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  • 网络sense of awe
  1. 设计师兼艺术家约翰·埃德马克(JohnEdmark)在2008年创作了螺旋松果。在他看来,人们之所以会被桌上玩具吸引,恰恰是因为人们对数字工具的敬畏感日益淡薄。

    For John Edmark , the designer and artist who invented the Helicone in 2008 , our diminishing awe of digital tools is exactly what attracts us to desktop toys .

  2. 他还对法律对生命还有敬畏感吗?

    He also still awed by the legal sense of life ?

  3. 佛教对生命的敬畏感极强,这表现于不可杀生的信条。

    Buddhist reverence for life extremely strong sense , this expression cannot kill creed .

  4. 对教育本质和规律的片面认识使我们对教育的尊重和敬畏感淡薄。

    The unilateral recognition of the essence and rules of education makes us less respectful to education itself .

  5. 名人的时代已渐行渐远,对富人以及名人的敬畏感也正在消失。

    The era of celebrity is leaving us , and the awe of the rich and famous is leaving us .

  6. 尽管拉格菲尔德有关流行时尚史的学问非常广博,但在他对夏奈尔帝国的彻底重建中,敬畏感并非其主导。

    But although Lagerfeld 's knowledge of fashion history is encyclopedic , reverence was not his guide in his radical restructuring of Chanel .

  7. 处于较低层次的职员对高层管理者具有很强的敬畏感,上下级之间的沟通就很难进行。

    The junior clerks stand in great awe of the senior managers , and as a result , it is difficult for them to communicate with each other .

  8. 在间接教育的过程中,使传统伦理道德具有某种神圣性,族人对其产生敬畏感和崇拜意识,从而要自觉地践履。

    In the process of education in indirect , make the traditional ethics , has some of the divine awe people sense and worship consciousness , thus to consciously purposely .

  9. 缺乏本土意识的课程研究将危及到自主的文化领导权的保持,弱化研究者的专业敬畏感与自我身份认同,加剧学术浮躁之风。

    Such an absence can result in the loss of independence in leading authority over culture and the weakening of researchers ' professional reverence and self-identity , and deteriorate the academia .

  10. 我认为他指的是一种敬畏感,是一种意识世界上存在着比我们人类更博大的事物,而我们现在远未达到无所不知的境界。

    I think that he meant a sense ofawe , a sense that there are things larger than us , that we do not have all the answers at this moment .

  11. 影片结束时,最迫切需要的是一种生命令一切成真之感,是可感知的、可以传达给观众的细节,而不是一个被封存在圣人行传的敬畏感之中的人生。

    What the movie ends up in desperate need of is a sense of life made real and palpable through dreadful , transporting details , not a life embalmed in hagiographic awe .

  12. 连倔强的无神论者对自然也常有某种所谓敬畏感,对自然的深度、美和微妙的一种迷恋和敬意,这与宗教的敬畏相似。

    Even hard-nosed atheists frequently have what has been called a sense of reverence for nature , a fascination and respect for its depth and beauty and subtlety , that is akin to religious awe .

  13. 研究表明,艺术、宗教和哲学的体验是最常见的能唤起敬畏感的体验——也就是惊奇感和与比自己更强大的事物的联系。

    Research has shown that experiences of art , religion and philosophy are the most common experiences that evoke a sense of awe -- that sense of wonder and connection to something larger than ourselves 。

  14. 原始初民在与自然抗争过程中所产生的恐惧感,并在此基础上所产生的对社会共同体的归属感和敬畏感乃是人类道德需要得以发生的心理动因。

    The psychology grounds of occurrence of the moral needs is the feeling of affiliation and awe resulting from the derivation of fear produced in their fear struggles in nature when our ancestors lived in original society .

  15. 对自然的敬畏感和征服愿望是中希神话共同的特征,差异性体现在崇实与求知、格与原罪、崇力与尚德的不同特点上。

    The awe for nature and desire for conquering nature make the Chinese myth and Greek myth share same characteristics . Differences embodiment is on high and real and seeks knowledge , dose and original sin , high strength and ShangDe ′ s different characteristics .

  16. 人们靠近莽莽崇山时会产生敬畏之感。

    We feel awe when we stand near vast mountains .

  17. 她初见金字塔时,敬畏之感油然而生。

    Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe .

  18. 有的月光可令人心头涌生敬畏之感;

    There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe .

  19. 山岭的雄伟使我们生敬畏之感。

    The majesty of the mountains awed us .

  20. 因此,为了走出当代生态危机,人类必须深刻认识到自己认识的有限性,找回有学识的无知,从而对无限的终极实在保持应有的敬畏之感。

    Therefore , in order to get out of the ecological crisis , mankind must be deep to realize the finitude of mankind and seek to return the " learned ignorance ", thereby , keep the awe toward infinite ultimate reality .