首页 / 词典 / good

  • respect;esteem;offer politely
  • respectfully
  • 尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。

  • 表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。

  • 有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。

  • 谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。

  • 姓。


(尊敬) respect; esteem:

  • 致敬

    pay one's respects; salute;

  • 尊敬

    respect; esteem; honour


(有礼貌地送上) offer politely:

  • 敬茶

    serve tea;

  • 敬烟

    offer a cigarette;

  • 敬你一杯 !

    To your health!


(恭敬) respectfully:

  • 敬候光临

    respectfully await your presence


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 敬晖

    Jing Hui

  1. 这个讯息就是和平、团结、互爱与互敬。

    The message was peace , unity , love and respect .

  2. 第三,表敬词素具备统一性;

    Third , unity exists in the morpheme of expressing respect ;

  3. 他否认曾口出对女性不敬的污言秽语。

    He denies making off-color remarks about women .

  4. 他相信他的记录会说明一切,并不理会那些对他不敬的人。

    He believes that his records speak for themselves and ignores those who diss him .

  5. 我对约翰·贝克绝无不敬之意,但自他离开后俱乐部气氛的确更活跃了。

    No disrespect to John Beck , but the club has been happier since he left .

  6. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。

    A happy marriage depends largely on give-and-take .

  7. 来示敬悉。

    Your letter has been received . ; Yours to hand .

  8. 敬希读者指正。

    It is hoped that the readers will kindly point out our errors .

  9. 敬[恳]请莅临视察。

    Inspection is respectfully [ cordially ] invited .

  10. 敬祈指导。

    We respectfully request your guidance .

  11. 来函敬悉。

    Your letter has come to hand . ; This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter .

  12. 敬你一杯!

    To your health !

  13. 内子嘱笔敬问嫂夫人好。

    My wife has asked me to send regards to yours .

  14. 他的人品令大家敬羡。

    His outstanding character is respected by everyone of us .

  15. 敬候佳音。

    We are waiting to hear the good news .

  16. 敬祈恩准。

    Looking forward to your approval .

  17. 此信确认鞠女士于2008年9月2日至2012年10月14日在ABC贸易公司担任销售经理一职。3.敬启者:

    I am writing to confirm that Miss Ju was employed as a Sales Manager by ABC Trading from 2nd September 2008 to 14th October 2012 .

  18. 在斯里兰卡,对佛像和佛教文物不敬是绝对的禁忌。

    Mistreatment of Buddhist15 images and artefacts is strictly16 taboo17 in Sri Lanka .

  19. 他的话表现出对宗教的不敬。

    His remarks show impiety to religion .

  20. 马克·吐温说过,不敬若不是自由唯一的捍卫者,也会是它的拥护者。

    Mark Twain said irreverence is the champion of liberty , if not its only defender .

  21. 水手们很不敬地破口大骂

    The sailors were cursing blasphemously .

  22. 中尉很严厉地对那个士兵说:“你没有向我敬礼,因此你要马上敬100个礼。”

    The lieutenant said sternly , " You did not salute me . For this you must immediately salute one hundred times . "

  23. 在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。

    In Chinese culture it 's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected . An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent .

  24. 自拍时,你会背向佛像,这被视为不敬,因此你不能在佛像前自拍。

    And when you are taking a selfie , you stand with your back turned to Buddha , which is considered disrespectful , so you shouldn ’ t take selfies in front of it .

  25. 原文范例翻译范例敬启者:透过我们在台湾的朋友,我方了解到贵公司为台湾CD播放机主要的生产及输出公司。

    Dear Sirs , It has come to our attention through our Chinese friends in Taiwan that you are one of the foremost manufacturers and exporters of CD players in Taiwan .

  26. Nigger(意为黑鬼):这是一个禁忌语,而且是对黑人一种十分不敬的称谓。

    Nigger : A taboo and very offensive word to call a black person .

  27. 敬SophieFisher是她帮助我重回Knott的浆果农场。

    To Sophie Fisher , the woman who paved my way back to Knott 's Berry Farm .

  28. “dis”谁就是对谁表示不敬〔“dis”取自disrespect(不敬)一词的第一个音节,将其作为动词使用〕。

    To dis someone means to show him disrespect ( the first syllable of the word " disrespect " has been split off and turned into a verb ) .

  29. 而在之后的两年多时间内,她继续发布了一些内容,其风格的强烈、内容的真实和存在深远更十倍于之前的那则文笔狡黠不敬的发言。《美丽小东西:DearSugar对爱与人生的建议》

    But in the two-some years that followed , she proceeded to deliver something tenfold punchier , more honest , more existentially profound than even such an intelligently irreverent promise could foretell . Collected in Tiny Beautiful Things : Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar ( public library )

  30. 弟子敬行送我一方红玛瑙印石。

    Disciple Jing Xing offered me a red agate seal stone .