
  1. 秦文君的小说创作在中国儿童文学领域极有影响。

    Qin Wenjuns novel writing plays an important part in chinas children literature field .

  2. 儿童文学是最美的事业&解读秦文君的儿童文学观

    Children 's Literature is the Most Beautiful Career

  3. 报告结束后,同学门纷纷拿出自己读过的、秦文君的书请作家签名。

    After the talk , Miss Qin signed her name on the books the students gave her .

  4. 这是秦文君的小说关注儿童情感需要的内在因素。

    This is the Qin Wenjun novel pays attention to the intrinsic factor which the child emotion needs .

  5. 对于成长小说而言,秦文君无疑是一个非常重要的名字。

    For the " Initiation stories " is concerned , Qin Wenjun is undoubtedly a very important name .

  6. 秦文君在叙事的方式上也力求与传统成长小说相区别,表现出独特的艺术特色。

    Qin Wenjun also in the way the narrative seeks to distinguish the traditional Bildungsroman , showing the unique artistic features .

  7. 秦文君成长小说的审美意蕴一方面使得作品充满了乐趣和正面的鼓励性意味,但同时也令作品流于表面。

    Qin Wenjun " Initiation stories " aesthetic implication on the one hand makes the work fun and encouraging positive means , but also that works superficial .