
kě jí shí
  • accessible time
可及时[kě jí shí]
  1. 通过建立基于Agent的入侵检测系统,可及时发现信息系统的薄弱环节和安全漏洞。

    And discover the weakness and security flaws of information systems by means of establishing an agent based intrusion detection system .

  2. 使用这种组合不仅提高了GPS的定位精度和完好性,而且可及时向监控中心自动报告用户的精确位置

    This integration system improves GPS accuracy and integrity , at the same time realizes automatically reporting user 's accurate position to monitoring centre

  3. 新的网络和新的应用需求引起了对可及时应用的无线网络&adhoc网络的设计和研究。

    The design and research of Ad Hoc network is driven by the request of the new network and application .

  4. 利用Petri网技术对电力系统故障进行快速建模,并在计算机辅助故障诊断方面进行研究运算,可及时得出故障范围。

    In this paper , the technique of Petri net is used in power system fault modeling and computer-assisted fault diagnosis .

  5. 结论:SSS可及时准确反应术中呼吸功能及气道力学的变化。

    Conclusion : SSS can reflect the changes of ventilation function and respiratory dynamics .

  6. 通过检测CagA、VacA抗体,可及时指导临床治疗。

    So determination of CagA and VacA antibodies can be applied to guide the clinical treatment timely .

  7. 一方面平板电脑处理数据速度快,可及时处理现场大数据量,另一方面PLC抗干扰能力强,能够有效的抑制现场的干扰。

    System is composed of Computer and PLC . On one hand the computer can process on-the-spot data in time with high speed , on the other hand the PLC is able to effectively restrain the locale interference .

  8. 系统基于GIS技术构建,针对供水管网突发性的爆管和地下泄漏特点,综合运用了负压波和流量检测法进行泄漏模式识别与漏点定位,可及时、准确的发现和定位泄漏点。

    Aiming at the feature of the underground booster and leakage of the water pipe , with the GIS technology and the signal processing methods , such as negative P wave and flow detecting , accurate and prompt positioning of leakage location can be detected .

  9. 研制了一个由微机控制的F-P干涉仪亚毫米波波长测量系统,该系统可以自动测量波长,并可及时显示测量结果。

    A computer controlled SMMW wavelength measurement system with a F-P interferometer has been studied . With this system the wavelength measurement can be done automatically and the results can be displayed immediately .

  10. 对CTDI的检测,可及时了解辐射危险水平,进而优化扫描方案,在保证诊断的前提下降低病人受照剂量。

    It is important to understand the radiation danger level and optimize the scanning protocol by checking up the CTDI .

  11. 该系统通过挖掘异常数据的高效性,可及时发现新的未知入侵行为,用以更新入侵规则库。基于该规则库,系统采用BM模式匹配算法进行实时入侵检测。

    The NIDS can find new unknown intrusion behaviors , which are used to updated the intrusion rule-base , based on which intrusion detections can be carried out online by the BM pattern match algorithm .

  12. 结论:对RPR,TPHA阳性的婴儿应进行常规四肢长骨X线检查,可及时发现早发型先天性骨梅毒,以便早期治疗,获得满意疗效。

    Conclusion : Regular limb X-ray check-up for the infants with RPR or TPHA positive is useful for the disease to be detected earlier , diagnosed earlier and treated earlier .

  13. 仿真结果表明RBF神经网络训练速度快,精度高,可及时为主动控制建筑结构响应提供较为准确的优化性能指标,从而为实现在线实时控制结构响应提供优良的保证。

    Simulation result showed that there were fast training and high accuracy with RBF neural network , so that it could provide more accurate optimal performance indexes for timely active control of structural response of the buildings and good guarantee for implementing on-line real-time control of structural response .

  14. 结论椎管内手术时行CSEP监测可及时、敏感地反映脊髓功能的变化,增加手术安全性,减少术后并发症;

    Conclusion During the operation of intramedullary or extramedullary occupying , CSEP intraoperative monitoring can timely , sensitively reflect changes of spinal function and increase the security of the operation , reduce complications of operation ;

  15. 结论TPE救治重症急性有机磷中毒疗效显著,具有常规疗法无可比拟的优势,可及时、有效去除毒素,补充有活力胆碱酯酶及某些血浆正常成分,改善患者症状。

    Conclusion The treatment effect of TPE for severe active organic phosphorus intoxication is more significant and excellent than routine treatment , which could timely , effectively get rid of toxin , supply active cholinesterase and some plasma component , improve patients ' syndrome .

  16. 【结论】XDJⅠ型电话心电监测系统可及时发现院外心脏病患者心电变化,对指导院外心脏病患者的及时诊治有重要意义

    None of the patients died in prehospital [ Conclusion ] XDJ ⅰ transtelephonic electrocardiographic monitoring system can find the electrocardiographic changes of patients with heart disease in prehospital It plays an important role in preventing cardiac sudden death of the patients with heart diseases

  17. 由此,可及时采取措施防止损坏。

    In this way damage can be avoided by measures taken in good time .

  18. 施工监测伴随施工同步进行,因而可及时、正确地反映出桥梁的实际状态,切实保证施工按设计要求进行,使桥梁工程的施工质量达到设计和规范要求。

    The construction monitoring can timely obtain the real state of the bridge and ensure construction safety .

  19. 结论妇科急腹症在腹腔镜下可及时诊断,及时治疗,预后良好。

    Conclusion Laparoscopy may be an effective approach to the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological acute pelvic pain .

  20. 通过对绝缘参数的在线检测可及时发现设备缺陷,预防事故的发生。

    By measuring the insulation parameters , the defects can be discovered and the accidents can be prevented in time .

  21. 24小时在线热线服务可及时解答在美或在中客户提出的问题。

    A 24-hour online hotline allows clients in the US or China to write in with any question they might have .

  22. 结果实验室内检测流程信息化防呆机制的监控管理功能,可及时发现和有效控制检测流程中因失误操作而造成的过失。

    Result The LIS and the management system can efficiently identify and correct the mistakes arise from the normal laboratory operation procedures .

  23. 通过活性污泥中微型动物种类和数量变化的显微观察,可及时地了解处理系统的运行状态。

    The operation state of the treatment system can be known by observing the changes in kinds and quantity of micro zoo .

  24. 掌握其变化规律及原因可及时有效地纠正血钠,缩短儿童鞍区肿瘤术后血钠紊乱的病理经过。

    Grasping the knowledge of the pattern and etiology , the sodium irregularity can be corrected effectively and the pathological process shortened .

  25. 前期试验表明,采用该技术可及时、安全、可靠地将野外地震资料传送回资料处理解释中心。

    Practical tests show seismic data can be timely , safely and reliably transmitted to seismic data processing center by using this technique .

  26. 结论:定期的脑电图检查,可及时反映大脑皮层功能状态,提高临床的诊断率和治愈率。

    Conclusions : The periodical examinations of EEG could reflect functional condition of cerebral cortex and heighten clinical diagnostic rate and cure rate .

  27. 皮层体感诱发电位灵敏度高,可及时反映出脊髓功能的变化,提高了脊髓手术的安全性;

    Besides , it has a satisfied sensitivity which could reflect the changes of spinal function instantly and increase the safety of surgeries .

  28. 结论早期发现和报告病例,及时采取应急接种和综合防治措施可及时控制流行。

    Conclusions The prevalence of measles can be controlled in time by early discovering , case reporting , urgent vaccination campaign and integrate measures .

  29. 本实用新型可及时触发渔杆的起钓,减少咬钩鱼脱钩的现象发生。

    The utility model can trigger the angling rod to rise in time to reduce the phenomenon of release when fish biting a hook .

  30. 结论:术后常规B超检查可及时发现剖宫产术后隐性并发症,减少和杜绝重大并发症的发生。

    Conclusion : Routine ultrasonography of pelvis can provide early clues of latent post-caesarean section complications and thees severe complications can be reduced or avoided .