首页 / 词典 / good

  • change;shift;transfer;turn

  • revolve;rotate;turn;swivel
  • revolution
  • 迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。

  • 不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。

  • 改换方向:~弯。向左~。

  • 改变位置:~移。

  • 改变形势、情况:~败为胜。天气~睛。病情好~。

  • 旋转:车轮飞~。

  • 使旋转:~动地球仪。

  • 围绕着一个中心运动:越陷越深绕着太阳~。

  • 量词,旋转一圈为一转:绕了几十~。

  • 量词,古代勋位每升一级称“一转”:“策勋十二~,赏赐百千强。”

  • [转文]指说话或写文章时有意不用通俗易懂的词句,而使用文言文词语以显高雅。


(改换方向、位置、形势、情况等) change; shift; transfer; turn:

  • 转到另一学院

    transfer to another college;

  • 转朝太阳

    turn to the sun;

  • 调转船头

    round a boat off;

  • 由防御转入进攻

    shift from the defensive to the offensive;

  • 明天的天气: 上午晴, 下午转多云。

    The weather for tomorrow: Clear in the morning, changing to light overcast in the afternoon.

  • 我们研究的重点转到预防感染和败血病方面来。

    The main emphasis of our research has shifted to the prevention of infection and septicemia.

  • 我转过头, 看见一个人的侧影。

    I turned my head and saw the profile of a man.


(传递) transmit; transfer; pass on:

  • 把礼品转送给他

    pass the gift on to him;

  • 把文件转回办公室

    transmit the document back to the office;

  • 转党的组织关系

    transfer the registration of one's Party membership from one unit to another;

  • 信已经转给他了。

    The letter has been forwarded to him.


(旋转) revolve; rotate; turn; swivel:

  • 转圈子

    make circle;

  • 不能倒转

    cannot turn back;

  • 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis.

  • 轮子转得太慢。

    The wheel turns too slowly.


(闲逛) stroll:

  • 出去转一转好吗?

    Do you feel like a stroll?

  • 你在这儿转来转去干什么?

    What are you hanging around here for?


(绕一圈叫绕一转) revolution:

  • 每分钟120转

    120 revolutions per minute; 120 r.p.m.

  1. 迅猛发展的信息技术,促使现代企业实体纷纷将业务模式由传统方式转为Internet方式。

    The information technology urge the modern business enterprise entity to change their business mode from traditional way to Internet way .

  2. 你可以买到XX的车票,到了再转别的车。

    You can buy ticket to XX , then at there change other bus .

  3. 他不得不在来回乱转的人群中穿梭而行。

    He had to weave his way through the milling crowds .

  4. 你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。

    You must signal which way you are going to turn .

  5. 我无法把我在专科学校的所有学分都转过来。

    I couldn 't transfer all my credits from junior college .

  6. 我去公园转了一圈。

    I went to the park and had a wander around .

  7. 我把汽车停在转乘停车场了。

    I 've left my car in the park and ride .

  8. 随着天色转亮,树的轮廓变得清晰了。

    The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter .

  9. 天空骤然转暗,随即下起雨来。

    The sky suddenly went dark and it started to rain .

  10. 你可以打637-2335这个电话号码,转分机354,与我联系。

    You can reach me at 637-2335 , extension 354 .

  11. 我在巴林转乘飞往新加坡的班机。

    I transferred at Bahrain for a flight to Singapore .

  12. 这篇短文的语体风格突然从正式转为非正式。

    The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register .

  13. 他获得业余赛冠军后就转为职业运动员了。

    After he won the amateur championship he turned professional .

  14. 你可以在几秒钟内将数据转存到磁盘上。

    You can transfer data to a disk in a few seconds .

  15. 她看了看他,然后又把注意力转回到我的身上。

    She looked at him then turned her attention back to me .

  16. 人们曾经认为太阳绕着地球转。

    It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth .

  17. 这故事一转又回到以前发生的事情。

    The story takes a jump back in time .

  18. 如果我在马德里上一学期的课,我的学分能转过来吗?

    If I spend a semester in Madrid , will my credits transfer ?

  19. 战争期间,他好像在某个时候转投向对方营垒过。

    At some point during the war he seems to have changed sides .

  20. 我一整天都在城里转来转去,安排旅行的事情。

    I 've been buzzing around town all day sorting out my trip .

  21. 你是怎么让轮子转起来的?

    How do you make the wheels go round ?

  22. 她把椅子转过来朝着他们。

    She swivelled the chair around to face them .

  23. 我们不顾寒冷和下雨,在整个城市到处转。

    We explored the whole town , mindless of the cold and rain .

  24. 有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?

    How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people ?

  25. 我们这个办公室里大家总是忙得团团转。

    We 're all in a state of perpetual motion in this office .

  26. 你先打电话到总机,然后要求转分机410。

    Call the switchboard and ask for extension 410 .

  27. 凯特穿着新连衣裙转了一圈。

    Kate did a twirl in her new dress .

  28. 转着圈将乳霜揉进去。

    Rub the cream in with a circular motion .

  29. 我们在公园里转了一圈。

    We took a turn around the park .

  30. 孩子们一个劲地转呀转。

    The children were spinning round and round .