
  • 网络Ming style furniture;ming furniture
  1. 明式家具审美观的科学分析

    Scientific Analysis of the Aesthetic View of Ming Furniture

  2. 其次,中国书法艺术作为线条艺术,它影响了明式家具的线条的造型。

    Secondly , Chinese calligraphy art has influenced the lines model of Ming furniture as lines art .

  3. 巴洛克式家具与明式家具在色彩上的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Baroque-style Furniture and Ming-style Furniture in the Color

  4. 明式家具造型意象探讨以及对工业设计启示

    Discussion on Ming-style Furniture Modeling and Its Inspiration on Industrial Design

  5. 木头构创的诗篇&明式家具的艺术与文化

    Peoms Composed with Wood-Art and culture of the Ming-style furniture

  6. 明式家具的科学性与价值观研究

    Study on Scientificity and Values about Chinese Ming Style Furniture

  7. 浅论明式家具造型美的形成

    The Creation of the Beauty of Form in Ming-Style Furniture

  8. 明式家具中凝聚着实用内涵和精神内涵,保持着实用与审美的统一,具有强烈的实用美学特征。

    The Ming-style furniture has practicality , spirituality and strong applied characteristics .

  9. 明式家具的审美特征与现代设计理念

    The aesthetic features of Ming-style furniture and modern designing idea

  10. 论明式家具造型中线条的应用

    Application of Moulding Type in Modeling of Ming Style Furniture

  11. 明式家具装饰图案对现代中式家具设计的启示

    Enlightenment of Ming-Style Furniture Decoration Patterns on Modern Chinese Style Furniture Design

  12. 明式家具造型的传统特色

    The Distinctive National Features in Appearance of Ming Style Furniture

  13. 明式家具榫卯结构的参数化设计系统构建与应用

    Construction and Application of Parametric Design System for Mortise-Tenon Connection in Ming-Style Furniture

  14. 明式家具品种繁多,加多种调味品的蛋糕。

    Ming Dynasty furniture comes in many forms . cake flavored with spices .

  15. 明式家具设计的视觉审美与文化内涵

    Visual culture connotation of Art and Design of the Furniture of the Ming Dynasty

  16. 明式家具检索系统研究

    The Study of Ming Style Furniture Search System

  17. 明式家具的一个突出特点,是造型优美。

    An important feature of Ming Dynasty furniture is that the items are beautifully shaped .

  18. 明式家具中椅的造型艺术研究

    Study on Form Design of Ming-style Chair

  19. 直到今天,传统明式家具也是财富、地位的象征。

    Today , the traditional bright type furniture also is the symbol of wealth and status .

  20. 明式家具中的卯榫结构

    Application of Ming Dynasty Furniture Structure

  21. 灵构不待匠虚影自成工明式家具的空间组织形式

    Spatial Organization of Ming-Style Furniture

  22. 明式家具的实用内涵初探

    Pragmatic Connotations of Ming-style Furniture

  23. 再其次,中国书法艺术的美学原理影响了明式家具的结构和风格取向。

    Thirdly the theory of Chinese calligraphy art has influenced the structure and style orientation of Ming furniture .

  24. 于材质中立精神&晚明文人意趣与明式家具雕刻艺术

    The spirit of material & Furnature sculpture of Ming dynasty and civilian interest of the late Ming dynasty

  25. 另外,古代的文人们运用书法艺术以及书法艺术的表现对象&汉字,来装饰明式家具。

    In addition , ancient scholars use Chinese characters that the targets of calligraphies art to decorate Ming furniture .

  26. 清式家具由于统治阶级的审美需求,数量和制作工艺相较明式家具还是有着发展和提高。

    Qing-style furniture improved in terms of quantity and production technology because of aesthetic needs of the ruling class .

  27. 明式家具造型的简洁合度为世所公认,合度即是具有良好的比例。

    The concise characteristic of Ming-style furniture is recognized by the world , it has a good shape ratio .

  28. 按使用功能将明式家具分类,与同类家具进行比较,分析其空间构成要素、构成方式和空间特性。

    Classes furniture by function , Compares them broadways then analyzes its form elements , form fashion and space identity .

  29. 那么,研究明式家具设计中的美学思想首先应从中国传统美学探根溯源出发。

    Then , the research of Ming-style furniture design aesthetics should explore the root of traditional Chinese aesthetics at first .

  30. 明式家具的道、器之美及对现代产品设计的启示

    Beauty of " Doctrine " and " Utensil " of Ming Style Furniture and Its Inspiration on Modern Product Design