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mínɡ qì
  • burial/funerary objects
明器 [míng qì]
  • [articles to be for the dead] 古代陪葬的器物

  1. 试析明器产生的思想根源

    Analysis for conceptional roots of emergence of funerary objects

  2. 晚明器用的瓷质化现象以及器用者的价值观念。

    First , the phenomenon of wares becoming porcelain and the value of the users ' in late Ming .

  3. 魂瓶作为一种综合性的丧葬明器,它所反映的吴晋时期社会生活的各个侧面以及丧葬礼俗是相当丰富的。

    As a comprehensive funeral object , the Soul Jar contains much social and funeral information about Wu and Jin Period .

  4. 本文首先从建筑明器与墓葬的关系出发,通过大量实例发现,建筑明器在墓葬中并不是孤立的,而是有其空间意义。

    A large number of examples show that , the architectural models have its spatial significance in tombs and they are not isolated .

  5. 焦作白庄6号墓七层连阁彩绘陶仓楼是不可多得的汉代建筑明器。

    The seven-storeyed painted pottery joint storage building excavated at No.6 tomb of Baizhuang in Jiaozuo is an exquisite architectural model of Han dynasty .

  6. 堆塑罐是一种专为亡灵制作的明器,是我国陶瓷发展史和宗教信仰的重要物证。

    Duisu vase , a special sacrifice vessel for the dead , was the important object evidence of Chinese ceramic development history and religion .

  7. 俑作为一种随葬明器,它的出现与灵魂不灭的丧葬观念有着密切的关系,属于丧葬文化的一部分。

    As a funerary ware , the appearance of tomb figures is closely related to the concept of " immortal soul ", and it is a part of the the funeral culture .

  8. 明器历经各个历史时期的发展演变,记录了各个历史时期的农业、科学、建筑、社会生活等多方面的内容,体现了各个时代的审美风尚和社会文化状况。

    The funerary experienced many many years , recorded the agriculture , science , architecture , social life and so on , embody the esthetics fashion and culture condition of every phrase .

  9. 汉代艺术是象征型的艺术,无论诗赋、乐舞、画像石还是明器,都以其数量的巨大来表达潜在的审美情感。

    The art in Han Dynasty is symbolic art , and poetry , music , stone portraits , or funerary objects all use a huge number to express their potential aesthetic emotion .

  10. 秦代民间百姓对陶俑明器的大量需求,刺激陶器行业的发展,在石湾地区出现专门制造陶制明器的手工业。

    In Qin Dynasty , ordinary people has a number of demand for sacrificial pottery , and stimulate the development of pottery industry , there is a specializes in sacrificial pottery of the handicrafts manufacture in Shiwan .

  11. 陶井模型是河南汉墓中最为常见的模型明器之一,其出土数量较多,分布区域较广,类型复杂多样并极具地方特色。

    The pottery well models are one of the most commonly-seen funerary objects unearthed in tombs founded in Henan Province , the characteristics of which are large quantities , wide distribution area , and complicated kinds of types .

  12. 在色彩的相互辉映中,显出堂皇富丽的艺术魅力。唐三彩用于随葬,作为明器,因为它的胎质松脆,防水性能差,实用性远不如当时已经出现的青瓷和白瓷。

    Tri-colored glazed pottery was usually used as burial objects.Its loose and brittle base and its low waterproofing proper-ties meant it was not as practical as the blue and white porcelain that had already emerged at the time .