度引入到常规P-S-N曲线中,从而得到C-P-S-N曲线。

    Confidence is incorporated into the P-S-N curves by a statistical principle of linear regression method and the C-P-S-N curves are then obtained .

  28. 对影响PKI可信性的关键因素进行了分析,并指出私钥的安全性是保证PKI系统可信任的最关键因素。

    This dissertation makes analysis on the key factors influencing the trustworthiness of PKI and points out that a secure way of accessing and storing the users ' private keys is very essential for ensuring the whole PKI system to be trustworthy .

  29. 由于HRA分析对象的复杂性及分析方法、技术的多样性和不成熟性,致使HRA结果有较大的不确定性,对PSA的质量和可信性造成很大的影响和冲击。

    Due to the complexity of HRA object and the variety and immaturity of its techniques the HRA result possesses great uncertainty which has a great influence and impact upon the credibility and quality of PSA .

  30. 作战仿真中的人类行为表示(HumanBehaviorRepresentation,简称HBR)是计算机生成兵力(CGF)的核心,灵活、有效、真实的HBR对于作战仿真结果的可信性十分重要。

    Human behavior representation ( HBR ) in warfare simulation is the core of Computer Generated Forces ( CGF ) . Flexible , valid and realistic HBR is very important to the creditability of the simulation results .