
jìnɡ chá
  • serve tea
  1. 凡来了客人,沏茶、敬茶的礼仪是必不可少的。

    Whenever guests visit , it is necessary to make and serve tea to them .

  2. 我懂得给来客敬茶是中国的一个传统礼节。

    I know to offer a guest tea is a Chinese traditional courtesy .

  3. 学者们敬茶,是因为茶有治疗多种病痛的疗效;

    Scholars hailed the brew as a cure for a variety of ailments ;

  4. 在加利福尼亚州的雷丁,汤姆和莉娅的婚礼上,迎宾和敬茶仪式。

    Guest arrival and tea ceremony from Tom and Leah 's Wedding in Redding , California .

  5. 敬茶、酒、烟时,要双手奉上,手指不能放进碗口。

    To present tea , alcohol , tobacco , to offer his hands , fingers can not put into the bowl edge .

  6. 在敬茶时除了论资排辈,按步就方之外,还得先敬客人来宾然后自家人。

    In addition to seniority when Jing Cha , step-by-step on the side , the guests have to respect first and then the guests Zijia Ren .

  7. 依据保守,新娘应该向新郎的双亲敬茶,但希尔和林决定互敬对方的双亲,表示团结和睦。

    Though traditionally , the bride serves the groom 's parents , Hill and Lin , who lives in Queens , agreed to serve each other 's parents as a sign of unity .

  8. 在成亲之日表示对长辈的谢意:在传统的中国婚礼仪式中,新娘和新郎都要跪在自己的父母面前为他们敬茶。

    To express thanks to your elders on one 's wedding day : At the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony , both the bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and serve them tea .

  9. 在许多特殊场合上要进行泡茶和饮茶,作为一种礼貌的表示,在中国社会中,晚辈经常通过敬茶来表示对长辈的尊敬。

    There are several special circumstances in which tea is prepared and consumed.To show respect ; In Chinese society , the younger generation always shows its respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea .

  10. 方丈给老人敬过茶,说道:“老师傅,这修塔的难处你也看到了,你能不能给出个主意,想个办法?”

    Respect for the elderly abbot had tea , said : " Grandfather , the repair of the tower you can see the difficulties , can you give an idea , Come up with a way ?"